Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 423: I, Princess, Just Want To Bully You

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The skeleton general launched another attack, its eyes flickering with red flames as it unleashed two pillars of fiery red light, sweeping towards Yaeger's direction.

Even before the attack reached them, the intense heat emanating from it was already terrifying. Just being struck by it would result in instant vaporization. The potential damage was unimaginable.

However, Yaeger was not foolish enough to let herself or her companions be hit by such an attack. She swiftly activated her skill, "[Sphere]," creating a protective barrier that encompassed everyone just in time.

As the pillars of flames arrived, they collided with the sphere. The tremendous force and scorching heat immediately distorted the barrier, showcasing the immense power behind the attack.

Nevertheless, Yaeger's defense remained unbroken as she successfully blocked the attack. It appeared surprisingly effortless on her part.

However, in response to being challenged, the skeleton general let out a furious screech. Its bones began to emit a glowing light, and a green halo materialized beneath its feet.

But the situation was far from over. In a flash of red light, another halo, this time red in color, manifested alongside the green one.

"[Speed Halo] and [Decay Halo], huh?" Yaeger spoke with a calm demeanor, analyzing the situation.

The [Speed Halo] would undoubtedly increase the skeleton general's attack speed, while the [Decay Halo] posed a threat with its negative effects on anyone within range.

"It's a formidable adversary to contend with," Alicia remarked, expressing the difficulty of the situation.

"It's massive, fast, and powerful. It's too strong!" Yunuen tightened her grip on her staff, voicing her concerns.

"It appears to surpass the strength of the Swift Black Dragon," Little Fairy added, uncertainty lacing her words.

"I would estimate it to be the equivalent of one and a half Swift Black Dragons," Yaeger concluded, providing a rough estimation.

The revelation left everyone stunned, realizing the true extent of their opponent's strength. They silently acknowledged that they were facing an incredibly tough opponent.

"Yunuen, remain at a safe distance and concentrate on removing our negative effects. Little Fairy, take the left flank and divert its attention. Alicia, position yourself on the right flank and strike when the opportune moment arises," Yaeger instructed with a composed demeanor.

As the skeleton general closed in rapidly, Yaeger kept a calm composure was and her inner state mirrored the same tranquility.

The presence of a skeleton general was inconsequential in the face of Yaeger's current strength. She didn't engage in solo combat with it to showcase her prowess, but rather to foster the team's coordination and facilitate their rapid growth.

The arrival of the skeleton general was accompanied by its piercing scream. The [Decay Halo] immediately took effect, gradually diminishing everyone's Strength, Mana, Health Points, and Mentality. Although the initial impact was mild, the longer they were exposed to these negative effects, the more dire their situation would become, eventually leading to their demise at the hands of the skeleton general.

Yunuen refrained from immediately removing the abnormal status. Her powerful [High-grade Spirit Cleanse] required a significant amount of Mana and could only be used sparingly in battle, and The timing wasn't ideal for it yet.

The skeleton general seized the opportunity and launched a forceful strike with its skeletal fists. Yaeger swiftly deactivated her defensive barrier, opting not to confront the attack directly. With everyone dispersing, only Yaeger remained stationary, fixated on the colossal fists hurtling towards her.

"Upon reaching Level thirty, all Basic Skills will be unlocked. There are only two avenues for players to acquire new skills. One is to learn them from skill books and install them into their three available skill slots. The other is to create new skills from scratch. The former is quite challenging, while the latter is no easy task either. It requires a certain level of talent and relentless effort," Yaeger calmly muttered to herself as the bone fists descended rapidly.

Her words poured out in a rapid stream, almost unintelligible to anyone listening. Yet, strangely, everyone except Alicia managed to hear her. Even those like Nangong and the others who watched the broadcast from outside the battle were able to catch her words.

"In this game, Level thirty is just the starting point," Yaeger calmly declared as the bone fist neared her head. Instead of evading, she merely sidestepped while maintaining eye contact with the skeleton, gripping [Sunscorch] firmly in her hands.

In an instant, a burst of verdant light erupted from her, and ethereal wings formed from swirling winds unfurled behind her back.

"Have you ever witnessed a sword technique capable of cleaving open a waterfall?"

With a resolute stomp of her right foot, a tremendous shockwave emanated from Yaeger's body, rippling outward in a tangible display of power.

Swiftly, like a launched cannonball, she propelled herself into the air, wielding [Sunscorch] in an upward swing.

In a dazzling explosion of red light, a towering pillar of flames erupted from beneath her, crackling with intense energy.


As swiftly as it appeared, the pillar vanished, leaving behind a startling sight. The skeletal general's fist had miraculously shattered, splitting apart in a perfectly straight line from bottom to top.


In the wake of this astonishing display, flames surged forth from the fracture, severing the right arm of the skeleton general in a blazing eruption.

The onlookers were left utterly stupefied, their jaws dropping in awe at the unbelievable spectacle before them.

‘Wasn't that too easy?'

‘She can finish the fight all by herself!'

Such thoughts swirled through the minds of everyone present.

Yet, in a twist of fate, a miraculous sight unfolded before their eyes.

The skeletal general's arm, which should have been reduced to ruins, regenerated before them with an eerie and seamless restoration. It was as if the damage inflicted by Yaeger's attack had never occurred.

Not a trace of the scars remained, showcasing a perfect and effortless recovery.

"Huhuhuhu~" The cute figure stood at a distance, resting her hands on her waist, and emitted an adorable chuckle. However, her laughter abruptly ceased.

"Get down on the ground!" Yaeger's palm extended from above, descending upon the skeleton's skull with incredible force. The semi-transparent giant palm collided with its target, sending it crashing to the ground with a resounding thud.

It became evident that Yaeger's previous attack had served as a diversion. Her true intention was to exploit the advantage of her elevated position and strike the skeleton general from above.

At this moment, Yunuen and the others regained their composure and joined in the assault on the skeleton, which lay embedded in the dark soil. The ensuing barrage of attacks caused the entire vicinity to tremble violently.

"Hmph!" The cute figure emitted a dissatisfied sound as she witnessed the relentless bullying of the skeleton general. However, she refrained from taking any further action. Not out of refusal, but rather due to her limitations.

After enduring a relentless assault, the skeleton general struggled to rise and unleash its fury. Yet, Yaeger swiftly severed its legs, causing it to tumble once again. Without hesitation, Yunuen and the others resumed their attack.

After repeating the same pattern numerous times, only a mere fraction of the skeleton general's health remained. Yaeger realized that continuing in this manner wouldn't provide effective training for the team, so she devised a plan to provoke it into action once more. She intended to exploit its vulnerabilities and expose its weaknesses like the hapless entity it was—a mere tragic corpse.

While Yaeger took on the role of restraining the skeleton general, Yunuen and the others found themselves in perilous situations several times throughout the remainder of the battle. However, they managed to emerge unscathed, thanks to their teamwork and Yaeger's strategic guidance.

Time swiftly passed, and after fifteen minutes, a resounding boom echoed through the air. The skeleton general collapsed to the ground, its bones scattered around. The once-fiery red flames in its eyes slowly faded away. Yaeger and her companions emerged victorious—or rather, their training had come to an end.

"Hmph! %&…! *&#…! *$%!" Observing the scene unfold, the adorable figure in the distance couldn't contain her frustration and began flailing her fists in the air. It was as if she was scolding the skeleton general for its defeat. After a few moments, she regained her composure and lightly tapped the empty space with her fingers.

A faint energy gathered and took the shape of various images. These images consisted of recordings from this maze and others, showcasing groups of adventurers, black-armored soldiers, and players gathered outside a particular maze. A sinister grin formed on her face as her gaze turned ominous.

Meanwhile, Yaeger and her companions vanished in a shimmering white light.

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