Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 422: Ah, It's A Lovely Bone~

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In a hotel suite somewhere in real life, Vera 17 sat at a sparsely decorated desk and relentlessly tapped away at her keyboard. She focused intently on the screen, which displayed the numerous changes she had made over the course of several hours. Though fatigue weighed heavily on her body and mind, she maintained a sly grin.

"Shehehe, I'll catch you soon!" Vera 17 exclaimed gleefully.

After hours of intense work, she had successfully limited Yaeger's movement range. It was only a matter of time before she restricted it even further. The prospect of forcing that damned princess to fight against three Pinnacle powerhouses filled Vera with excitement, causing her to break into a giggling fit.

At the entrance of a maze in the game, six soldiers clad in black armor stood guard while twenty adventurers and ten players approached one after another. They had all conquered various mazes, including illusions, traps, and normal ones. Those who successfully conquered the maze were all believed to be blessed with luck and strength.

"Has the target appeared?" The captain of the operation, Omega, asked in a calm tone. He was a tall and imposing man, considered the strongest among the Warriors of the Direct army. He could even hold his own against a Jade-ranked Magic Beast.

"Yes. I asked some adventurers, and they saw the targets together with the Empire's scourge," replied one of the soldiers.

"The Empire's scourge?" Omega frowned. "You mean the outsider associated with the Seventh Princess?"

He was referring to Kastina and her accomplice.

"Yes. Those adventurers were scared out of their wits," one of the soldiers replied.

"What cowards. Why would they be afraid of a mere troublemaker?" Omega scoffed.

In his opinion, Kastina would have been dead long ago if she wasn't a member of the Royal family. The outsider was causing trouble just because she had a bit of strength, but she wasn't any better than Kastina.

"Does she think she's invincible because she defeated the traitor Yasa? Laughable!" Omega added.

The Direct army's lower-ranked warriors were carefully selected elites from within the Empire. Individually, even Yasa in his normal state was weaker than them. However, Yasa had the advantage of youth and untapped potential. His future accomplishments were likely to exceed theirs. These warriors were mostly in their thirties or approaching it, and their potential had already been realized. At best, they would reach the Jade rank. But many prodigies would perish before reaching their prime, making it pointless to consider their future potential. A prodigy who died was nothing more than a pile of bones.

"Locate the target and eliminate them, using the most brutal methods available. Make sure she understands the consequences of her arrogance before she dies," commanded Omega with arrogance.

"Understood!" responded the five soldiers in unison.

Rumble rumble rumble!

At this time, the black forest maze was in a state of chaos as powerful explosions shook the area. Shattered bones and black debris scattered everywhere as if it was being carpet bombed, leaving a horrible sight.

Rather than conquering the maze, it seemed like they were in the process of destroying it completely. Yaeger kept swinging her weapon, [Sunscorch], and flames erupted from it, destroying everything in its path.

Yaeger had a strong aversion to losing, and if she had come alone, she would have undoubtedly experienced a significant defeat. Protecting someone else while fighting was a whole different ball game from fighting solo. No matter how small the loss was, it still infuriated her. So, she took out her frustration by unleashing her ferocious attacks, destroying everything in her path with the help of [Sunscorch].

Meanwhile, a small blue figure watched the destruction of the black forest maze from afar, puffing up its cheeks in anger at the sight.

"Hmph! %&#! $&@%!"

It couldn't help but mutter curses under its breath, feeling an overwhelming sense of dread grow within it. The more it watched Yaeger unleash her unholy power, the more the fear took root in its heart and grew into an overpowering terror. It knew that she had to be eliminated, and her terrifying strength extinguished before it was too late.

"%$… %&… &……$*#!" The small figure uttered unintelligible sounds before the ground around Yaeger began to violently tremble, akin to an earthquake of magnitude 10.

"Something is coming!" Yeager warned, plunging her sword into the ground.

"It seems like a huge creature," Alicia said, struggling to keep her balance.

Yunuen and Little Fairy exchanged a serious look while supporting each other.

Suddenly, the earth split open with a deafening rumble. A gigantic bone hand emerged from the fissure and smashed onto the ground. In an instant, the fissure widened into a deep abyss, and a colossal skeleton emerged from within.

Yaeger tightened her grip on [Sunscorch] as her eyes widened at the sight of the massive skeleton emerging from the ground. "So big. This is a giant's skeleton, right?" she asked, seeking confirmation from Alicia.

Alicia nodded. "Yes, it is."

"It looks so scary," Yunuen whimpered, her neck shrinking in fear.

"Is this the boss?" Little Fairy asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Yaeger nodded. "Without a doubt," she said firmly.

The giant skeleton let out a strange roar and flames burned in its eyes as it lowered its head to stare at Yaeger. "Spread out!" Yaeger commanded, raising her hand to signal her companions to take positions.

Yunuen and the rest quickly dispersed as soon as they saw the giant skeleton attack. Having fought together for a while, they had developed multiple combat strategies and coordinated well, allowing them to react swiftly. The massive skeleton responded by charging forward and attempting to smash Yaeger with its clenched fists. Despite its speed, it was no match for Yaeger's agility. She jumped out of harm's way in a flash, like an arrow released from a bowstring, and swung her sword, [Sunscorch].

Yaeger activated her skill "[Thousand Waves]", causing waves of sword energy to stack up and surge towards the giant skeleton like a violent wave. The sound of waves was heard as the flame in the huge skeleton's eyes became brighter. It suddenly opened its mouth and let out an incredibly strange roar, nullifying Yaeger's attack with a powerful shockwave.

It was at this moment that everyone finally saw the skeleton's information.

Name: Skeleton General (Bronze Boss)

Race: Undead

Level: 40

Health: ???

Mana: ???

Attack Power: 3,000

Defense: 4,000

Special Ability: [Thorns] [Speed Halo] [Plague] [Darkness] [Decay Halo]

Upon reading the skeleton general's information, everyone's expressions turned sour.

"What a tough bone," Yaeger said, her feelings complicated.

This was the first time they were facing an enemy with 4,000 Defense. Not only that, the skeleton general had five special abilities. In every aspect, this was a challenging opponent.

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