Rebirth of the Ruined Noble

Chapter 83 Amidst The Chaos(1)

In the dimly lit laboratory, with a tube filled with green liquid containing the pulsating of red flesh placed at the center, a man sat upon a stone throne, starkly contrasting the advanced equipment that surrounded him.

His face was hidden behind a mask, enhancing the mysterious aura surrounding him. His distinctive red mask boasted two black horns protruding from its crown, and it was void of any emotion. The masked man had his eyes closed, hinting at the deep contemplation of matters of great significance.

Meanwhile, researchers in red coats moved about with a sense of purpose, engrossed in their individual tasks. It was evident that the number of bodies stored in the tubes had increased since the last time, indicating progress in their unsettling experiments.

Soon, the man on the stone throne opened his eyes and turned to his subordinate, who stood with hands held high, seemingly entranced by distant visions.

The man in daze was also wearing a mask, but instead of an expressionless one like the man on throne, his mask was displaying the expression of sadness.

"How is the situation?"

The masked man's voice pierced the air, carrying an eerie and deathly tone as he inquired about the situation at hand. The subordinate took a moment to respond, his movements peculiar and otherworldly.

"For now, everything is proceeding well," the subordinate began, moving his hands in a peculiar manner as his eyeball rolled back and forth before once again disappearing behind his eyelids.

"The monsters have been unleashed within the halls of the royal museum, and the rebel army has successfully infiltrated the premises."

He paused for a moment before continuing, a hint of mockery creeping into his voice. "Some individuals have succumbed to their own greed. They are busy stealing the relics and weapons while the royal soldiers risk their lives in battle."

The masked man, unperturbed by the report about the mortals' predictable actions, remarked, "As expected of mere mortals, unable to rise above their insatiable greed. Is there anything else to report?"

His voice remained calm and composed, contrasting with the unsettling nature of the scene.

The subordinate with a sad mask hesitated briefly before speaking once more, his hands still moving strangely in the air and his eyes rolled back in their sockets.

"The Instructor from the Freljord academy…..Lloyd...He is impeding the monsters' advance, along with the students," he revealed.

The masked man maintained his composure and went silent for a second before he issued his instructions.

"....Nothing changes then. Urge Esmerald to complete her task as swiftly as possible."

Acknowledging the order, the man with a sad mask affirmed, "I will see to it."

And at that very moment, within the royal palace, a housefly landed on Esmerald's nose.


Esmerald's gaze fixated on the housefly which perched delicately on her nose, causing her to halt abruptly.

The Housefly sat on Emserald's nose for a few seconds, ignoring her gaze.

Matsya and Zale, noticing Emseral's sudden pause, stopped in their tracks and turned back, curiosity etched on their faces.

But what they missed to notice was the fact that the housefly, after performing some action with its almost invisible hands, flew off from Esmerald's nose.

"What's the matter?" Matsya inquired, puzzled by Esmerald's unusual behavior.

After a moment of silence, Esmerald spoke in her characteristic emotionless tone.

"We shall part ways here," she declared, her words devoid of any sentiment.

With a purposeful stride, Esmerald turned towards the direction of the relics gallery, where hidden visitors sought refuge from the monsters and the ancient relics of the Mauryan empire were stored.

Matsya and Zale exchanged glances, momentarily taken aback by Esmerald's detachment, before resuming their mission and turning away.

"What's gotten into her?" Matsya pondered aloud, directing her question to the commander of the sixth unit.

"I don't know; she was a peculiar girl," Zale responded, reaching for the weapon holstered at his waist.

Matsya, gripping her trusted red-handled spear, agreed with a nod. "Indeed."

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Following closely behind, the men accompanying them unsheathed their respective weapons, preparing for the imminent confrontation.

"Let's finish our job and leave this place as soon as possible."

The reinforcements from the royal palace would likely be on their way, and failure to accomplish their objective and evacuate before their arrival would spell their doom.

Now, time was of the essence as they found themselves in a race against the clock.


Eren's eyes fixated on the unfolding chaos as the purblind attacks left a trail of injured visitors and tragic loss of life.

As he watched the lifeless bodies and the trail of blood running to his feets, a sense of responsibility tugged at his heart, leading him to question his choices.

Could disclosing the impending rebel attack have prevented this devastating outcome? Had he succumbed to his own greed, leading him down an unacceptable path? Would the gods ever forgive him for the choices he had made?

Questions like these gnawed at Eren's conscience, as conflicting emotions waged war within him. The weight of his actions and their consequences had taken a toll, leaving him questioning the righteousness of his motives.

Once consumed by a burning desire to obtain the weapon, Eren now found himself doubting his own intentions. The allure of power had blinded him to the potential repercussions, and now he grappled with a sense of wrongdoing. The acquisition of the weapon, once a triumph, now felt tainted, leaving him uncertain if he had made the right choice.

While there were no guarantees that disclosing the rebel attack would have altered the course of events, Eren couldn't shake the feeling of guilt. He considered the possibility that even if he had revealed the truth to the professor or someone in a position of authority, he might have been dismissed as a delusional child. Yet, the unsettling truth lingered in his heart, staining it with an ugliness he had never experienced before.

The weight of responsibility pressed down on him even when knowing that his actions although had no role in the unfolding tragedy.

He thought that the consequences of his greed had unleashed chaos and suffering upon the innocent.

'Will they forgive me?'

The gods, he wondered, would they ever find it in their hearts to forgive him for the choices he had made?

Deep within Eren's soul, a seed of remorse began to sprout. He yearned for redemption, for a chance to make amends and find solace in the forgiveness of others.

He didn't deny his actions nor did he run away from them, Eren carried the weight of his mistakes as a reminder for the choices that he would make in the future.

Although he wasn't completely free of guild, he decided that it was not the time to be caught up in his emotions.

As he resolved himself and shifted his gaze from the dead bodies, he found himself drawn to the scene of rebels parting ways with Esmerald.

And Esmerald seemed to be heading towards the group of visitors seeking shelter behind their protectors.

Caught off guard by their sudden actions, Eren ignored his conflicting emotions, and decided to concentrate on the matters at hand.

"Is she perhaps intends to blend in with them," Eren speculated, considering it the most plausible course of action for Esmerald.

But he wasn't sure. More than that his eyes gazed back and forth between Esmerald and the group of rebels, both of whom were now traversing in different directions.

Caught in a dilemma, Eren contemplated whom he should follow.

On one hand, rebels were advancing toward the soldiers and students from the Freljord academy who valiantly fought against the purblinds. On the other hand, Esmerald was heading towards the concealed visitors. Unable to keep an eye on both groups, Eren made a decision.

He was aware that Esmerald posed minimal threat on her own and he deemed it riskier to leave the rebels unmonitored, as they might ambush the soldiers from behind. Consequently, Eren chose to trail behind the rebels.

"I will intervene if necessary," he resolved. No longer content with being a mere bystander, he tightened his grip on the concealed gun nestled along his thigh. Determined, he followed the group of rebels, prepared to take action when the time demanded it.


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(Mass Release Alert: Five chapters will be released on Sunday - 23/07/23 as a part of my apology to the readers regarding the delay in the chapters due to my exams, enjoy!)

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