283rd year in the calendar of Chronos, approximately 17 years ago, marked a time of serenity in the southern regions of the Mauryan Empire, where the Frontera Household resided.

Led by a benevolent lord, the Fronteras were a family of barons who enjoyed a peaceful existence. The lord, known for his kindness, was accompanied by his beautiful wife and their two children—a spirited elder girl and an innocent young boy. Together, they reveled the simplicity of their daily lives.

The Frontera Barony boasted a breathtaking expanse of fertile land, as if the god of agriculture himself had blessed the domain with his divinity. Standing amidst this captivating terrain, one's gaze would be captivated by the panoramic beauty that unfolds in every direction. Lush greenery formed a blanket over the land, stretching as far as the eye can see, creating a haven of vibrant life.

Rolling hills and expansive meadows graced the landscape, their gentle slopes adding a rhythmic elegance to the scenery. The soil beneath one's feet was dark and fertile loam, teeming with nutrients that act as the lifeblood of this thriving barony.

The tapestry of colorful crops and flourishing vegetation adorned the fertile land. Fields of golden wheat swayed gracefully in the breeze, their slender stalks shimmering like waves in an ocean of grain. Orchards, laden with a myriad of fruits, dotted the landscape, their branches bending under the weight of succulent treasures.

Majestic trees stood tall and proud, forming natural sanctuaries of shade and respite. Their branches extend skyward, creating a lush canopy that offers solace to both weary travelers and a variety of creatures that call this land home. The melodious songs of birds fill the air, a harmonious chorus that celebrates the abundance of life within the barony.

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Crystal-clear streams and babbling brooks meander through the land, their waters sparkling like liquid jewels under the sun's warm caress. They traversed the fertile soil, nourishing the surrounding flora and fauna, and providing a tranquil backdrop to the symphony of nature. The gentle murmur of water over rocks and pebbles added a soothing rhythm to the ambiance, inviting one to pause and revel in the serenity.

The lord of Frontera dedicated his time to touring the territory, diligently tending to the needs of the citizens. Meanwhile, his wife, skilled in the culinary arts, prepared healthy and delectable meals for their family, assisted by a team of devoted servants.

The fertile land of the Frontera Barony and its harmonious ecosystem maintained the nature's balance.

As the sun casts its golden glow upon this bountiful domain, the Frontera Barony becomes a stage for the enchanting symphony of life. It is a place where the land's fertility nourishes not only the body but also the spirit.

As the orange shade of evening cast upon the land, the Bees would buzz busily from flower to flower, pollinating with purpose, while butterflies would flutter gracefully, their vibrant wings adding strokes of color to the air. Squirrels scurry about, gathering nuts and seeds, while the cows and sheep's would graze peacefully in meadows lush with grasses and wildflowers.

In such evenings, the family of Fronteras would come together, relishing each other's company while watching their children play and basking in the joy of their harmonious existence. Life had never been better for the Fronteras.

However, their idyllic world was soon to be shattered by the arrival of an unexpected visitor on one such evenings.

Prince Kaiser, the seventh prince of the Mauryan Empire at that time, made his way to their tranquil barony, leaving an indelible mark on their lives. Among those affected was young Llyod, who timidly sought refuge behind his mother, his innocent eyes fixated on the prince's every move as his father led the prince inside their humble household.

Sipping the tea made by the lady, Prince Kaiser and Baron Frontera conversed, uninterrupted by the terrified eyes of young Llyod.

In a commanding tone, Prince Kaiser demanded, "Join my side, Baron Frontera."

The kind-hearted baron, who had always treated the prince with utmost respect, remained respectful in his response, "Your Highness, please forgive me. I believe I made my stance clear when I sent a reply to your message."

Undeterred, Prince Kaiser explained his motive for the personal visit. "That is precisely why I have come here, Baron. You are far too exceptional to remain secluded in the countryside. Join me, and I promise to bestow upon you the distinguished title of Marquess."

Being a Marquess means having power Third only to the Emperor. To some, this offer might have been tempting, causing a furrowed brow and contemplation. However, Baron Frontera remained steadfast in his convictions. "My prince, I am content with my current life, and I desire nothing more."

Enraged by the baron's refusal, the prince resorted to mockery. "You have sworn your loyalty to the royals, and now you seek to evade your responsibilities?"

A surge of power emanated from the baron, an aura reminiscent of an 8-star knight. It overwhelmed the young prince for a fleeting moment before dissipating like a phantom illusion.

"Baron Frontera, you dare?!" Leopald Rozental, the man standing beside the prince, could not contain his outrage at the baron's open display of hostility.

Prince Kaiser, however, raised his hand, demanding silence from his companion. He regarded the baron, who had shed his humble facade, with a glint of curiosity in his eyes.

"It seems you have misunderstood me, my prince."

Rising from his seat, Baron Frontera confronted the prince with an icy resolve. "I have sworn my loyalty to the throne, not to the royal family. And no one questions the loyalty of a Frontera."

His cold gaze pierced through the young prince, leaving an unsettling silence in its wake. Beads of sweat trickled down the prince's forehead as he, stunned, stood up and turned to leave.

However, before he departing, he issued a chilling warning, "You will regret this, Baron Frontera."

But despite his warning nothing actually transpired in the peaceful barony. And after the incident, neither the prince nor anyone else from the royal family made any further contact with the Frontera family.

The same year the civil war raged within the Mauryan Empire and wars and deaths ensued, however Lord Frontera remained resolute in his commitment to his family and citizens. His sole purpose was to shield them from harm.

However, in his unwavering dedication to protect those dear to him, Baron Frontera inadvertently neglected to safeguard himself.

As fate would have it, later that year, the former emperor of the Mauryan Empire succumbed to a sudden decline in health. Prince Kaiser, having emerged victorious in the fierce contest for the throne against his siblings, ascended to power as the new king.

Merely a month after his coronation, a cataclysmic event unfolded within the royal capital. A malevolent force summoned a high-level demon that wrought havoc and devastation upon the city and its inhabitants.

Coincidentally, Baron Frontera found himself present in the capital during this calamitous event. Suspicion fell upon him as evidence emerged, linking him to the summoning of the demon. Dragged before the royal court, the baron pleaded his innocence, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. The court, disregarding his defense, pronounced him guilty of treason.

In the heart of the royal capital, before the watchful eyes of the citizens, Baron Frontera met his tragic end. With a branded mark of a traitor upon his head, he was beheaded as a public display of punishment.

His final words echoed through the crowd, "The loyalty of the Frontera to the throne ends here. Whatever befalls you is of your own making."

The young Llyod along with his mother and sister, watched his dear father's head rolling in the ground.

The gruesome scene of Baron Frontera's execution would forever be etched in the memories of his grieving family. The once-esteemed name of Frontera now bore the weight of being branded as traitors and it didn't take much time for the house hold to decline.

Scorned by the society and people, the lady of the Frontera family along with her daughter gave their necks to the noose, leaving behind the young Llyod as the only live member of the Frontera family.

Maybe if he hadn't met Jishuka Von Cyprus on that day, then the current Llyod would have not been the same.

What ever had happened, there was one thing one thing was hidden amidst the annals of history, the truth behind the summoning of the demon and the preparator for it.

To this day, Llyod is searching for the preparator, desperately holding back his anger and resentment.


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