Chapter 427

On the other hand, Team Leader Choi Min-hee hesitated to answer, even though she had agreed beforehand.

“Actually, I’m not very interested, but I’ll follow your wishes, Director.”

“Let’s do that.”

She finally agreed, and the other two team leaders nodded along.

Then, Yoo-hyun raised his hand and answered.

“I guess I have no choice but to do it. But I have a condition.”

“A condition?”

Yoo-hyun replied in a rather serious tone to Director Kim Hyun-min’s question.

“You know very well that setting up and supporting the exhibition is a very hard and tedious task. I hope you can assign some staff from each team to support the person in charge.”

Director Kim Hyun-min chuckled at his words.

-Director, I’ll do the exhibition support. If we don’t set this up in advance, it will be hard to coordinate traffic for each team later.

He had clearly said he would do it himself, but now he was backing out and pushing conditions.

It was absurd, but he was so used to this situation that Director Kim Hyun-min naturally went along.

“That’s right. If you want to do it properly, that’s what you need. Team leaders, can you support him?”

“To set up and support the exhibition, we need at least an assistant manager level staff, but we don’t have any available staff in our team right now. It’s already tight to deal with the development department and customer response within the schedule.”

Team Leader Lee Bon-seok uttered weakly, and Yoo-hyun accepted it as if he had expected it.

“Then, a staff level is fine too.”

“A staff level?”

“Yes. Please support TV team’s Jung Saet-byul, IT team’s Yang Yoon-soo, and Mobile team’s Jang Jun-sik. I’ll take responsibility and operate them.”


There was no one who would object to him volunteering for a hard task.

They all kept silent and just looked at each other.

On the other hand, the three people who were named were very excited.

Finally, Director Kim Hyun-min entrusted the hastily formed exhibition staffs.

“It won’t be easy to work. But if you work hard, your seniors and team will be more comfortable. I’m counting on you.”

“Yes. We understand.”

A voice with tight tension, a voice with great excitement, and a voice with clanging sound echoed loudly in the meeting room.

Director Kim Hyun-min smiled at the sight.

“This should be enough to worry about.”

“Of course. They are the best in passion.”

Yoo-hyun smiled brightly and boosted their morale.

They were young friends, so their shoulders rose quickly.

After the whole meeting was over, Yoo-hyun was sitting in a coffee shop on the first floor.

There were two more people besides the two who always followed him at the table: Yang Yoon-soo and Jung Saet-byul.

Assistant Manager Kwon Se-jung sat next to Yoo-hyun and asked him incredulously.

“Why did you suddenly take charge of the exhibition? You don’t have to do it yourself.”

“Why? It’s a bothersome task. Someone has to do it.”

“No, that doesn’t suit your style… Ah. Never mind.”

Assistant Manager Kwon Se-jung closed his mouth in front of three pairs of bright eyes that followed him.

Yang Yoon-soo, who sat across from him, sparkled his eyes and said.

“Assistant Manager Han, thank you so much for stepping up for us. I will never forget this feeling and follow you to the end. And…”

“Yoon-soo, just one verse.”

Yoo-hyun cut off his flattering remark, and this time Jung Saet-byul answered loudly.

“It’s true. I’ve only done what others dropped before, but this is the first time I’ve stepped up from the start. And getting attention too.”

“Do you know what you’re in charge of now, Saet-byul?”

She answered cheerfully to Assistant Manager Kwon Se-jung’s question.

“Yes. It’s introducing our awesome panels to the customers. I’ve even introduced them in English before. Do you want to see?”


Supporting the exhibition was something anyone could do with an active personality and passion, but this task was different.

He had to take care of everything from setting up to supporting the exhibition, as well as controlling the products that were in development stage to match the exhibition concept.

It was not something that a staff level could easily do.

He felt like he had something terribly wrong with him, and Assistant Manager Kwon Se-jung glanced at Yoo-hyun.

And he whispered to his colleague who always had a calm expression.

“What are you up to? Are you really trying to help your juniors?”

It was natural to be curious, but Yoo-hyun couldn’t tell him the real reason.

It contained personal information.

Instead, he revealed a bit of truth.

“Yes. There might be a chance to support a big exhibition. If we prepare now, these three people will also get a lot of recognition.”

“Well, that might be possible.”

Assistant Manager Kwon Se-jung was not convinced, but he couldn’t argue.

He turned his body and asked something else.

“But when did you start following Yoo-hyun like this, Yoon-soo and Saet-byul? You didn’t know each other well until the day before yesterday.”

Yang Yoon-soo answered, wiping the water around Yoo-hyun’s cup.

“I was very grateful to Assistant Manager Han for helping me grill the salted pork skewers. I was touched by the assistant manager’s gesture of caring for his juniors to stand out.”

He felt it every time he saw him, but his flattering remark was really like a gem.

Assistant Manager Kwon Se-jung was about to be surprised, but Jung Saet-byul added an answer.

“I also got a lot of compliments for making cocktails thanks to Assistant Manager Han.”

“Salted pork skewers and cocktails.”

Assistant Manager Kwon Se-jung blinked his eyes and whispered to Yoo-hyun.

“You did that because you wanted to eat them. Does that make sense?”

“That’s right.”

“Geez. There’s everything.”

Assistant Manager Kwon Se-jung shook his head, and Jung Saet-byul added one more thing.

“Really, everything the other female senior employees said was not wrong at all.”

“What did they say?”

Not only Assistant Manager Kwon Se-jung, but Yoo-hyun was also curious.

Jung Saet-byul answered with her unique innocent voice.

“They said he was handsome, had good manners, and was very good at work. He had a righteous personality that couldn’t stand injustice, had wit, and had a very good athletic sense.”

His face flushed as he listened to the embarrassing words that came out without a break, even though he was immune to all kinds of gilding.

Assistant Manager Kwon Se-jung lost his words.

It should have stopped there, but Jung Saet-byul didn’t care about the surroundings at all.

“Not only that, he was good at fighting, and had a very cool body. Especially the firm muscles that showed through his white shirt…”


Yoo-hyun coughed at the moment he couldn’t stand it.

Yang Yoon-soo quickly reached out and covered Jung Saet-byul’s mouth.

“Saet-byul, that’s enough.”

“Mmph. Why? I heard everything.”

“I know. Let’s do it later. It seems like the deputy has something to say.”


What does he have to say?

It was awkward to just sit there.


Yoo-hyun hid his embarrassed expression and took a sip of his coffee, then nodded at Jang Jun-sik.

“Jun-sik, aren’t you going to the exhibition hall? Isn’t it time?”

“There are still 10 minutes left.”

Jang Jun-sik’s inflexible answer was corrected by Yoo-hyun.

“Go ahead and talk to the exhibition manager.”

“Yes, sir. Then I’ll have Yoon-su and Saet-byul guide me to the exhibition hall.”

“Okay. Take them quickly.”

Jang Jun-sik bowed as he saw Yoo-hyun waving his hand.

“I’ll submit an observation report when I come back.”

Jang Jun-sik was still stubborn and wanted to do more than necessary.

“That’s enough. It’s okay, just chat with them a lot.”

Yang Yoon-su kept flattering even as he moved away.

“Sir, I’ll learn a lot and come back. Thank you for giving me this opportunity.”

“There’s nothing to thank me for. You’re going to suffer.”

Jeong Saet-byul spoke in a loud and carefree voice, ignoring the eyes of others.

“I’ll take a lot of pictures and send them to you. Sir, wait for me.”

“You can’t take pictures there.”

Yoo-hyun felt it as he answered each of them, but all three of them had strong opinions.

This part was summarized by Deputy Kwon Se-jung in one sentence.

“They’re all 4D when they’re together.”

“Haha. That’s true.”

Kwon Se-jung asked Yoo-hyun curiously as he smiled.

“Yoo-hyun, why does Jun-sik take care of those two so much?”

“Why? Can’t Jun-sik take care of his juniors?”

“No, it’s just that they seem a bit off to me.”

From Yang Yoon-su’s flattering remarks to Jeong Saet-byul’s noisy talk.

They were enough to annoy Jang Jun-sik, who valued the basics.

Yet Jang Jun-sik looked comfortable with them.

“I don’t know. Maybe he changed his mind.”

Yoo-hyun didn’t explain this part in detail.

He had already sorted out the relationship between the two juniors and Jang Jun-sik once.

Jang Jun-sik had snapped at his juniors, who seemed a bit rude, and Yoo-hyun had scolded him.

-Jun-sik, if you yell at your juniors for something like this, you’ll be no different from the other seniors who used to point fingers at you. Do you want that?

That one sentence had an impact on Jang Jun-sik.

His eyes changed when he looked at the two juniors since then.

‘I hope Jun-sik grows more with this opportunity.’

Yoo-hyun quietly watched the three of them walk away.

Deputy Kwon Se-jung, who was looking at the same place, suddenly said.

“But it must be fun when those 4D trio hang out together.”

“Yeah. I think I’ll see a lot of amazing sights for a while.”

Yoo-hyun nodded his head with a smile.

That evening.

A high-end beef restaurant located in Hansung Tower’s food alley.

The atmosphere of the dinner was lively and harmonious, reflecting the recent mood of the TF team.

As the alcohol flowed and the stories went back and forth, Jeong Saet-byul, who was intoxicated by the mood, shouted.

“I’ll show you how to properly shake a cocktail.”


She suddenly shook a cocktail shaker in front of the people who blinked their eyes blankly.

Clack clack clack clack clack.


The people laughed and held their stomachs at the absurd sight.

Jeong Saet-byul didn’t care and shook the cocktail shaker up and down, left and right without a break.

Then she got excited and threw the shaker at Yoo-hyun, who was sitting blankly in front of her.


It was because Yoo-hyun had good reflexes that he caught it, otherwise it would have spilled all over the floor.

She gestured innocently at Yoo-hyun, who looked dumbfounded.

“Sir, you did well. Throw it back to me.”

It was such an unexpected sight that no one could predict what would happen next.

“Here. Catch.”

Yoo-hyun spat out a laugh and threw it back, and Jeong Saet-byul spun around on the spot and caught the cocktail shaker.


She immediately threw the cocktail shaker behind her back and caught it in front of her, then showed off a trick of spinning it in the air.

The people watching raised their thumbs.

“Wow. Saet-byul, you’re awesome.”

“I didn’t know you had this side of you. You’re usually so quiet.”

“Did the cocktail have to be shaken so hard?”

It wasn’t like that at all, but the compliments from the people made Jeong Saet-byul even hotter.

“Huff huff.”

She opened the cocktail shaker, sweating profusely, and poured the bubbly liquor into the glasses on the table.

Fizz fizz fizz.

The sight of her filling several glasses in an instant was so extraordinary that the people’s eyes widened.


“That’s not enough to surprise you. I’ll show you something more amazing.”

The more she did, the more excited Jeong Saet-byul became.

How did she manage to suppress such a personality in normal times?

Yoo-hyun thought that the TV team’s restraint was amazing.

As Yoo-hyun admired Jeong Saet-byul, Yang Yoon-su, who was sitting across from him, offered him a big wrap that he had carefully made.

“Sir, please have this.”

“Yoon-su, don’t overdo it. I have hands too.”

“No, sir. Please save your precious hands. I’ll be your hands and feet instead.”

Was he drunk?

He didn’t care about the people around him, and he spouted out some precious flattering words as his face turned red.

This kind of behavior could only arouse envy and jealousy from others.

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