Chapter 426

Although it was not his doing, he had enough qualifications to ask for it.

“If you’re grateful, please support me actively.”

“The vice president already told me. You’ll soon receive a bonus.”

“Thank you. It’s good to be friends with powerful people.”

When Yoo-hyun gave him a hint, Park Doo-sik, the deputy manager, waved his hand awkwardly.

“Hey, you’re getting it because you deserve it. Oh, when are we having a dinner? Today?”

“Are you kidding? People will hate us if we have a dinner on Friday night.”

“Haha. True. Well, do you need anything else?1 I’ll help you with anything.”

Park Doo-sik, who was in a good mood, offered his kindness.

Since Yoo-hyun had something he wanted to ask for anyway, he answered right away.

“Then I won’t refuse and tell you.”

“Haha. You’re still the same.”

“Well, it’s about…”

Park Doo-sik, who was smiling and listening attentively, tilted his head more and more.

He couldn’t understand what Yoo-hyun was saying at all.

A moment later.

After parting with Yoo-hyun, Park Doo-sik returned to his seat and thought.

‘He said he would get a request to support the G20 summit soon?’

What did that mean?

Park Doo-sik searched for the news first.

Economic effects of 20 trillion won, first time in Asia, president’s life and death, etc.

Several keywords caught his eye.


Among them, there was a title that captured his attention.

He didn’t know the exact method of attracting the summit.

He only knew that to win against other countries, he had to show something that others couldn’t do.

The thing that Korea was best at and also good at showing off.

That was display.

Park Doo-sik, who solved the puzzle, still had a question left.

“But what is he going to do by going there? Does he have something special?”

There must be a reason why Yoo-hyun said such a nonsense.

He promised to help him, so Park Doo-sik intended to find out for sure.

Yoo-hyun, who finished meeting with Park Doo-sik, returned to his office.

Maybe because there were many meetings due to the follow-up work, most of the seats were empty.

As Yoo-hyun was about to sit down, a man came running and bowed his waist.

It was Yang Yoon-soo, who had been taking care of Yoo-hyun kindly since they went out to grill skewers together.

“Deputy manager, thank you so much for taking care of me even though you’re busy. I won’t forget your favor.”

“What are you talking about?”

Yoo-hyun was puzzled by the unexpected flattery, and Jung Saet-byul added more fuel to the fire.

She had straight bangs, big eyes and long eyelashes that were her features. She smiled innocently and gave him a thumbs up.

“Deputy manager, you’re really awesome. The best.”

Why is she like this?

He noticed her since he made cocktails, but she was not ordinary either.

Her voice was so clear and crisp that every time she opened her mouth, people looked around to see what was going on.

Jang Joon-sik, who was sitting down and organizing the data, couldn’t stand it and frowned.

Yoo-hyun decided to educate them on this part.

“Let’s go out first. Joon-sik, come with me.”

“Yes. I understand.”

Yoo-hyun walked out first, and Jang Joon-sik followed him closely.

Yang Yoon-soo and Jung Saet-byul followed them as well. They were Jang Joon-sik’s juniors by one year in the same team.

Thud thud thud.

It was the sound of three people walking, but strangely enough, the rhythm matched perfectly.


When Yoo-hyun turned his head, the three people stopped as if they had made an agreement.

Yoo-hyun tilted his head and moved his feet again. The sound of footsteps from behind matched again.

He felt like they were mimicking even his footsteps and chuckled.

“What are you trying to do?”

Even though the atmosphere of the innovation product TF had improved, it was still a different team.

They would not look kindly on their juniors who flattered or chatted with their seniors from another team.

It would be different if they did the same work. But they didn’t.

In this situation, they acted in a way that could cause misunderstandings?

That was definitely a minus for young employees.

Jang Joon-sik also looked unhappy about that part.

10th floor rest area table

Sitting on a round chair, Yoo-hyun was going to teach them a lesson.


“Company work? I didn’t do the main work in the TV team, but mainly dealt with the exhibitions. I think I’ve been to almost every exhibition hall.”

He changed his mind a little after hearing Yang Yoon-soo’s short work experience.

“Saet-byul, have you ever done any exhibition-related work?”

“I did it once. I was a show host in front of the American company people. It was so fun that I wanted to do it again, but I didn’t have a chance.”

He was convinced after hearing Jung Saet-byul’s words.

They were the youngest in the team and they didn’t have any special work to do right now.

And they had experience in exhibitions and liked them.

That was the factor that changed Yoo-hyun’s mind.

“Deputy manager, I want to learn a lot from you. Please tell me anything you need.”

“I think the same as Yoon-soo oppa. I think I’ll get a lot of compliments if I follow you.”

Of course, their will was also a big part.

Yoo-hyun made up his mind and called Jang Joon-sik next to him.

“Joon-sik, there’s something you have to do.”

“Just tell me.”

Yoo-hyun looked at Jang Joon-sik, who bowed his head, and Yang Yoon-soo and Jung Saet-byul, who had bright eyes, and smiled.

He felt like he knew how to use these three people.

Yoo-hyun spent most of his time with Lee Jang-woo until Sunday night after he got off work.

They ran together, jumped rope, and hit the sandbag.

He sat in front of the TV and analyzed Kim Chun-sik’s video with him. He also held mitts for him whenever he had time.

He pretended to be Kim Chun-sik and sparred with him, or went to scout the venue where the match would take place.

As a senior who cared for his junior who had a once-in-a-lifetime important event, he wanted to support him firmly.

After spending a hectic weekend like that.

Yoo-hyun entered the 13th floor conference room as soon as he arrived at work on Monday morning.

The inside was already full of people who came earlier.

The whispers of the surroundings reached Yoo-hyun’s ears as he sat down in an empty seat.

“What did the director call us all for? Did something go wrong?”

“Did something happen? He was smiling when I greeted him this morning.”

“He always smiles, you know.”

“You have to be careful with people like that. They’re sharpening their knives behind their smiles.”

Han Yoo-hyun chuckled as he heard the gossip about Kim Hyun-min, the manager.

It seemed like yesterday when Kim Hyun-min couldn’t even get a greeting from the employees, but now everyone was watching his every move.

And it wasn’t just the team members.


The door opened and Lee Bon-seok, the team leader, entered and pulled out a chair for the seat at the head of the table.


If it was someone else, it could be considered a polite gesture, but it was Lee Bon-seok, the team leader who had a lot of tension in his shoulders.

The people who saw his unusual behavior were surprised and blinked their eyes.

Kim Hyun-min, the manager who followed him in, thanked him casually and sat down.

In the midst of the attention, Kim Hyun-min opened his mouth.

“As you all probably know, the response to the issue last week was successful.”

The people’s expressions brightened at once at his positive words.

Kim Hyun-min smiled and shook a white envelope.

“Thanks to that, the vice president gave us a generous bonus. It’s all thanks to you.”


As excited voices echoed from here and there, a man raised his hand.

It was Yu Seok-won, the assistant manager in charge of the picnic dinner.

“Manager, then I’ll change the place for today’s dinner to a more fancy one.”

“Now that you’re the official general affairs of TF, you can handle that yourself.”

“Yes. I’ll take you to the best place.”


As Yu Seok-won bent his waist exaggeratedly and spat out confident words, laughter burst out from everywhere.

Yoo-hyun didn’t have to step in anymore.

He smiled as he enjoyed the changed atmosphere of TF.

The conversation turned to work, but the mood was still light.

That meant that everyone in the conference room had some leeway.

It was thanks to the leader who kept his composure and didn’t panic from above.

That’s when the meeting was going on under Kim Hyun-min’s leadership.

Kwon Se-jung, the assistant manager who felt a curious gaze, tapped Yoo-hyun’s arm.

“Yoo-hyun, by the way.”


As Yoo-hyun frowned, Kwon Se-jung asked in surprise.

“What’s wrong? Is something wrong?”

“It’s nothing.”

As Yoo-hyun waved his hand as if it was nothing, Kwon Se-jung showed his unique sense.

“Why? Did you get beaten up over the weekend?”

“Do you think so?”

“Well. Even if you did, you’re not the type to admit it.”

Kwon Se-jung nodded his head in agreement.

It wasn’t a beating, but he did get hit.

Yoo-hyun rubbed his sore arm and recalled the memory of being on the ring at the gym last weekend.

-Jang-woo, Kim Chun-sik has a habit of pulling out his left shoulder before throwing a right straight. I’ll show you. You close the gap and hit him with a counter.

-Yes. Senior.

Lee Jang-woo’s determination was different as he prepared for the title match.

Even if he blocked it with a mitt, his arm was numb from the relentless attacks.

He didn’t feel it much then because his body was hot, but after he slept, the pain was no joke.

He couldn’t even lift his arm properly now.

Kwon Se-jung looked at Yoo-hyun who relaxed his expression and asked quietly.

“Yoo-hyun, by the way, what’s going on with Yoon-soo?”


“No, it seems like she’s been staring at you all this time. Saet-byul too.”

Yoo-hyun lifted his head and looked at the opposite table.

The two bowed their heads and then sparkled their eyes again.

-Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity. I’ll do my best.

At their last meeting, Yoo-hyun suggested something different from what they were doing to them.

When they heard that, Yang Yoon-soo bent his waist so much that his head touched the table.

Jung Saet-byul next to him also raised her voice loudly.

Yoo-hyun smiled as he thought of the two quirky people.

“They’re people I’m going to get closer with from now on.”

“What do you mean by that?”

As Kwon Se-jung tilted his head in confusion, Kim Hyun-min, who was sitting at the head of the table and leading the meeting, brought up a new agenda item.

“And regarding the Retina Premium integrated exhibition plan that we planned, I think early setup is important, so I’m thinking of selecting a person in charge in advance.”

From large TV to small mobile panels.

Since they presented an identity integration plan, they needed to show the entire panel to the customers.

Everyone knew that, but they didn’t bring it up because there was still plenty of time and it was a hassle.

As Kim Hyun-min turned his head, most of the people avoided his eyes, fearing that they might be picked.

Kim Hyun-min fixed his gaze on Yoo-hyun and opened his mouth.

“I’m thinking of selecting Han Yoo-hyun, the assistant manager who was in charge of the logo marketing concept integration, as the exhibition manager. What do you think, team leaders?”


The TV and IT team leaders looked puzzled, but said nothing.

They couldn’t figure out Kim Hyun-min’s intention.

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