Chapter 350:

Chapter 350

As Yoo-hyun followed him, Kang Jongho threw a notebook that was in the storage room.

“Take a look at this if you’re bored.”

“What is this?”

“Just something I organized.”

Inside the thick notebook, there were colorful handwritten notes.

What was more surprising was the content.

TV, monitor, microwave, fan, etc.

Various methods and tips for repairing and checking household appliances were recorded in detail.

Yoo-hyun had visited many factories in the past, but he had never seen anything like this.

“Wow. Did you do all this by yourself? How did you do it?”

“I just wrote down what Jo Team Leader said. If I don’t know, I have to work all night.”

Kang Jongho said nonchalantly, and took out a PCB from a corner cabinet.

It was exactly the PCB that Jo Gijeong wanted.

Yoo-hyun was speechless.

They were doing their work in a very systematic way for their own convenience.

They didn’t learn it from anywhere, but their way of working was the best of the best.

No wonder they could handle all kinds of junk with just three people. He felt like he knew the reason now.

“What are these people?”

Yoo-hyun chuckled as he flipped through the notebook pages.

The total number of defective monitors that came in this time was 50, and the number of reassembled ones assigned to them was 20.

The reason why only 20 were assigned to four people in Yeontae Factory for a week was because of their grades.

All of them, including Yoo-hyun, were classified as F grade.

They hadn’t received any reassembly training, so it was understandable.

Yoo-hyun, who was standing back, quietly asked Park Cheolhong, who was correcting the wrong information on the defect analysis table.

“How long does it take to work on this amount?”

Park Cheolhong made an excuse as if he thought the quantity was too small.

“The quantity is not that much, but they sent us such crappy ones that it’s tricky. As you can see, we have to redo the defect analysis completely.”

“But it seems too easy?”

Yoo-hyun asked, looking at Jo Gijeong, who was sitting on the floor with his hair tied up and reassembling.

It hadn’t been two hours yet, but five monitors had already been reassembled.

He quickly found most of the defects by looking at the screen when he turned on the power.

Thanks to that, he only disassembled the ones he needed out of 50 defective products, and successfully completed the reassembly without any analysis.

“Hmm. It’s a bit like that. But monitors are on the easy side.”


It didn’t seem like that to Yoo-hyun.

Jo Gijeong might not know everything, but he had Kang Jongho behind him.

Kang Jongho, who was working on one monitor, said to Jo Gijeong.

“Team Leader Jo, this one is vague. I’ll just replace all the parts. There are a lot of spare parts in the warehouse.”

“Okay. Let’s just finish it quickly and clean up.”

In Kang Jongho’s storage room, there were parts that had been piled up for years.

He had collected them because he was too lazy to throw them away, and Kang Jongho sorted them all out.

There were so many substitutes that reassembly work was a piece of cake as long as the parts didn’t change.

When Yoo-hyun looked at Park Cheolhong’s face, Park Cheolhong felt embarrassed and summed up the situation.

“Team Leader Jo, 20 is enough, right?”

“Yes. It’s nothing.”

“Then let’s just close here and finish tomorrow.”

The reason why they volunteered to work overtime?

To check the condition of the defective products and see if they could meet the yield rate as soon as possible.

They were under pressure from the possibility of being punished if they couldn’t meet the yield rate.

Now that their goal was achieved, Jo Gijeong had no regrets either.


As Jo Gijeong nodded his head, Kang Jongho stepped forward.

“Then I’ll clean up.”

“I’ll help you.”

Yoo-hyun also helped out of conscience.

They worked on 10 units while working overtime today.

At this rate, it seemed like they would finish by tomorrow morning.

“Team Leader Kang, we’ll do it tomorrow. Can’t we just leave it?”

“No. We have to clean up unnecessary things on time.”

Kang Jongho lowered his head at Yoo-hyun’s words and moved the parts he brought back to the storage room.

He could have just shoved them in a corner since he wouldn’t use them anyway, but Kang Jongho sorted them out again and put them where he wanted them.

These parts would help when repairing other products.

Kang Jongho didn’t need Yoo-hyun’s help to clean up by himself.


To be honest, Yoo-hyun didn’t see any way he could help.

“I’ll go in first.”

He left those words behind and returned to the factory.

It was already after everyone had left their seats.

They still didn’t care much about each other.


Yoo-hyun checked the work log that Park Cheolhong, the team leader, had left in the empty factory.

-September 12th. Work quantity: 2 units. Progress: 10 percent.

Yoo-hyun’s lips curled up slightly.

He felt like he had transferred to a much better place than he had expected.

He had nothing to do after finishing a week’s worth of work.

The CCTV was still working well, and there was no call from the manager.

The manager did come out for a drink once in a while, but he didn’t even bother to enter the factory.

Instead, he encouraged the idle workers and brought them some food.

Thanks to that, Park Cheolhong’s face lost its worries.

He was so happy that he volunteered to watch the CCTV in the break room.

That afternoon.

Yoo-hyun, who was lying on the wooden platform in front of the construction site, looked at the sky.

Then he got up and took a bite of the watermelon on the plate.


It was a watermelon that the village head had sent through the restaurant lady.

He couldn’t believe that a watermelon that came out at the end of summer was so sweet.

Thump. Thump.

A ball rolled towards Yoo-hyun.

As soon as Yoo-hyun kicked it, the ball rolled to another side with a clatter.

“Hey, hey. Don’t kick it away, why did you kick it so far?”

Cho Kijeong, who was panting, complained, and Yoo-hyun calmly teased him.

“Have some watermelon. It’s bad for your body if you sweat too much.”

“Huff, huff. Cho team leader, take a break.”

Kang Jongho, who was playing one-on-one soccer with him, lay down on the wooden platform.

Cho Kijeong, who brought back the ball, also lay down in the same posture.

It seemed that they had gotten used to sweating and resting, even though they used to stay in their rooms all the time.

They looked very comfortable lying down.

Yoo-hyun also lay down and looked at the sky.

Cho Kijeong, who was staring at the drifting clouds, muttered.

“It would be perfect if only the audit didn’t come.”

“Team leader, aren’t you asking for too much?”

Kang Jongho chuckled, and Cho Kijeong smiled wryly and replied.

“I’m just saying.”

Then Yoo-hyun asked.

“Is the audit that annoying?”


The two answered in unison as if they had agreed on it beforehand.

What was he sorry for?

“No, it’s okay.”

Yoo-hyun shook his head, but Baeyongseok, who was watching him, quickly left his seat.

He was a bit naive, but quite diligent.

Thanks to his efforts, most of the weeds around were removed, and the ground was much flatter.

The view was clear, and there were no bugs, making it perfect for fishing.

Yoo-hyun brewed some coffee with boiled water from the electric kettle and checked his fishing rod.

He felt drowsy as he stared at one spot.

He endured it, thinking it was a mental training, and got up from his seat.

Then he squatted down and exercised his lower body.

It was not bad to sweat like this when he was too bored.

Ziiing. Ziiing.

Yoo-hyun habitually put on his earphones and answered the phone.

Of course, he maintained his posture and focused his eyes on the fishing rod.

-Yoo-hyun, are you doing well?

“Yes, Director. How are you?”

-Fine. Are you exercising well? That’s what I’m worried about.

“Don’t worry. I’m squatting while talking on the phone. Oh? Wait a minute.”

As he was talking to the director, Yoo-hyun saw the fishing rod move for a change and quickly lifted it up.

But it was too late, or the bait was already gone.

-What? What’s wrong?

“No. The fishing is not going well.”

Yoo-hyun told him the truth, and the director said incredulously.

You don’t suit fishing. You should spend your time contacting Jangwoo instead of worrying about that.


-He got a competition, but he’s a bit distracted lately.

“Okay. I’ll call him later.”

Yoo-hyun exchanged a few more words with the director and hung up the phone.

Then he sat down again and looked at the empty hook.

“When did it bite?”

There must be fish, but they were hard to catch.

Yoo-hyun put on another bait and threw the fishing rod again.

He didn’t care much about fish in the first place.

He didn’t mind it much since there were not many fish anyway.

As he thought so, a man entered Yoo-hyun’s sight.

‘How long has he been there?’

The man who sat about 10 meters away on his right had a straw hat on his head.

His posture of sitting on a mat, holding a wooden fishing rod in one hand, was enough to give an unusual impression.

He looked like he had nothing but his body, but he seemed so comfortable.

Yoo-hyun unconsciously observed the man when it happened.

The man swiftly lifted his wooden fishing rod, and a fish came up flapping.

It was a fairly big fish that made Yoo-hyun blink his eyes.

“Huh? He caught one?”

Yoo-hyun was surprised, but the man looked indifferent and let go of the fish.


Yoo-hyun smirked and looked around.

He wondered if it was because of the seat.

But he had sat in that seat before too.

Then was it because of the fishing rod?

His fishing rod looked much better than the man’s at a glance.

Maybe it was because of the bait difference.

Yoo-hyun was pondering over this and that when it happened again.


The man caught another fish.

This time it was bigger than before.

Once could be luck, but twice was not.


Yoo-hyun stared at the man in disbelief.

His act of taking catching fish for granted made Yoo-hyun speechless.

Then, a heavy voice came with the wind.

“Why are you staring at me like that?”

He spat out the words without looking at him, but they stuck in Yoo-hyun’s ears.

It was a situation that aroused curiosity in many ways, so Yoo-hyun got up.

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