Chapter 349:

Chapter 349

Yoo-hyun rushed into the break room and quickly checked the CCTV screen.

Fortunately, the auditor’s vehicle was not a minivan, but a small car.

He sighed in relief and placed the TV remote on the table near the entrance before he came out.

It was to prepare for the possibility that the village head would barge into the break room.

As Yoo-hyun came out again, Village Head Lee Young-nam, who was glancing at the break room, straightened his posture and recited the safety rules awkwardly.

He seemed to have skipped to the sixth one all of a sudden, but Yoo-hyun let it slide.

“…That’s all. We will follow the safety rules today as well.”

“You did well.”

Yoo-hyun praised him and spoke first before he could ask.

“That sound earlier was an alarm from the Mokpo branch.”

“An alarm? There wasn’t one before?”

“It seems that they installed an alarm to avoid missing anything because they exchange a lot of things with the Mokpo branch. They said they have transferred the goods without any trouble.”

Lee Young-nam’s expression changed to one of astonishment at Yoo-hyun’s explanation.

“Huh, do they have to go that far?”

“Of course. These kinds of equipment are in every factory.”

“I see.”

Lee Young-nam nodded his head and Yoo-hyun stretched out one arm and opened his mouth.

The direction his fingertips pointed was not the break room, but the opposite side.

“Village Head, have you ever looked around the whole factory?”

“No. I haven’t.”

“Then can I show you around? You might find many things you didn’t know.”

“Is that okay?”

There was no way there had been an employee who made such an offer to the village head before.

That’s why Lee Young-nam looked quite surprised.

Yoo-hyun smiled and said to him.

“Actually, I’m not supposed to show you in detail, but I’ll make an exception for today.”

“Hmm, hmm. I wonder if this is okay…”

“Don’t worry. I’ll keep it a secret from the foreman.”

Yoo-hyun established Foreman Park Chul-hong’s authority with one word and dragged Lee Young-nam inside.

Yoo-hyun’s intention to show him around the factory was not just to hide the situation in the break room.

He wanted to show him properly so that he wouldn’t think of looking around the factory again.

He also had a reason to inform Lee Young-nam of the factory’s situation during this process.

That way, he would support him more firmly when the audit came .


When he turned on all the lights, the whole factory brightened up.

Just by looking at the fact that there were no lights off, he could tell that it was well-managed.

“Village Head, let’s start from here.”

Yoo-hyun first guided Lee Young-nam to the conveyor belt area that was no longer used.

Then he brought up a past story that he could relate to.

“Five years ago, they used to assemble household appliances here. But now, as you know, it changed to a reassembly factory and they closed everything down as the staff decreased. And…”

He didn’t just stop at explaining, but pointed out points related to the village.

He added detailed numbers to create a professional image.

Then Lee Young-nam pretended to know something and nodded his head.

“Right. That’s how it was. It must have been unused for quite a while.”

“You’re right. But look. We keep this unused part clean as well.”

Yoo-hyun showed him the goods piled up behind the conveyor belt as if he had been waiting for it.

It might not be much if you look at it closely, but his professional words and exaggerated gestures inflated the result.

The village head asked in surprise.

“Really? Are you preparing for when the factory gets bigger?”

It was Kang Jong-ho who had touched it using an audit as an excuse, but there was no need to tell him the truth.

“Yes. That’s right.”

“That’s amazing. It’s really unexpected.”

Yoo-hyun dragged Lee Young-nam further inside.

“This is just the beginning. Come this way.”

There was really nothing to do in this factory.

They spread out reassembly parts on a large board and assembled them one by one like a cottage industry.

The work they were doing now could be done in a normal warehouse as well.

That didn’t mean there was nothing to introduce in the factory.

Yoo-hyun pulled out each piece of equipment and parts in every corner of the factory and explained their uses in detail.

“When you use this equipment…”


Lee Young-nam nodded his head constantly and Yoo-hyun also showed him the inside of the material warehouse.


“Huh. There was a place like this.”

There were a lot of parts neatly arranged in a fairly spacious space.

Yoo-hyun, who knew it well, was surprised at first, so there was no way Lee Young-nam wouldn’t be.

“Foreman Kang pays a lot of attention to this.”

“There are really a lot of things here.”

“Yes. This is our strength.”

“That’s impressive.”

Lee Young-nam admired and Yoo-hyun told him the situation of the whole factory.

He added the factory journal, work history, and issue list to back up his words.

This was also good to show because it was so well organized.

“The work we have done in this factory so far…”

Lee Young-nam’s mouth was wide open at the detailed explanation that was almost boring.

“How do you know all that?”

“I came to the important Yeontae branch, so I had to know that much.”

“I see.”

Lee Young-nam’s mouth didn’t close for a while.

It was after Yoo-hyun’s guidance was over.

Quite a lot of time had passed because he explained so thoroughly.

The interval of the hammer sounds from outside had slowed down considerably.

He peeked his head out towards the factory entrance and saw a neatly placed platform.

Yoo-hyun hid the smile on his lips and asked Lee Young-nam.

“Is there anything else you want to hear?”

“No, no. That’s enough. I was wondering what you were doing, but you were working so hard.”

“Of course. We didn’t show it, but we’re all diligent.”

Lee Young-nam nodded his head with a serious expression after hearing Yoo-hyun’s words.

He seemed to be quite moved and reached out his hand first.

“What can I do to help you?”

“A platform is enough. Thanks to you, we can rest more freely.”

“Heh. I see. Well, you should take a break once in a while when you work.”

Yoo-hyun had waited for the answer he wanted and continued his explanation.

“That’s right. Actually, there is a game room in the Gimpo factory of Hansung Electronics.”

“A game room?”

“Yes. It’s something the company made for the employees’ welfare. They say you have to rest well to boost your creativity.”

“Creativity, huh…”

He didn’t stop there and mentioned more situations in other factories.

The content focused more on rest and welfare than work.

“The Ulsan factory has a soccer field, a basketball court, and a foot volleyball court right in front of the factory.”


“Yes. Big factories pay more attention to the employees’ welfare. The platform you gave us this time will probably be a big help too.”

He also praised Lee Young-nam’s actions.

From now on, Lee Young-nam wouldn’t care about the employees’ rest.

Even if they played around and rolled on the floor during work hours, he would let it go, Yoo-hyun’s guidance today was convincing.

Lee Young-nam’s face, sighing, proved that fact.

“Huh. I never thought of that.”

“No, no. You’re doing a lot of support already.”

Yoo-hyun had achieved his goal and stepped back with a smile.

Lee Young-nam looked around the factory and muttered to himself.

“That’s not enough. It has to be more.”

He kept nodding his head for a while.

That evening.

The work hours were over, but Yoo-hyun stayed in the factory break room.

He lay down on the floor of the break room with a small blanket on his stomach.

It was very comfortable, as if he was lying down in his dormitory.

Next to him was Kang Jong-ho, who lay down in the same position.

Beep beep beep beep.

Then, the break room alarm rang.

He checked and saw that the truck that had gone to the Mokpo branch was coming back.

It would take at least half a day by rough calculation, so Yoo-hyun asked Kang Jong-ho, who was lying next to him.

“Why does it take so long?”

“They waste time arguing over there. You’ll know when you go there with Foreman Han later.”

Kang Jong-ho got up from his seat with a groan and rubbed his arms.

He hadn’t been able to move all afternoon, so it was natural that they were sore.

“Let’s go out for now.”

“Let’s do that. Ouch, my arms and legs.”

Yoo-hyun got up first and Kang Jong-ho followed him.

As they went outside, a cool evening breeze blew.

Yoo-hyun and Kang Jong-ho leaned their bodies on the newly made platform and sat down.

When the truck came up,


But by chance, the truck was facing the platform side.

Yoo-hyun covered his face with his hand at the bright light coming from the truck headlights.

They had to unload the goods they brought, so they had no choice but to leave the headlights on.

Yoo-hyun opened his mouth with regret.

“It would be nice if we had a light outside.”

Then Kang Jong-ho next to him turned serious.

“Hey, don’t ever say that to the village head.”

“I’m not that shameless either.”


Kang Jong-ho sighed as Yoo-hyun answered.

Foreman Park Chul-hong got out of the car with a bewildered expression and looked around.

“What is all this?”

“It’s from the village head.”

Yoo-hyun tapped on the platform and answered.


Then Cho Ki-jeong, who got off from the other side, pointed to the opposite side of the platform.

There were two long wooden poles stuck in there, and a net was hung in between them.

“Huh? A foot volleyball court?”

“Not bad, right? We also got a ball. Here.”

Yoo-hyun got up from his seat and kicked the ball on the ground lightly.

Cho Ki-jeong blinked his eyes in disbelief at his unexpected action.

The ball rolled strangely to one side.

“What are you doing?”

“I just kicked it over there. Come on, let’s unload the goods.”

Yoo-hyun hid his awkward expression and approached the truck trunk while making excuses.

The parts for reassembly this week were loaded on it.

It was monitors this time after TVs last time.

Yoo-hyun unloaded the goods from the truck and moved them into the factory.

The sun had set and no one was telling them to work overtime.

Still, as if it was their daily routine, they started working without hesitation.

Cho Ki-jeong, who had tied his long hair with a rubber band, gestured to Yoo-hyun.

“Foreman Han is grumbling, so get out for a while.”

“Okay. Got it.”

Yoo-hyun had never seen the people here work before, so he stepped back and watched the situation.

Foreman Park Chul-hong was checking the defect analysis sheet attached to the monitor box.

Then he carefully recorded that part in the work journal.

The factory lights were also used only when and where they were needed, and he was the type to pay attention to even the parts that could be ignored.

He might seem inflexible, but thanks to that, he could tell how the Yeontae branch was running just by looking at the previous work journal.

Yoo-hyun’s skillful explanation to the village head was also based on the existing work journal.

Foreman Park Chul-hong, who was looking at the defect analysis sheet on a monitor box, snapped.

“These bastards, don’t they have to write what’s wrong?”

“It’s okay. Just give it to me.”

Cho Ki-jeong took out the monitor from the box with an indifferent expression.

Then he quickly disassembled it and identified the problem right away.

He was definitely good at handling electronic products, as Yoo-hyun had found out when he installed CCTV.

“What? Why is there a defective PCB plugged in? Foreman Kang.”

“Yes. What is it?”

“Bring me some spare PCBs from the monitors that came in last time.”


Kang Jong-ho, who heard that, walked slowly to the material warehouse.

Meanwhile, Cho Ki-jeong checked another monitor.

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