Chapter 319:

Chapter 319

The final match began with the announcer’s comment.

The manager also closed the radar network and immersed himself in the game.

The match was fierce.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The sound of heavy blows was loud enough to reach the audience.

The three people who watched the scene had their faces flushed and said in unison.

“We’re glad we didn’t go to the finals.”

It was after the game ended.

The announcer’s voice echoed through the microphone.

-The winner. Number One Gym Lee Jang-woo.


Yoo-hyun, Kang Dong-sik, and Park Young-hoon cheered loudly.

The three of them were not in the audience, but right next to the award ceremony.

The manager looked at them with a dumbfounded expression.

“You guys are drinking and shouting. What did you do well?”

“We did something wrong, so we have to do this at least.”

“Yoo-hyun, you stay still.”

The manager tried to hit Yoo-hyun with a hard-dried paper he held in his hand, but Yoo-hyun acted cute.

“Manager, I have a hand injury.”

“Ugh. Fine, fine.”

Park Young-hoon intervened as the manager sighed and reached out his hand.

“Why do you only hit me if your hand hurts? You can hit Yoo-hyun’s head too.”

Smack. Smack.

“It’s because you’re easy, easy.”

Park Young-hoon regretted opening his mouth and got punished.

That’s why people should know when to join and when to leave.

Yoo-hyun and Kang Dong-sik quietly stepped back.

That evening, they gathered at a bar to celebrate the end of the tournament.

Lee Jang-woo, who was drunk, said.

“I won because I didn’t face Yoo-hyun senior…”

That was already the tenth time he said that.

Yoo-hyun sighed at the repeated repertoire.

“Manager, he really shouldn’t drink.”

“I didn’t know he would be like this either.”

The manager shook his head as if giving up.

Park Young-hoon and Kang Dong-sik laughed next to them.

In a cheerful atmosphere, the event that had been full of ups and downs came to an end.

Yoo-hyun returned to the company and resumed his leisurely life.

He deliberately reduced his strength, consciously stepping back.

It seemed to have some effect, as he felt some tension leaving his shoulders.

He didn’t care much even if things were busy around him.

As Yoo-hyun sat with a light heart, Jung In-wook, the team leader, approached him and asked.

“You look comfortable today. You were like that at the meeting too. Did you take some medicine?”

“When did I look uncomfortable?”

“You always looked comfortable, but especially today. That’s why I asked.”

“Stop it.”

“Fine. Anyway, are you not going to propose a project this year?”

Yoo-hyun smiled sarcastically at Jung In-wook, who was poking him for no reason.

“The Apple Phone 4 panel schedule is going as planned, and two pre-projects have already been decided. I don’t have anything to do.”

“Yeah, right. You must be enjoying your dispatch life.”

“Of course. Thanks to you, I’m happy.”

“Then I’ll make you happier. Come on. Give me your hand.”

Jung In-wook pulled Kim Seon-dong’s empty chair and sat down, then grabbed Yoo-hyun’s right hand.

It was the hand that was taped because of the injury he got from the martial arts tournament.

Jung In-wook already had a marker in his other hand.

Yoo-hyun looked at him incredulously.

“What are you doing? You already scribbled on it earlier.”

“No. I just felt like I couldn’t write my sincere words.”

Swoosh. Swoosh.

He wrote with a serious expression as if he became Han Seok-bong. He smiled satisfiedly when he let go of his hand. A large letter saying ‘Han Yoo-hyun, keep it up’ caught his eye.

“You have a nice handwriting.”

“Haha. I knew you would appreciate it. Get well soon.”

Jung In-wook patted Yoo-hyun’s shoulder with a smile and left.

Yoo-hyun shook his head as he watched his back.

It was then that Yoo-hyun was spending his time leisurely.

Beep beep.

He received a message from Joo Yoon-ha, the secretary in charge of Go Joon-ho, the executive director.

He had nothing to do anyway, so Yoo-hyun got up from his seat right away.

As he entered the office of the executive director, Joo Yoon-ha came up to him with a surprised face.

“Oh my. Han Deputy, what happened to your hand?”

“I just sprained it a little.”

Yoo-hyun smiled and held out his taped hand, and Joo Yoon-ha blinked her eyes and asked.

“Oh, how did you do that? And what is that?”

“Oh, it’s just some graffiti from my seniors.”

The team members had scribbled so much on the bandage that there was hardly any white left.

The last words that Jung In-wook, the team leader, left were especially visible.

Joo Yoon-ha saw that and covered her mouth and laughed.


“They’re just people who like to joke around.”

“It’s really nice to see. Hoho.”

Yoo-hyun exchanged a few friendly words with Joo Yoon-ha and then entered the office.

Go Joon-ho, the executive director, greeted Yoo-hyun with a smile as always.

“Haha. Come on, sit down.”

“Thank you. How have you been?”

“Of course. I’ve been well thanks to you. Haha.”

He was smiling just like usual, but his expression looked relatively dark.

He didn’t have to look closely to feel his emotion of suppressing his discomfort.

Yoo-hyun sat down and asked bluntly.

“Is there something wrong?”

“Hmm, how should I say this?”

“Is there a group audit for the new factory?”

Yoo-hyun guessed right, and Go Joon-ho’s eyes narrowed.

“You knew?”

“I had some idea.”

He had already expected that the group strategy office would intervene under the pretext of checking the LCD business unit.

In that sense, the new factory construction audit was a good point to tackle.

Apple had invested too much in it, so they had some justification.

He looked calm and asked Go Joon-ho casually.

“Is there a problem?”

“You don’t have to worry about being called in, do you? The pressure will be on the group leader’s upper line and the general affairs and purchasing departments.”

“But I’m worried that there might be some trouble for the project if there’s a problem.”

“You don’t have to worry about that. The group leader must have prepared well.”

Yoo-hyun said firmly, and Go Joon-ho finally let go of his worries and laughed heartily.

“Haha. That’s good. You must have already talked with the group leader.”

Yoo-hyun smiled silently at him.

It was a misunderstanding as expected.

Yoo-hyun left the office and checked his phone.

There was no contact from Yeo Tae-sik, the vice president.

-There will be a group audit for the factory. You should fix anything that might be caught in advance, even if you didn’t do anything wrong.

Yoo-hyun had already told Yeo Tae-sik this, but he hadn’t checked how he was dealing with it.

In the meantime, the problem he had expected finally exploded.

That meant that passing the group audit was not easy.

But Yoo-hyun was relaxed.

When he stepped back and looked at it, it wasn’t a fatal situation.

That feeling made Yoo-hyun more distant from the center of work.

“Yeah. He’ll do well on his own.”

He chuckled and put his phone in his pocket.

When Yoo-hyun returned to his seat, there were chocolate and coffee that Kim Seon-dong had left on his desk.

Yoo-hyun asked Kim Seon-dong, who was sitting next to him.

“Kim Senior, what’s this for?”

“You bought me a lot too. I remembered and bought it.”

“That was when you were working so hard.”

It wasn’t just a word, it was when Kim Seon-dong was working hard by himself.

He felt sorry for leaving early and gave him some snacks a few times.

Yoo-hyun said with a bewildered expression and he retorted.

“You’re working hard too.”

“I’m playing around?”

“I know you’re not.”

Kim Seon-dong was confident.

He seemed to have misunderstood something, but Yoo-hyun didn’t bother to explain.

“Okay. I’ll enjoy it.”

Instead, he smiled gratefully and thanked him.

This was also a change in Yoo-hyun’s mind.

Yoo-hyun’s change did not stop in the office.

Beep beep.

He received a phone call from Oh Eun-bi, a reporter, with a good mood.

“Yes, reporter. Long time no see.”

-Oh? Deputy Han, why are you so happy to hear from me? Did you wait for my call?

“Just because. I think it’s time to move up, so I’m laying the groundwork.”

-Well, I’m a very helpful person.

After exchanging a few insincere greetings, Oh Eun-bi, the reporter, asked.

Her voice was slightly raised.

-But seriously, what is Hanseong doing?


-Everyone else is making smartphones…

Oh Eun-bi poured out her complaints frantically.

Apple Phone 3 was about to be released in Korea, and foreign companies were considering Google Android phones.

Ilseong also announced its smartphone strategy with OLED phones coming out next month.

These were things that could not be seen deeply from the field.

But Oh Eun-bi pinpointed them.

“You’ve studied a lot.”

-Thanks for the compliment. But why is Hanseong still insisting on feature phones?

“Ask Kim Seong-deuk, the deputy head. There must be a problem with the decision making.”

-Okay. I got it. I’ll have to investigate this and write an article.

“Haha. Thanks for the good article.”

Yoo-hyun chuckled and hung up the phone.

At the same time, he recalled what he had heard before.

It was what Kang Chang-seok said after he bowed down to Yoo-hyun after the unauthorized data modification incident.

-The development center head might change. The business director seems to dislike him. I heard that even the president’s breath was involved.

They changed the development center head again?

Yoo-hyun extracted the core from his words.

The invisible fight between Shin Myung-ho, the vice president, and Han Kyung-hoe had already begun.

This was connected to the decision making problem that Yoo-hyun told Oh Eun-bi.

There was no leader in Hanseong Electronics who could make bold choices for the future, and behind that there was a political struggle between two whales.

And the impact of this conflict would soon return to Hanseong Electronics as a big damage.

Yoo-hyun knew the situation that would come soon, but he was not impatient.

He postponed what he couldn’t do right away.

“That’s how it goes.”

Yoo-hyun leaned back in his chair and smiled.

He definitely looked more relaxed than before.

While big and small things happened inside and outside the company.

Saturday afternoon.

Yoo-hyun stopped by the conference room to do something unrelated to the company.

It was not the conference room in the Ulsan factory, but the conference room on the first floor of the Ulsan Small Business Administration.

His friend Hyun Jin-gun, who was sitting next to him, said apologetically.

“You don’t have to do this much for me, really…”

“I can do this well.”

“You’re busy too.”

“I’m busy playing around. Don’t worry.”

Yoo-hyun said casually and looked over the documents.

They contained a business plan and related patents and papers that Hyun Jin-gun had made.

He quickly checked the contents and said.

“It’s much better than last time.”

“It helped a lot when I did as you told me. Especially when you sorted out the weaknesses and crisis situations.”

“I just categorized what you had made.”

As Yoo-hyun answered, Hyun Jin-gun remembered what Yoo-hyun had said a while ago.

-You said you would do anything for me, right? Let me help you with your startup. That’s my favor.

When he refused his offer to help, Yoo-hyun blurted out those words.

He argued that it was nonsense, but it was useless.

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