Chapter 318:

Chapter 318

While the referee was talking to An Naejin, Lee Banghak approached Yoo-hyun’s face and provoked him.

“Hey, you loser, do you think you can win?”

Yoo-hyun calmly responded to the childish taunt.

“No, I don’t think so.”

“What? Are you laughing?”

“I’m going to lose anyway, so I might as well lose with a good mood.”

“Fuck. You’re such a jerk.”

Lee Banghak suddenly cursed at him.

He seemed to have a bad temper.

Yoo-hyun calmly countered him.

“Hey, at least be polite. You’re going to win, why are you so angry?”

“Are you mocking me?”

“No, absolutely not. I’m really scared of you right now.”

Yoo-hyun was not lying.

He spoke with sincerity in his eyes.

That’s when it happened.

Spit. Ptooey.

Lee Banghak spat on Yoo-hyun’s face.

“How about that? You loser, do you feel like fighting now?”


Yoo-hyun was so dumbfounded that he laughed bitterly.

He wiped his face with his glove and felt the sticky liquid on it.

The manager’s shout came from below the ring.

“Hey, that bastard spat on him. Referee, what are you doing?”

The referee turned around and came over, and the opponent’s manager argued back.

“Hey, don’t make a fuss and play fair, play fair.”

“What the hell are you talking about? How is spitting fair play?”

While the two managers were bickering, the referee asked Lee Banghak.

“You spat on him, is that true?”

“No, of course not. That’s a lie he made up.”

Lee Banghak shamelessly denied it.

The referee looked at Yoo-hyun, who shook his head.

“There was no such thing.”

The manager’s indignant voice came from behind him.

“Yoo-hyun, you got spat on.”


He also felt Lee Jangwoo’s gaze burning on him.

More than that.

Yoo-hyun still felt uncomfortable on his face.

He couldn’t let this go.

He was planning to lose after beating him half to death.

Then, he heard Lee Banghak’s words.

“Is that gym full of losers? Haha.”

That sneer snapped Yoo-hyun’s patience.

He clenched his fist and gritted his teeth.

“You’re dead.”

As soon as the game started, Lee Banghak confidently rushed in.

The opponent was a weakling who couldn’t even fight back after being spat on.

He was clearly a novice, unable to assume a proper stance.

There was no way he could lose to such a novice, when he had received a lucrative offer from a Japanese club.

Ibanghak reached his arm out to his opponent, who was within striking distance. His arm was longer than others by a span.


His fist flew straight to the opponent’s face.

He felt good about his light body.

He was confident that he could hit the opponent even if he tried to dodge.

That was the moment.

The opponent disappeared from his sight and his fist missed the air.


He was surprised for a moment.


He didn’t even know where it came from, but a fist hit his head and made him dizzy.

Ibanghak’s mind went to Andromeda and back.

Yoo-hyun was standing quietly behind him.

“Ibanghak. Behind you. Behind.”

He came to his senses too late when he heard the manager’s words and turned around.

Yoo-hyun threw another punch at him.


Ibanghak’s head swayed again.

That was the beginning.

“You spit on me? You son of a bitch.”

Thwack. Thwack. Thwack thwack thwack.

Yoo-hyun’s barrage of punches crushed the guy’s body.

Each punch carried a lot of emotion.

He hadn’t been this angry in a long time.


Yoo-hyun grabbed Ibanghak, who was about to fall, and lifted him up.

“Hey, no. Don’t just fall like that.”

Then he tripped him with his leg and made him fall.


The back of his head hit the floor hard.

At that moment, Yoo-hyun jumped on top of him, who was sprawled out.


Ibanghak saw a huge fist coming down from the sky.

He would die if he got hit by that.

He quickly turned his head to the side, following his instinct.



Yoo-hyun’s fist hit the mat right next to Ibanghak’s face.

The powerful blast was enough to silence the crowd around the ring.

“You ba… ugh.”

Before Ibanghak could open his mouth, Yoo-hyun’s fist struck his side.

Yoo-hyun laid him flat and mounted on his stomach.

He finished preparing for the pounding and said.

“I can’t finish you off yet. You’re dead.”

As he said that, Yoo-hyun’s fist broke through his one-hand guard and hit his face accurately.


Then, the referee ran over and stopped the game.

It was Yoo-hyun’s overwhelming victory.


A loud cheer came from the audience.


Lee Jang Woo’s voice was full of emotion.

“Yoo-hyun. Well done.”

The manager’s shout was also there.

“Hoo. Hoo. Hoo.”

Yoo-hyun covered his face with his gloves as he caught his breath.


Yoo-hyun came down from the ring and went to the medical room with the manager.

It was because of the pain he felt in his right hand.

The manager checked Yoo-hyun’s condition and taped his hand himself.

He showed his affection for his disciple.

Yoo-hyun told him his honest feelings.

“Manager, I’m giving up this game.”

“Is it because of your hand?”

“Yes. I don’t think I can do it anymore.”

Yoo-hyun whined as he touched his taped hand.

It wasn’t a complete lie.

He definitely felt a shock when he hit the floor earlier.

The manager pressed Yoo-hyun’s hand and said.

“It’s just a little muscle spasm. It’s okay since I taped it tightly.”

“My next opponent is Jang Woo. I don’t have a reason to continue when I’m hurt.”

The manager looked serious as he heard Yoo-hyun’s words and said.

“I want to listen to your opinion as much as possible, but there are a lot of people paying attention to you right now.”

“That’s okay.”

“Think about it. You have potential. You have a good reputation and a good personality. If you just make a mark here, you can earn a lot more than your company salary.”

“I don’t need money.”

“Yoo-hyun, this is an opportunity.”


Right now, Airbnb stock alone is worth 3 trillion won in 10 years.

Even if he doesn’t go long, it will be at least 100 billion won in two years.

Yoo-hyun had no reason to live a life he didn’t want for a little more money.

Yoo-hyun expressed his decision clearly.

“Manager, I’m giving up.”

“Sigh. It’s really a shame.”

“Jang Woo will do better.”

“He was only waiting for your showdown. Will he be motivated?”

“Don’t worry about that.”

Yoo-hyun smiled and reassured the manager.

A moment later, he met Lee Jang Woo under the ring and he asked in surprise.

“Senior, what do you mean you’re giving up the game?”

“That’s how it turned out.”

“Senior. If you’re being considerate of me, it’s okay. I want to fight fair and square.”

“Jang Woo, I know how you feel, but look at my hand.”

Yoo-hyun held out his hand that the manager had taped and said.

Lee Jang Woo’s eyes shook greatly.

“When did…”

“Darn, I’m sorry too. So do my part too.”



Yoo-hyun hit his chest with his other hand and looked at him seriously and said.

“Win for sure. Let’s fight again next time.”


Lee Jang Woo bit his lower lip hard.

He seemed to be holding back his emotions.

Yoo-hyun put aside his awkward feelings and possessed by Park Seung Woo, an assistant manager, he spewed out more of the boy comic hero’s sentimentality.

“You can do it, right?”

When Yoo-hyun’s hand touched Lee Jang Woo’s shoulder, he clenched his fist and said in a loud voice.

“Yes. Senior.”

Then he covered his eyes with his gloves.

His shoulders shook slightly but surely.

Yoo-hyun was confused, but he went to the corner and started shadow boxing.

Shush. Shush.

The fierce sound of cutting the wind spread around.

Each punch was full of passion.

Yoo-hyun shrugged his shoulders and looked at the manager next to him.

“There’s no need to worry, right?”

“Anyway, you did a good job.”

The manager stuck out his tongue.

Lee Jang Woo, who had awakened, was different.

He shed his childishness and charged at his opponent like a bulldozer.

With a spirit of hitting two for one, he knocked out his opponent in the A group final in one round.

Now he only had the final match with the B group winner left.

Yoo-hyun left Lee Jang Woo, who was focused, and sneaked a peek at the B group scene.

He couldn’t see Park Young Hoon or Kang Dong Shik anywhere.

He could only confirm their names crossed out with a red line on the bracket.

“It must be complicated.”

They were the ones who were excited about it.

It was understandable that they were disappointed that they dropped out.

Yoo-hyun was thinking of getting some fresh air during the break.

When Yoo-hyun passed the door that connected to the audience seats, he ran into Kang Dong Shik and Park Young Hoon coming from the opposite direction.

They had beer cans and chicken in their hands.

Kang Dong Shik offered him a beer can and said casually.

“Yoo-hyun, did you lose on purpose too? Come here. Let’s eat together.”

Yoo-hyun asked incredulously.

“Hyung, I saw the bracket and you went up a bit, right?”

“Oh, that? I was going to lose right away, but the opponent fainted. I didn’t want to do it from the start.”

Kang Dong Shik climbed up to the audience seats as he said that.

Park Young Hoon, who was next to him, also left a word and followed Kang Dong Shik.

“I just gave up from the start. Why bother playing?”

“You even controlled your diet…”

When Yoo-hyun said that, he was already gone.

He looked at their backs with a dumbfounded expression and said.

“Let’s go together.”

In the end, Yoo-hyun sat down with Kang Dong Shik and Park Young Hoon in the audience seats and watched the final match.

It felt like he really came to watch with chicken and beer.

“Ugh. Refreshing.”

When Yoo-hyun gulped down his beer, the manager looked around the audience seats.

He seemed to be looking for his missing disciples.

Yoo-hyun reacted quickly.

“Hyung. Duck down.”

At Yoo-hyun’s words, Kang Dong Shik, who was holding a beer can, bent down low.

Park Young Hoon, who was tearing chicken, also crouched down.

When they escaped from the manager’s radar, Yoo-hyun held out his can and said.

“Come on, have a drink.”

Kang Dong Shik looked at him incredulously.

“Yoo-hyun, you seem to have changed a bit?”


“Yeah. Why are you so shameless?”

Park Young Hoon chimed in from the side.

“Right? He’s become so smart.”

Was it because of his determination to rest at work?

The result of trying to be more relaxed seemed to show up without Yoo-hyun knowing it.

Yoo-hyun smiled and held out his can.

“Stop talking nonsense and drink quickly. We don’t know when we’ll get caught.”

“Yeah. We have to eat and get caught.”

Kang Dong Shik answered and Park Young Hoon laughed.

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