Chapter 300:

Chapter 300

The atmosphere became cold in the room, but Yoo-hyun spoke with a relaxed expression.

“I was worried that you might write that name on an inferior panel.”

The one who answered Yoo-hyun’s remark was Tim Cook.

He looked at Steve Jobs for approval and then said to Yoo-hyun.

“If you are saying that Sharp’s panel is inferior, then you are mistaken.”

“Why is that?”

“It’s just that they didn’t have enough time to prepare, but they will soon catch up with Hansung’s performance.”

“Have you seen Sharp’s panel?”

That was a question that someone else should have asked Yoo-hyun first.

But by asking it himself, Yoo-hyun took control of the conversation.

Tim Cook frowned and held up the mockup.

“Of course. Isn’t it right in front of me?”

“Then you should know that time alone won’t solve the difference, right?”

Yoo-hyun smiled and Tim Cook’s frown deepened.

“What do you mean by that?”

“The process itself is different. Hansung’s panel uses a much better process.”

Nakamura intervened at Yoo-hyun’s words.

“It’s technology to produce the same result with a cheaper process. Our technology is…”

Yoo-hyun ignored Nakamura and spoke to the Apple employees.

“Let me give you an easy example. Look at the two mockups from the side.”


Everyone checked the mockups in their hands.

Steve Jobs, who had already discarded the Sharp mockup, didn’t even look at it.

He already knew what Yoo-hyun was talking about.

It was the reason why he insisted on Hansung’s panel from the beginning.

“You will feel the difference in viewing angle. Do you think this is a problem that can be overcome by stabilizing the process?”

Yoo-hyun brought up a different issue.

It had nothing to do with ultra-high resolution.

But the perspective of the people who made the final product was different.

They needed a panel that matched their content, and viewing angle was an important factor.

If they hadn’t experienced the difference, they wouldn’t have known, but once they did, the flaw became more noticeable.

That’s why voices came from here and there.

“Now that you mention it, it is different.”

“I didn’t notice it from the front, but it’s obvious from the side.”

“This would be bad for video playback, wouldn’t it?”

“Our design concept requires good visibility from the side.”

Nakamura was flustered by the unexpected reaction.

Sharp, who had just made the panel, couldn’t have considered this far.

And even if they did, it wasn’t a problem that could be solved easily.

“Our panel’s viewing angle is…”

As Nakamura’s voice faded away, Yoo-hyun confidently stepped forward.

“I don’t think Apple would use a low-quality product just because it’s cheap.”

It wasn’t just about viewing angle.

With his preparation, Hansung’s product surpassed Sharp’s in every aspect.

He was confident that it had to be done.

Yoo-hyun’s confidence radiated from his expression.

Steve Jobs smiled slightly at Yoo-hyun.

“That’s right. It would be stupid to use trash when there is a first-class option.”

Steve Jobs agreed and Tim Cook called his name.


But it was impossible to change Steve Jobs’ mind once he made a decision.

Steve Jobs looked at Yoo-hyun.

He seemed very relaxed and Steve Jobs asked him with a smile.

“You must have something you want since you made such a panel.”

“I think Apple Phone 4 will change the world, Steve. It will be a huge success beyond your expectations.”

“That’s interesting. And retina display is at the center of it?”

“Yes. But it shouldn’t be too expensive. I understand Apple’s concerns very well.”

Yoo-hyun suddenly uttered a surprising reversal and people were puzzled.

This was also Yoo-hyun’s intention to arouse more curiosity.

Yoo-hyun continued without losing their attention.

“There is an easy solution. Apple should invest more in the factory.”

“So you mean we just need to increase the supply?”

Yoo-hyun nodded at Steve Jobs’ question that pierced through the core.

“Yes. That’s right.”

Tim Cook narrowed his eyes.

“That would…”

Steve Jobs cut him off and said.

“No, Tim. He has a point. Let’s look into it.”

“Yes. I understand.”

As soon as Tim Cook answered, Philip Schiller asked Yoo-hyun a question.

He had talked to Yoo-hyun about the details of factory investment in Ulsan a while ago.

“So what are the investment conditions? If we have to build more factories as you say, we can’t compromise either.”

Yoo-hyun casually answered his expected question.

“I’ll lend you the name of retina display instead.”

“The name?”

Philip Schiller looked puzzled and Steve Jobs chuckled.

“You’re not selling it, but lending it?”

“Yes. I’ll give you the best possible deal for the factory.”

Yoo-hyun said as if he was doing them a favor and Steve Jobs laughed out loud.

“Hahaha. This is like a thief’s conscience.”

There was a blade hidden in his laughter.

Anyone who knew Steve Jobs’ personality would have backed down here.

But Yoo-hyun became even more confident.

“You know the value of this panel and that name, don’t you?”

“What did you say?”

“Do you think this panel will only go into Apple Phone? It will also go into Apple Notebook, Apple Computer, and so on.”

And he talked about the future.

If Steve Jobs was the one who presented Apple Phone as the intersection of humanities and science and technology.

If Steve Jobs was the one who wanted to create a digital hub to appreciate art works properly.

He would have understood the meaning behind Yoo-hyun’s words.

Retina display was the future that Apple had to have.

Yoo-hyun added one more thing.

“Ah, and one more thing.”

The people’s eyes widened as Yoo-hyun uttered Steve Jobs’ signature phrase.

Steve Jobs, on the other hand, looked at Yoo-hyun with interest.

“What is it?”

“I think it would be nice if this panel was also included in the upcoming ApplePad.”

Steve Jobs’ eyebrows twitched quickly.

He asked with a smile.

“What’s your name, interesting friend?”

“Steve Han.”

“At least you’re not a jerk.”

That was the highest compliment that could come from Steve Jobs’ mouth.

The evaluation ended overwhelmingly.

There was no possibility of reversal since Steve Jobs had made the decision.

That was the fact that the Apple executives who were with him knew best.

Philip Schiller approached Kim Young-gil, the manager, and asked.

“I’ll go to Korea soon to negotiate the terms.”

“Yes. I’ll get ready.”

As planned in advance, Kim Young-gil, the manager, answered appropriately.

Both of them knew that this was not a matter to be argued here.

But there was one thing for sure.

Due to Steve Jobs’ remarks, the only choice was Hansung LCD.

The factory investment was bound to be overwhelmingly favorable to Hansung.

Recognizing that, Philip Schiller’s attitude was very gentle.

“And today’s presentation, it was impressive.”

“Thank you.”

Kim Young-gil, the manager, shook hands with a firm expression.


All the attention was focused on the Hansung employees.

In that atmosphere, the Sharp employees quietly turned their backs.

Their backs looked small and miserable.

Meanwhile, Yoo-hyun was facing Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs unusually reached out his hand first.

“Maybe we’ll see each other again.”

“I would be honored if you gave me that opportunity.”


Yoo-hyun answered and held his hand.

“Huhu. Let’s do that.”

Steve Jobs’ mouth curled up long.

Yoo-hyun also smiled with him.

The eyes of the two men looking at each other were strangely similar.

The news of the evaluation results spread quickly.

Of course, the details were all secret.

But people couldn’t help but know.

Apple had decided to invest more in factories, and the time to break ground was right around the corner.

Since it was a matter of billions of dollars, Apple moved quickly.

As soon as the evaluation ended, Vice President Im Jun-pyo smiled brightly at Apple’s phone call.

Thanks to that, Yoo-hyun had a hard time too.

As soon as he turned on his phone after leaving Apple, he received countless messages.

Most of them were words of encouragement for his hard work.

Yoo-hyun replied to a few of them.

Ring. Ring.

He got a call from Jung In-wook, the head of the pre-product team.

He said bluntly.

-Hey, when are you coming?

“I’m going to rest a bit. I have some things to finish up at Hansung Tower.”

-Okay. Take a good rest. Or don’t come at all.

Jung In-wook, the head of the team, snorted as usual.

There was a cheekiness in his grumpiness.

“You’re saying that while you miss me.”

-Haha. As if I would.

“Don’t you think you’re showing your affection by calling me internationally?”

Yoo-hyun asked teasingly, and Jung In-wook, the head of the team, flared up for no reason.

-No way. Hurry up and hang up. The phone bill is coming out.

“Then I’ll see you soon.”

-You did a good job, Yoo-hyun-ah.

Jung In-wook, the head of the team, finally said what he wanted to say and hung up the phone.

Yoo-hyun smiled as he looked at his disconnected phone.

Yoo-hyun and his party returned to the hotel and had a simple celebration at the hotel restaurant.

At a place where a splendid meal was spread out, Shin Kyung-wook, the director, said to the two people who worked hard.

“You guys did a great job today.”

“It’s thanks to your support.”

Kim Young-gil, the manager, passed on the credit, and Shin Kyung-wook, the director, smiled faintly.

There was gratitude for the hard-working people in his eyes.

And then the next day in the afternoon,

Yoo-hyun waited for Shin Kyung-wook’s contact in the hotel lobby and Kim Young-gil waited for Yeo Tae-sik’s contact in another place

They both looked good after having a delicious dinner and resting well

They were having a small talk when Kim Young-gil asked

“Yoo-hyun-ah, but is it okay to build more OLED factories like this?”


“Just. I’m afraid there will be too much supply.”

Kim Young-gil worried about something useless because he was immersed in his work

Yoo-hyun answered simply

“Then we’ll make OLED panels.”

“Will Apple do OLED? They’re hooked on ultra-high-resolution panels.”

“OLED will also become ultra-high-resolution panels in the near future.”

It’s hard for now, but the market has to change that way.

As always, the evolution of technology is bound to overcome the impossible wall.

Kim Young-gil asked doubtfully

“Then what about LCD ultra-high-resolution panels?”

“Then we’ll use LCD factories to make them cheaply.”

“Is that possible?”

“Yes. The idea has already come up within the pre-product team.”

Kim Young-gil was surprised by Yoo-hyun’s answer.

“What? Then there’s no need to get this investment?”

“It’s not a bad condition, what are you talking about. It’s good to get investment when you can.”

“It’s not my money, but.”

“Don’t worry. The seeds of today will come back big in the future.”

It wasn’t just a word that would benefit Hansung a little more.

This investment would have a huge impact on the future direction of display.

The future was already unfolding in Yoo-hyun’s head.

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