Chapter 299:

Chapter 299

When Yoo-hyun opened his eyes, he was no longer in the hotel room.

A white wall with no clock. A few single sofas scattered in a large space.

A whiteboard in the corner. The dense writing that filled it.

A screen on the wall.

The secret meeting room created by his imagination was vividly displayed.

And the people sitting on the single sofas came into view one by one.

Jonathan Ive, the chief design officer, Tim Cook, the chief operating officer, Philip Schiller, the chief marketing officer, Craig Federighi, the chief software officer, and Eddy Cue, the chief negotiator.

They were the shooting stars who made Apple what it is today.

And in the center of them, there was a man.

A black turtleneck, jeans, and sneakers.

Round glasses and short hair.

He was thin, but his eyes were more alive than ever. It was Steve Jobs.

Yoo-hyun was in a tense atmosphere that he could feel even in his imagination.

The place was a hard chair surrounded by single sofas.

It gave him a feeling of taking a test. It was likely to be the same place that John Norman had mentioned in his memoir as the one he wanted to avoid the most.

The meaning of this place was simple.

This product review was not for demonstration, but for examination.

This had been foreseen since Steve Jobs did not hold an official product review.

Yoo-hyun lifted his head and looked at Steve Jobs.

The image of him reconstructed by his imagination was freedom itself.

He was playing with a mockup without caring about the surrounding atmosphere.

What kind of mockup was it?

Among the three choices, Ilseong Electronics’ mockup was out from the start.

Steve Jobs was not a person who would waste time with a panel that did not catch his eye.

The only ones left were Hanseong Electronics and Sharp’s mockups.

Both panels were ultra-high resolution panels, but the results were clearly different.

Stains on the screen, color bleeding, viewing angle, brightness issues, etc.

Small flaws that did not seem serious at first glance remained on Sharp’s panel.

This was something that Yoo-hyun had already confirmed through Danaka.

Then Steve Jobs’ choice would obviously be Hanseong Electronics’ mockup.

He would not choose second place over first place.

It was not just because the panel was good.

Yoo-hyun had added some differentiated requirements to the mockup.

He made them use Hanseong’s video board and selected an internal image that reflected Steve Jobs’ taste.

It was to maximize the performance of the panel and deliver a differentiated user experience.

He did not know if Maeng Gi-yong had done this task, but Yoo-hyun believed he had done it.

It was because John Norman was in charge of this mockup.

He had communicated with Yoo-hyun constantly and he would not have missed Maeng Gi-yong’s words.

Yoo-hyun’s imagination created a more concrete situation.

Not only the Apple employees in front of him, but also the Sharp employees next to him came to mind.

Their expressions were full of confidence.

It was because they had a connection with Tim Cook.

This was something that Shin Kyung-wook had already confirmed for him.

Shin Kyung-wook had investigated who would attend this product review for him.

Thanks to him, Yoo-hyun could draw them more specifically in his head.

Of course, that did not mean he knew what they would say.

But he could predict the outcome

No matter what presentation they gave, they could not satisfy Steve Jobs.

This was already a predetermined sequence.

The only thing left was Kim Young-gil’s presentation.

Yoo-hyun had watched his presentation countless times.

Kim Young-gil’s preparation was enough.

He had memorized the script he had written countless times and responded skillfully to unexpected questions.

What would Steve Jobs react when he opened his mouth?

Would he return the words he had said when he announced iPhone 4?

Yoo-hyun kept imagining and creating the atmosphere of the scene.

He drew in his mind how Apple employees would look and what questions they would ask.

Their careers, interview contents, etc. that he had researched endlessly became the basis of his imagination.

Why did he do this?

The moment when Kim Young-gil’s presentation ended was the most important.

Depending on how Yoo-hyun responded then, the result could change greatly.

As much as everything he had built up could fly away, Yoo-hyun focused more.

He repeated the same work until late at night.

He paid attention to even small details to make a more perfect response.

His back became damp and his eyes blurred.

That’s how Yoo-hyun poured out 20 years of experience for one scene.

And the next afternoon.

The scenery he had imagined was spread out in front of him like a lie.

Except for the color of the single sofas in the secret meeting room on the third floor, there was not much difference.

Even the faces of the participants were the same.

Steve Jobs was holding Hanseong’s mockup and Yoo-hyun was sitting on a hard chair.

Of course, not everything was the same.

Steve Jobs, who held the mockup, was talking endlessly with his employees.

“This mockup is…”

“In my opinion…”

Jonathan Ive next to him also actively responded, and so did the other employees.

Except for Steve Jobs, they all compared the two mockups and gave their opinions.

In the meantime, the people sitting on the hard chairs were left out.

They were treated as if they were shadows, as if they did not exist.

A Sharp employee sitting next to him whispered to Yoo-hyun with a sneer.

It was Nakamura, who had a distinctive thin mustache.

“Did Hanseong give up? That’s what you get for sending such a rookie.”

He must have thought he would not understand because it was Japanese.

Yoo-hyun immediately retorted.

“We’ll see who’s the rookie when the result comes out.”

“What did you say?”

Nakamura flared up, but Takahashi next to him stopped him.

It was not a situation to argue, since it was their place.

It was not just this petty quarrel.

As Apple executives’ conversation dragged on, Nakamura whispered and picked a fight every chance he got.

“It’s a game that’s already over. Hanseong, no matter how hard you struggle, the outcome won’t change.”

It was a very childish trick to disturb the presentation.

Kim Young-gil ignored him and focused with his eyes closed.

Yoo-hyun just snorted.

“What a joke.”

The Sharp employees were more childish and petty than he had imagined.

He appreciated their effort to gain an advantage, but their direction was too wrong.

Yoo-hyun shook his head in disbelief.

There was something else.

It was Steve Jobs’ attitude toward Sharp’s presentation.

It was when Takahashi, who had Nakamura’s support, confidently started his presentation.

“Sharp’s ultra-high resolution panel is…”

As soon as Steve Jobs saw the dense writing on the screen, he shouted.

“Get rid of that crappy presentation.”

“Steve, let’s hear it out.”

Tim Cook stepped in and stopped him, but Steve Jobs blinked and said.

“Tim, I don’t have much patience. I’ll give you one minute.”

It was a single sentence, but it was very intimidating.

The Sharp employee trembled and began his presentation.


But the presentation did not even last a minute.

It was the moment when the first screen changed.

Steve Jobs said sarcastically as he saw the stiff animation effect.

“How dare you bring Windows in front of me?”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know better because we’re a component company. I’ll be careful.”

This time, even Tim Cook’s intervention was useless.

Steve Jobs criticized them harshly.

It was a little beyond Yoo-hyun’s expectation.

“You can’t do well with that kind of thing. Well, I can tell by the level of the panel.”


Takahashi and Nakamura buried their heads in the ground as if they were scared to death.

In such a fierce atmosphere, it was Kim Young-gil’s turn.

Kim Young-gil was calm as Yoo-hyun had imagined.

He had been solidified by countless preparations.


Yoo-hyun did not hesitate and immediately displayed the presentation material on the screen.

Two boxes of different sizes with grid patterns appeared on a blue gradient background that Steve Jobs liked to use.

There was no other explanation.

Maybe it was because of the simple screen, but Steve Jobs’ eyebrows narrowed.

Kim Young-gil opened his mouth as he had prepared.

“An ultra-high resolution panel has dense pixels like this…”

It was a very basic explanation of ultra-high resolution panels.

He then displayed the alphabet a on the grid boxes.

“As you can see, the a written on the dense grid is more natural…”

Kim Young-gil said very easy and obvious things in this important place.

While he was talking, Yoo-hyun kept an eye on Steve Jobs’ reaction.

His expression was subtle.

He felt half curiosity about the unusual composition and half disappointment about the boring content.

Kim Young-gil skillfully pulled the somewhat bland atmosphere by changing his tone of voice.

“As you can see, the higher the ppi (pixels per area), the clearer the digital image can be expressed.”

He also asked questions to arouse curiosity.

“Then how high should it be for people not to feel the pixels?”

For a moment, Steve Jobs leaned forward.

The words that he could not feel the pixels caught his curiosity.

Kim Young-gil answered without avoiding his sharp eyes.

“It’s 300ppi. Beyond that, human retina (retina) can’t distinguish it.”

The screen already showed that the ppi of the ultra-high resolution panel was 326.

That meant that the panel he was holding was the one he had just explained.

“Human retina.”

Steve Jobs opened his mouth for the first time during the presentation.

Kim Young-gil took advantage of that moment and attacked.

“Please take a look at the mockup. You will see a display that surpasses human retina limits.”


Steve Jobs chuckled and touched the mockup.

The mockup screen he had touched countless times looked different again.

It was because of the power of the words that it broke through human retina limits.


At that moment, the screen changed and showed a human eye.

And below the pupil, there was a large lettering.

Retina display.

When Steve Jobs looked at the screen, Kim Young-gil drove in the nail.

“A display that surpasses human retina limits. That’s retina display.”


The presentation ended there.

It was a very short time, less than a minute, but it was enough to make an impact.

He could tell by looking at the silent audience’s reaction.

Kim Young-gil’s presentation was neat.

Suddenly, Steve Jobs burst into laughter.

“Hahaha. That’s it, that’s it.”

He looked at the screen and said.

“I wanted to name this cool guy, but something perfect came up. Yeah.”

“Thank you.”

Kim Young-gil replied, and Steve Jobs turned to Jonathan Ive next to him and said.

“Jonathan, what do you think of retina display? It seems to fit your design perfectly.”

“The name alone inspires me.”

“Haha. Right. I love it. It suits perfectly.”

The atmosphere was friendly.

The situation that Yoo-hyun had expected was unfolding in front of him.

In that atmosphere, Tim Cook and Nakamura’s eyes met.

And Tim Cook opened his mouth.

Yoo-hyun could guess what he was going to say without hearing it.

It was the timing he had been waiting for, so Yoo-hyun stepped in first.

“I’m sorry, but we have the trademark rights for retina display.”


Suddenly, Steve Jobs’ eyes flashed fiercely.

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