Chapter 281:

Chapter 281

That evening.

Yoo-hyun met with Hyunjin Gun and had a drink with him.

They had become quite close through a series of processes, and now they felt happy and comfortable when they met.

Hyunjin Gun also talked a lot about himself.

A significant part of it was about his younger brother.

“My brother right now…”

“Yeah. Just be a little more careful.”

Of course, he also said a lot of things that were four-dimensional.

“Yoo-hyun, in the future, you will fall in love with artificial intelligence…”

“I don’t know. I can’t imagine that.”

He was a bit strange, but drinking and joking with him was the same as with ordinary people.

Yoo-hyun’s curiosity about the childhood of a genius was answered like that.

However, Hyunjin Gun definitely had a different side to him.

As the alcohol kicked in, Hyunjin Gun brought up his work.

“I think the future of communication will not be limited to cell phones…”

It was not just about a narrow organization.

His level of talk was deep and the scale was vast.

Sometimes Yoo-hyun couldn’t keep up, but this time he knew what he was talking about.

“I think we’ll need a lot more data in the future.”

“Right. When the 3rd generation communication era is followed by the 4th generation LTE communication era, everyone will use data.”

“And then, as you said, it will be connected to various devices other than cell phones.”

“You’re right. You know what I’m talking about. That would be around 5th generation communication, wouldn’t it?”

Yoo-hyun confirmed once again through this conversation.

Hyunjin Gun’s sense was different.

He looked at the future 10 years later very realistically.

It was no wonder he was called a genius engineer in the future.

Maybe that’s why?

Talking to him always felt like he had come to the future.

Yoo-hyun enjoyed that little fun.

“It’s okay. We can prepare from now on. You have a lot of patents from when you were in school.”

“It’s not easy in Ilseong. There aren’t many people who can communicate like you there.”

“Why? Ilseong is a big company.”

When Yoo-hyun asked pretending not to know, Hyunjin Gun vented his frustration.

“They’re more interested in getting immediate benefits than preparing for the future.”

“Well, they use foreign chips for communication anyway.”

“Yeah. It’s a shame. That’s why I’m thinking of quitting.”

Hyunjin Gun spilled out his inner worries.

In the end, he had a high chance of founding JK Communication as Yoo-hyun had experienced in the past.

No matter how much the situation changed, people’s nature did not change.

Yoo-hyun sincerely said to his benefactor in the future and his friend in the present.

“You’ll do well even if you quit and come out.”

“It’s hard to start a hardware business. I need to save some money to survive.”

“It would be perfect if there was a company that would support you.”

“Where can you find something like that?”

Hyunjin Gun chuckled and handed over his glass.

Looking at him, Yoo-hyun smiled meaningfully.

“A good opportunity will come soon.”

“Yeah. I always trust what you say.”


The two men hit their glasses happily.

And the next morning.

Yoo-hyun arrived at his hometown and left his bag at an empty house and went outside right away.

His destination was the traditional market where his mother worked.


The market looked more lively than before.

There were many people and the merchants’ voices were bright.

Yoo-hyun walked while taking in various scenes.

Then he reached his mother’s store before he knew it.

But the atmosphere was strange.

There were boxes piled up in front of his mother’s store.

It looked like he was moving out.

The man in work clothes standing next to the box frowned and his mother looked flustered.

Next to her was a woman who looked like a customer holding side dishes.

For some reason, her face was full of annoyance.

Yoo-hyun approached with surprise.

“Mom, what’s going on?”

“Oh, Yoo-hyun, I’m sorry. I didn’t even prepare any food at home.”

“Don’t worry about that.”

Yoo-hyun reassured his mother when it happened.

The annoyed customer snapped at his mother.

“How long do I have to wait?”

“Yes. I’ll do it right away.”

Then the man in work clothes intervened.

“Ma’am, we have to sort this out first.”

“Yes. Just a moment.”

His mother was out of her mind by the words coming from both sides.

Yoo-hyun asked the man.

“What’s going on?”

“There are a lot of parcels to deliver, but they’re not sorted out.”

Yoo-hyun blinked his eyes.

There were too many boxes for parcels.

“Can I see the list?”

“Yes. Here.”

Yoo-hyun looked at the parcel list that the man handed over.

“100 boxes?”

“Yes. That’s just the morning volume. I need to send the address as soon as possible, but the boss is out of it.”


Yoo-hyun realized the situation then.

The online store was doing so well that the order volume skyrocketed.

The problem was the system.

The order results came to his mother’s cell phone text, so his mother couldn’t cope.

It was a part that Yoo-hyun didn’t dare to predict.

“Can’t I send you the address by text?”

“We can write it down, but you have to confirm it.”

“Okay. I’ll do this part.”

Yoo-hyun nodded and told his mother.

“Mom, I’ll take care of the parcels.”

“I’m sorry. You came all this way for nothing.”

“Don’t say that.”

There were also many offline customers, so his mother was busy.

Yoo-hyun also immediately rolled up his sleeves and worked.

He took his mother’s cell phone and checked the text.

He found the corresponding side dish and sorted it out and wrote the address on the parcel box.

But there was something strange.

Most of the addresses were in Ulsan.

He checked the names and chuckled.

Maeng Giyong, Jeong Areum, Lee Jinmok, Jeong Inwook, Go Seongcheol…

Only Maeng Giyong senior and Jeong Areum junior knew this fact.

They must have promoted it to their team members.

Yoo-hyun was grateful while laughing.

But that wasn’t the end.

The addresses were not Ulsan, but the names that followed were all familiar.

Park Seungwoo, Choi Minhee, Lee Aerin, Jo Minran, Kim Seongdeuk…

Yoo-hyun was dumbfounded.

He hadn’t told anyone else in his previous team or elsewhere.

Then, Yoo-hyun’s cell phone vibrated.


-I saw your name on the company’s promotional bulletin board and ordered it. Have a good time on your dispatch, and let me see your face when you come up.

It was a message from Kim Seongdeuk, a manager of the mobile phone business division.‘Company bulletin board?’

Yoo-hyun blinked and thought.

He remembered the murmuring of his senior, Maeng Giyong.

-Did you not get any response yet?

He said he was grateful and nagged him.

Yoo-hyun chuckled and organized the orders.

Each box seemed to contain his mother’s feelings for him.

He was very thankful for that.

It was after the situation had settled down.

There was no side dish left in his mother’s store.

They had improved the interior structure of the restaurant and doubled the water supply for storing side dishes, but it was all gone.

It happened in a few hours in the morning.

His mother said in amazement.

“How can so many people buy this?”

“I know, right?”

“Computers are really amazing.”

It wasn’t because of the computer, but Yoo-hyun nodded anyway.

“Yes, mom.”

“Yeah. This is much better than expanding.”

“There’s no guarantee that it will always be like this.”

“But you just have to prepare for the next day after receiving the text. If it doesn’t go well, you just have to prepare less, right?”

“That’s true.”

The best way to learn is to face it directly.

His mother seemed to understand the online sales system to some extent.

Yoo-hyun watched the situation and suggested to his mother.

“Mom, we need to hire a part-timer.”

“I’m already looking for one. I can’t do it alone anymore.”

“Don’t be stingy and hire a good person. It will help you in the future.”

“You know I always listen to you well.”

His mother smiled and nodded.

As he was talking with his mother,

The nearby store owners came over one by one.

They were all familiar faces that he had seen when they visited his mother.


Yoo-hyun greeted them first and they welcomed him.

“Oh, long time no see.”

“You’re handsome as always.”

“I really wish I could have you as my son-in-law.”

He responded to each greeting that came from here and there.

“Haha. How have you been?”

It was then.

The donut lady showed her envy.

“Yeoni’s son is so nice, really.”

The other ladies agreed.

“That’s right. He said he did everything with the computer.”

“He also fixed the interior of the store for her.”

“Oh, my. How did he do that?”

His mother waved her hand at them.

“Oh, come on, why are you like that?”

But her face was full of smiles.

Yoo-hyun felt proud.

They were chatting like that when

A lady passed by the store.

She saw Yoo-hyun and gasped in surprise.

“Huh? Is that…”

Everyone’s eyes turned to her.

Yoo-hyun recognized her too.

It was then that the donut lady recognized her.

“Miok, what’s wrong?”

Then Shin Miok pointed at Yoo-hyun with her finger.

She looked like she had seen a ghost.

“No, this young man…”

“Oh, he’s handsome, right? He’s Yeoni’s son from the side dish store.”

The donut lady said and Shin Miok’s eyelids fluttered.

Yoo-hyun remembered and put his index finger on his mouth.

He signaled her not to say anything.

But Shin Miok didn’t see that.

She trembled and said,

“Th-this guy is the one I told you about.”

“What guy?”

The donut lady asked and Shin Miok raised her voice.

“The one who helped me when my store was taken away. He was so kind…”


Everyone blinked at her words.

It was such a big incident that no one didn’t know about Shin Miok’s case.

Questions popped up from everywhere.

“When President Hwang and the former chairman of the merchants’ association brought thugs?”

“The incident that was reported in the news?”

Shin Miok nodded vigorously at their questions.

“Yes. He beat up the thugs and saved me. I was so grateful…”

Then she walked up to Yoo-hyun with a touched expression.

Everyone looked at Yoo-hyun.

His mother was too surprised to say anything.

Shin Miok grabbed Yoo-hyun’s hand.

“Thank you so much. Thanks to you…”

“No, I didn’t do anything.”

Yoo-hyun shook his head and Shin Miok bowed her head over his hand.

“Thank you. Thank you so much.”

“No, please don’t, ma’am.”

He didn’t deserve such a thank-you.

But the other ladies felt differently.

They empathized with Shin Miok’s feelings and their eyes became moist.

“I didn’t know Yoo-hyun was like that…”

“So Yoo-hyun made the chairman step down.”

“We all owe him a lot.”


Yoo-hyun felt embarrassed by their words.

He wanted to get out of there, but his hand was held and he was surrounded by them.

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