Chapter 280:

Chapter 280

Han Jae-hee blurted out to Yoo-hyun, who was suspicious of her.

-Think of it as filial piety.

“Are you kidding?”

-It’s true, okay?

“It doesn’t seem like it…”

-Come on, it is. I listened to your advice and looked into making a website. Then I made an internet cafe with the money I earned.

It was a plausible story, but the other person was Han Jae-hee.

She would never have such a righteous thought.

Then, something flashed in Yoo-hyun’s mind.

“Did you design the internet cafe for a school project?”


“I knew it…”

-No, no. It was just a side thing.

Why did he feel relieved by Han Jae-hee’s evasive words?

He finally felt like she was his real sister.

Yoo-hyun nodded and said.

“I get it. I appreciate your intention.”

-Don’t tell mom. I’m going to say this is a birthday present for her.

“You’re such a filial daughter.”

-Of course. Where else can you find a filial daughter like me?

Yoo-hyun chuckled at Han Jae-hee’s confident words.

He hung up the phone after that.

Yoo-hyun checked out the internet cafe that his sister made.

He unknowingly let out his true feelings as he looked at it.

“She did a good job, though.”

Whatever the reason, Han Jae-hee was trying hard for their mother’s store.

She spent a lot of time and produced a good quality product.

He couldn’t just sit still as her brother.

It was during lunchtime at the cafeteria on the first floor of the Ulsan factory.

Maeng Ki-yong, his senior, who was sitting across from him, asked Yoo-hyun, who seemed lost in thought.

“Yoo-hyun, are you having a hard time?”

“No. I was just thinking about something.”


“What kind of side dish is a good side dish?”

Yoo-hyun gave an unexpected answer, and Maeng Ki-yong burst into laughter.

“Puhaha. What are you talking about?”

“I was wondering what kind of side dish would be popular and easy to make.”

“Are you going to quit your job and open a side dish store? They all go bankrupt.”

“No. My mother runs a side dish store.”

“Oh, I see…”

Maeng Ki-yong’s attitude suddenly softened at the mention of his mother.

He looked sorry even though he didn’t say anything wrong.

The word mother had such a powerful force.

Yoo-hyun smiled and explained the situation.

“I’m trying to change the menu of my mother’s store…”

“Diet side dishes?”

“Yes. There’s a diet boom these days. Don’t you think it’s a good idea?”

“That’s not bad. Hmm.”

Maybe it was because of his guilt from before, but Maeng Ki-yong looked very serious.

He seemed to think too hard, so Yoo-hyun asked him casually.

“Do you have any good ideas?”

“I don’t have any, but I can introduce you to an expert.”

“There’s such a person?”

Yoo-hyun asked in surprise, and Maeng Ki-yong nodded right away.

“Yeah, there is. A diet expert.”

That evening.

After finishing his work, Yoo-hyun went to a cafe with Maeng Ki-yong.

It was an open-air cafe located in a quiet place away from the city center.

Yoo-hyun exclaimed.

“This is where you had your date.”

“Yeah. I had to find all kinds of places so we wouldn’t get caught.”

“You always leave separately after work.”

“Of course. That’s the essence of office romance.”

Maeng Ki-yong grinned as he said that.

It was then that Jeong Ah-reum, the team leader of part 2, showed up.


Yoo-hyun stood up and greeted her, but she waved her hand.

“Don’t be so formal. Sit down, sit down.”

“Yes. Okay.”

Jeong Ah-reum sat down and immediately snapped at Maeng Ki-yong next to her.

“Why did you order cake when you know I’m on a diet?”

“I didn’t order it. Yoo-hyun did.”

Maeng Ki-yong made an innocent face, and Yoo-hyun quickly answered.

“Well, I thought I should treat you something since I’m asking for your help.”

Jeong Ah-reum shook her head as she looked at him.

“I appreciate your kindness, but I don’t eat cake. It’s the biggest enemy of dieting.”

He ordered two pieces just in case, but he couldn’t help it if she didn’t like it.

“Yes. I understand.”

“Thank you for understanding.”

Jeong Ah-reum smiled and got straight to the point.

She was always in a hurry like when she worked.

“You said you were thinking about diet side dishes, right?”

“Yes. That’s right.”

“In my opinion…”

As he listened to her, Yoo-hyun unconsciously took out a notebook and a pen from his bag.

There was not a single thing that he could ignore.

“Sea snails?”

“Yes. Chicken breast, eggs, and sea snails are all good.”

“But they have seasoning in them.”

“There’s a low-salt diet plan. How it works is…”

“I see.”

Yoo-hyun kept nodding and admiring.

He could clearly see why Maeng Ki-yong called Jeong Ah-reum an expert.

She didn’t do 10 years of dieting for nothing.

She poured out high-quality information as soon as he touched her.

Maeng Ki-yong, his senior, was just drinking coffee, unable to butt in.

Jeong Ah-reum, the team leader, spoke with a gleam in her eyes.

“There’s something more important than the side dishes themselves.”

“What is it?”

“How you package them.”

“How do you do that?”

At Yoo-hyun’s question, Jeong Ah-reum explained in detail again.

“Of course, you have to include words like low-salt or low-calorie in the name of the side dishes, and it’s better to write what ingredients are in them on the surface of the container.”

“Ah, that would definitely increase the trustworthiness.”

“Yes. Give me your notebook.”

She even wrote down some examples for him.

Yoo-hyun admired the drawings and explanations she made.

She was not just a diet expert by words.

She was at a level where she should get a degree somewhere.

“Thank you. It looks much cleaner and nicer when you display the calories like this.”

“Right. And here…”

Jeong Ah-reum kept talking and ate a spoonful of cake from time to time.

It seemed to be her habit when she was focused.

She was really focused, as the two pieces of cake were almost gone.

Out of the three spoons, only one had cake on it.

At that moment, Yoo-hyun’s eyes met with Maeng Ki-yong’s.

He shook his head quickly.

It meant not to say anything.

When Jeong Ah-reum finished her explanation, Yoo-hyun gave her a thumbs up.

“You’re amazing. I was so impressed.”

“Don’t mention it. I just picked up a lot of things from doing dieting for a long time. Hoho.”

“I’ll treat you big later.”

“As long as it’s not food.”

“Yes. Of course.”

Yoo-hyun turned his eyes away from the empty plates and smiled.

He could guess why she had been dieting for 10 years.

Of course, he could never say that out loud.

After parting with Yoo-hyun, Jeong Ah-reum said to Maeng Ki-yong, who was walking next to her on the street.

“Yoo-hyun is such a nice person.”

“I told you, he’s a good guy.”

“I feel sorry for him.”

Maeng Ki-yong asked her why she said that out of the blue.


“My colleague asked me to take good care of him, but I feel like I haven’t done much for him.”

“You mean Yu Hye-mi from the sales team?”

“Yeah. It’s not going well for her.”

Maeng Ki-yong seemed to understand how she felt.

They were in different parts and had different tasks, and there were also conflicts.

It must have been hard to take care of him even if she wanted to.

“I’m taking good care of him. Don’t worry.”

He said calmly, and Jeong Ah-reum pouted her lips.

“What do you mean? You’re only getting more help from him.”

“That’s not true.”

“Then stop saying that and help him out a bit this time.”


She looked at Maeng Ki-yong with blinking eyes and said.

“How? Well…”

“Ah, that’s good. As expected.”

He clapped his hands after hearing her explanation.

A smile appeared on his face.

Yoo-hyun organized what Jeong Ah-reum had told him.

He searched the internet and made recipes based on that.

He got help from experts on how to package and design them.

There were many things he could do online.

He supported his mother from afar in that way.

His mother also tried harder as her son and daughter actively helped her out.

But there were limits.

She didn’t know much about computers.

She didn’t have a clear concept of online sales either.

He called his anxious mother and said.

“Mom, you don’t have to worry. When someone orders, you’ll get a text message with their address. All you have to do is send the side dishes to that address.”

His voice echoed softly in the office hallway after the end-of-work song rang in the office.

-They came by from the delivery company. Did you send them?

“Yes. They specialize in market vendors. Did you talk well?”

He asked, and his mother answered nervously.

-They said they would take them if I contacted them. They said they would come twice a day, in the morning and afternoon.

“Then it’ll be easier.”

-But I don’t know if this will work out well.

“Sending the packages?”

-No. I wonder if there are really people who order them.

Yoo-hyun reassured his worried mother.

“What if it doesn’t work out? It’s not like you’re losing money, so don’t worry.”

-But I hope it goes well anyway.

She had said she didn’t expect anything at first.

But now she seemed to have some ambition.

Yoo-hyun held back his laughter and said.

“Yes. It will go well.”

-Okay. When are you coming?

“I was going to go see you anyway. I want to see your new store too.”

-Tell me again what you told me last time.

“Yes. I will. See you soon.”

He hung up the phone with a smile.

He had something to do in his hometown anyway.

It would be nice to stop by and sort things out.

His work at the company was going smoothly.

Of course, it was smooth from Yoo-hyun’s perspective, not for others.

Everyone was busy moving to apply the improved items.

Anyway, since it was going well, Yoo-hyun could take a break easily.

The day before he took a vacation, after the end-of-work song rang in the office.

He greeted his team leader and part leader, and said goodbye to Maeng Ki-yong as well.

“Maeng senior, I’ll be back soon.”

“You’re going to your mother’s side dish store, right?”

“Yes. I want to see how it’s going.”

“It’ll go well. You put a lot of effort into it.”

He thanked him for his words of encouragement.

Of course, the target was Jeong Ah-reum, the diet expert.

“By the way, I’m really grateful to Jeong team leader.”

“What about me?”

“Of course, I’m grateful to you too.”

At Yoo-hyun’s perfunctory answer, Maeng Ki-yong raised his eyebrows.

“Is that all you have to say?”

“What do you mean?”

“Hasn’t she responded yet?”

Maeng Ki-yong made a puzzled remark and tilted his head.

“What are you talking about?”

Yoo-hyun asked in confusion, and he waved his hand.

“Never mind. Nothing.”

“Okay. See you later.”

“Yeah. Have a good trip.”

Yoo-hyun left the office after saying goodbye to Maeng Ki-yong.

He felt relaxed as his work was going smoothly.

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