Chapter 239:

Chapter 239

Kim Ho-geol, the senior engineer who had been talking for a long time, paused to adjust his tempo.

Then he looked at Yoo-hyun and said.

“Yoo-hyun, do you have the data for the remaining schedule?”

“Yes, team leader.”

“Show it to us.”


Since he had been asked in advance, Yoo-hyun did not hesitate to display the schedule on the screen.

It contained the changes from the detailed schedule that had been shared last time.

Yoo-hyun raised his voice to pass the baton to Kim Ho-geol.

“This is the new schedule with the modifications from each manager and the newly added items.”

“It would be better to share and finalize it here, right?”

“Yes. I think it would be better to sort it out at once.”

“Then, Yoo-hyun, you go ahead.”

Kim Ho-geol asked Yoo-hyun to do it.

Surprised, Yoo-hyun asked again.

“It’s the same as what you checked, team leader.”

“I know.”

“Then wouldn’t it be better for you to do it yourself?”

At this time when the team was starting anew, the team leader needed to step up to show his leadership.

It was timely to show his driving force by coordinating and adjusting the whole schedule here.

It was also good for him to control the team members by doing it himself.

But Kim Ho-geol shook his head.

“No. It’s better for Yoo-hyun to do it.”


Then he gave Yoo-hyun some encouragement.

“Now, Yoo-hyun will sort out the schedule. Speak freely, but respect each other. Got it?”

“Yes, team leader.”

As Kim Ho-geol emphasized his words, the team members also answered immediately.

Since the atmosphere was created, he couldn’t back out anymore.

Yoo-hyun was not a person who hesitated in this situation.

Yoo-hyun quickly briefed the current situation.

“The key point of the current schedule is the report to the group leader…”

It was something that had already been mentioned by the manager and the team leader.

However, there was something missing here.

The new second part leader, Go Seong-cheol, senior engineer, pinpointed the core issue.

“Yoo-hyun, I get that, but there is no concrete plan.”

“Yes. I’ll tell you what we need to convince the group leader. Here’s the list.”

Yoo-hyun answered immediately and displayed the list items.

-Solutions to overcome reliability issues of LTPS panels.

-Solutions to improve screen stains and brightness unevenness issues.

-Liquid crystal coating method change proposal.

-Demo of ultra-high resolution panel.

The solutions to improve the current panel’s problems were mainly included.

This was something that could not be shown physically right away. Inevitably, he had to show the direction of improvement through data.

But among them, there was a different kind of proposal.

It was a demo of an ultra-high resolution panel.

As it was a sensitive issue, Go Seong-cheol’s objection came in right away.

“If it goes as planned, there are less than two weeks left. How are you going to do a demo?”

As Son Mu-gil, senior engineer sitting next to him, agreed with him.

“Go senior engineer is right. The panel design is not even finished yet.”

The final target of ultra-high resolution panel was 3.5 inches in size and DVGA (960×640) resolution.

This was four times higher than the resolution of Apple Phone 1 and 2 panels, which was HVGA (480×320).

There were many technical difficulties because of this, so it was still in the early stages of development.

Their questions stemmed from here.

Yoo-hyun answered right away.

“We plan to use a 1.8-inch test panel that is currently undergoing reliability verification.”


As Go Seong-cheol asked, Yoo-hyun turned the page and showed him an alternative.

As soon as he prepared screen appeared, Yoo-hyun’s explanation followed.

“The test panel has almost the same PPI (pixels per inch). If we connect four of them, we can show a similar appearance to the target.”


Go Seong-cheol snorted at Yoo-hyun’s answer.

He felt more resentment than wanting to praise him for his diligent preparation.

It was because it was a nonsense story.

The expressions of other panel engineers were also cold.

Glancing at Kim Ho-geol’s face, Go Seong-cheol asked one by one.

“First of all, that panel was a test panel to see if we could use OLED line.”

“I know that.”

“Yeah. And as you mentioned in the list, there are many problems. Right?”


“Then how are you going to do a demo with that? It might only increase his resistance.”

Go Seong-cheol’s opinion had enough reason.

The level of the current test panel was too low.

If he did it wrong, the group leader might conclude that it was not a feasible technology.

Yoo-hyun, who had anticipated this opposition, did not back down and answered.

“We are going to choose the best product among them. We will distort the image to deal with the brightness and stain problems.”

“Huh… Are you going to do that manually?”

As Yoo-hyun was about to answer, Kim Seon-dong, the chief engineer next to him, opened his mouth.

“We can adjust the screen uniformity by taking pictures with a camera. We have a program under development.”

“Even so, the module has to come out first.”

As Go Seong-cheol objected, this time Maeng Gi-yong, senior engineer, answered.

“We are going to use the existing Apple Phone IC with the same resolution. FPCB has already been ordered.”

“Maeng senior engineer, making a module is not enough. You said you would turn on four at the same time.”

This time, Son Mu-gil, chief engineer, expressed his concern.

He was mainly in charge of panels, but he also had a lot of experience in module demos.

The response to that was Lee Jin-mok, chief engineer.

“The test board will be coming soon. I think we can see the size then.”

“Then how are you going to display the video? This looks like a completely out-of-spec product.”

Hwang Seong-ik, chief engineer of the second part, also joined in and the atmosphere heated up.

It was a heated discussion that was hard to find in the previous advanced product team.

Taking advantage of the atmosphere, Min Su-jin, senior engineer who had been quiet, also raised her voice.

“We have modified the video board. It might be hard to sync the video, but we can display the image together.”

“Huh, it’s still not easy.”

Go Seong-cheol bit his tongue at the sophisticated response of the first part as if they had matched their mouths in advance.

The panel people shook their heads.

On the other hand, Jeong In-wook, who had been watching the whole process, was surprised.

The reason why the first part’s opinions came out in sync was not because of the improved atmosphere.

It was because the part’s work progress matched perfectly with the demo point.

This meant that he had seen this far when he first planned it.

‘What kind of guy is he?’

Jeong In-wook’s expression was astonished as he looked at Yoo-hyun.

Yoo-hyun understood the second part’s concerns well.

No matter how well he did the demo, the panel’s flaws would be exposed.

Then he needed to show him a clear alternative right away, but that was not easy either.

He knew that well enough to present Yoo-hyun with his next move.

“I expect that it will be difficult to respond on the panel side.”

“That’s right. Yoon senior engineer is out and it’s hard to modify the design right away.”

“Yes. So I prepared a backup plan.”


As Yoo-hyun pressed the button, teams and managers related to key tasks appeared on the screen.

LTPS substrate design: Future Product Research Institute OLED Panel Development Team

-Simulation manager: Kim Pyeong-ho, chief researcher (LCD panel expert)

-Layout manager: Min Dal-gi, senior researcher

-Device verification manager: Yoo-hyun-song, senior researcher

High-density liquid crystal integration method: CTO SLC Panel Research Team

It was something that Yoo-hyun had mentioned before.

There were also the main managers for each detailed task.

This was not something that people from other departments could easily know.

Was it because of that?

The brows of the second part members narrowed.

As if he could read their minds, Yoo-hyun opened his mouth.

“I checked the managers several times in meetings before the project started.”

“I get your point. But those teams are not easy to move.”

Go Seong-cheol, senior engineer, who had been looking at the screen for a while, spoke up, and Yoo-hyun nodded his head.

“Yes. I know that.”

“Then you know that it’s not something that can be done by sharing a few reports, right?”

“We’ll need to assign people eventually.”

“Right. The project proposal is already over, but do you think they’ll give us people?”

Go Seong-cheol’s question was sharp.

The eyes of others turned to Yoo-hyun.

Yoo-hyun did not hesitate and went straight ahead.

“Yes. They will.”

“Huh! Does that make sense?”

“Once this report is over, it will be like that. You just need to focus on the right direction, no matter what they resist.”

Yoo-hyun’s words made Go Seong-cheol’s cheeks swell.

He couldn’t understand it with his common sense.

His mind was firmly expressed.

“It won’t work.”

“It will work for sure.”


Yoo-hyun said without wavering.

The strong conviction in his eyes strongly pressured those who tried to object.

The surroundings became quiet for a moment.

Seeing that, Kim Ho-geol recalled what happened last night.

After everyone left work, he had a one-on-one meeting with Go Jun-ho, senior manager, in his office.

-Do you know what that guy Yoo-hyun said? He said he would quit.

-…Did he?

-Yeah. I’ve never seen such a crazy guy before.

He said that, but Go Jun-ho was smiling.

Kim Ho-geol felt the same way.

If he was a guy who was determined to do it, he was worth trying.

He made up his mind and stepped forward.

“There’s nothing special to change from what Yoo-hyun said here, right?”

“Team leader, there are too many uncertain factors.”

As he tried to wrap it up, Go Seong-cheol raised his hand.

But Kim Ho-geol was firm.

“That’s something we don’t know until we try.”


“We don’t have time. Let’s just deal with the urgent matters first and think about the rest later.”


“Then I’ll take it as an agreement and proceed with it.”

He was not only firm in his words, but also showed his driving force to sort out the work quickly.

He turned his head to the right and called Go Seong-cheol, who still had a dissatisfied expression on his face.

“And Go senior engineer.”

“Yes, team leader.”

“Help them well in the second part.”

“Yes. I understand.”

He had nothing more to say in this atmosphere.

Kim Ho-geol nodded his head and wrapped up the meeting.

“After the proposals we discussed earlier, there will be some parts that need to be supplemented in detail. Gather by part and prepare a proposal. Got it?”

“Yes. We got it.”

The team members’ prompt answers filled the meeting room.

The meeting was over.

After the team meeting, each part gathered separately.

Jeong In-wook, chief engineer who sat down in the small meeting room, looked quite serious.

It was a different feeling from the past when he only played dumb.

He spoke to Yoo-hyun who sat across from him.

“It won’t be easy as you say. To make the demo possible, we have to do everything we’re doing now without any mistakes at once.”

“That’s right. We have to do FPCB, test board, video board, image correction at once.”

“Huh! And you still said that?”

“Yes. I believe it will work.”

Of course, Yoo-hyun was not the type of person who blindly trusted and left things to others.

He had prepared a backup plan in case it didn’t work.

But he needed to tighten the atmosphere a little more here.

If he believed it would work, things that wouldn’t work could happen.

As if to repay Yoo-hyun’s faith, Maeng Gi-yong spoke up.

“Chief engineer, I checked this FPCB carefully. There is a way to cheat at least if it works.”

“Really? Are you sure?”

“Yes. I am sure.”

Maeng Gi-yong’s confident answer made Jeong In-wook snort.

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