Chapter 238:

Chapter 238

Yoo-hyun headed to the office of his supervisor.

Of course, he had no intention of meeting Go Junho, the director who was in a hectic situation right now.

Instead, he looked for Ju Yoonha, the secretary in charge.


Yoo-hyun placed a can of soda he bought from the cafeteria on her desk.

She looked at him with a startled expression and said,

“Yoo-hyun, you don’t have to do this for me.”

“I feel like I’m always taking from you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Thank you for your help.”

She scratched her head as if embarrassed and asked.

“Oh, did you hear about it?”

“About what?”

“I overheard the director and the client talking earlier…”

It seemed that the leader of the investigation team had reported the progress to Go Junho.

The content was as Yoo-hyun expected.

There were other people involved, but it didn’t seem to be a big blow.

It was a big deal that only Hong Hyuksu and Yun Gichun were embezzling money.

Of course, Go Junho’s influence also played a role.

Yoo-hyun pointed out that part and said,

“The director covered for us.”

“Yes, it seems so. I guess he has to work with us anyway.”

“Thank you.”

Ju Yoonha nodded as if she agreed with him.

“Yes, he has a surprisingly refreshing side.”

“He’s a good person.”

“Not really.”

Ju Yoonha shook her head right away.

She had some grievances from being treated harshly by Go Junho.

“Yes, he has a fiery temper too.”

“Very much so. Haha.”

When Yoo-hyun hit the nail on the head, she laughed.

“You’re working hard.”

“But thanks to you, I feel energized.”

“Thank you. I’ll buy you more drinks in the future.”

Ju Yoonha smiled brightly at Yoo-hyun’s easygoing manner.

It wasn’t a long meeting, but they felt trust in each other’s eyes.

After saying goodbye to Ju Yoonha, Yoo-hyun passed by the office of his supervisor.

Through the window gap, he saw Go Junho sitting at his desk with his head in his hands.

He looked like he was in deep thought.

It wasn’t easy, this process.

Now that he had blown it up, he had to take responsibility for finishing it as the leader.

Yoo-hyun was watching him for a moment.

Go Junho, who was in the office, lifted his head.

For a moment, their eyes met.

Yoo-hyun straightened up his posture and greeted him.

He was grateful to him for keeping his promise right away.

‘Thank you.’

In the past, Yoo-hyun remembered him as a bad person who stole the performance of the fourth division.

But looking back, he was just an ordinary office worker who wanted compensation.

It was unreasonable to blame him for his ambition for performance.

At least he didn’t do anything vile.

When Yoo-hyun lifted his head, he waved his hand with a blunt face.

It was a sign for him to go ahead.

Yoo-hyun turned around without hesitation.

Now it was Yoo-hyun’s turn to keep his promise.

“I’ll show you soon.”

Yoo-hyun’s eyes sparkled.

There were days when the company left early as a group.

Usually it was the day before a holiday break.

Today was added to that list.

When the regular leave notification rang, Kim Hogul, the senior manager, told his team members,

“The director ordered us to go home early today.”

“Yes, sir.”

But the team members’ faces weren’t very bright.

They were all shaken by the chaotic atmosphere today.

Maeng Giyong, the senior who was packing up his stuff, asked Yoo-hyun,

“Do you want to have a drink today?”

“I’ll pass today. I have something to think about.”

Yoo-hyun backed off because he thought it would be better to give them some space in this situation.

Maeng Giyong patted Yoo-hyun’s shoulder and nodded his head.

“I guess so. It must be hard. Then I’ll drink with Seondong today.”

“Okay. Let’s drink together next time.”

Yoo-hyun showed him a smile and went outside.

It wasn’t just because he wanted to be considerate of them two.

He had something to check to clear up the matter that came up before his eyes.


The shuttle bus was packed with people from the fourth division leaving at the same time.

Luckily he came out on time, or Yoo-hyun would have had to stand too.

He thought of Go Junho who was left alone in the office as he watched the scene.

What was he thinking as he sent everyone else first?

He knew the leader’s worries better than anyone else and felt sorry for him.

He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he arrived at his destination before he knew it.

He got off the bus and walked toward his home.

His phone rang and he looked at it. His father’s number was on the screen.

He hadn’t contacted him for a few days, so Yoo-hyun answered the phone with a happy voice.

“Yes, dad.”

-Are you doing well?

“Of course. How are you?”

-I’m fine, I guess. I just feel like I haven’t paid attention to you lately.

“What do you mean? I’m doing fine.”

-I know how hard it is to work abroad.

He answered cheerfully, but his father’s voice was full of worry.

He was about to keep his feet in the water, but Yoo-hyun decided to reveal a little bit of his situation.

“There was a little trouble. It wasn’t easy.”

-Of course. It’s not easy to adapt to a new environment.

“That’s right. But it’s all settled now.”

-Really? You must have some good people there.

Yoo-hyun replied politely to his father’s words.

“Yes, there are many smart and hardworking people here.”

-Haha. That’s good. Yeah. Just take care of those good people, not the bad ones.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

His father finally laughed.

As always, his father gave him enlightenment with his casual words.

He felt his father’s presence more than ever.

He thanked him and asked about his well-being.

“Dad, how’s your business?”

-Why? Is your mom worried again?

“No, no. It’s not that.”

-Don’t worry. I’m trying to be careful not to make any mistakes.

“Yes, I trust you. Even if it doesn’t work out, you have mom.”

Yoo-hyun joked a little with him.

But his father’s answer was very serious.

-She’s doing better these days. She’s even expanding her business.

“Do you sound jealous?”

-How could I be?

“Are you competing with Mom by any chance?”

-Hmm. Are you going to come up once?

Yoo-hyun asked teasingly, suppressing his laughter, as his father coughed and changed the subject.

He could almost picture his father’s flustered expression over the phone.

“I was planning to go soon anyway.”

-Okay. Let’s have a drink then.

“Yes, Dad. Go inside.”

Yoo-hyun shrugged his shoulders after hanging up the phone.

“Dad is really something. Haha.”

As he got closer to his father, he discovered new sides of him.

He enjoyed the process of getting to know him better.


It was when Yoo-hyun arrived home and opened the door.

The screen of another phone on the sofa flickered. It was a phone that he temporarily activated for Nam Jongbu.

Yoo-hyun spat out a chuckle as he saw Nam Jongbu’s call history.

“What is he calling me for so much?”


He threw the phone back on the sofa.

Now was not the time to joke around with Nam Jongbu.

Yoo-hyun washed up briefly and sat down at his desk, turning on his computer.

He thought about his upcoming tasks as he looked at the flickering monitor screen.

He had about two weeks left until the report to the group leader. It was not an exact schedule, but Yoo-hyun’s estimate.

He had to present a card that would convince him by then.

It was not just a condition to maintain the project.

He had to get full support from him.

The possibility of success in the current state?

Even if the pre-product team and Kim Younggil, the section chief, followed Yoo-hyun’s will, it was less than 50 percent.

It was not because of their lack of ability.

It was because there were political factors involved in the company.

He needed to completely overturn this part.


As soon as the monitor screen came on, Yoo-hyun immediately accessed the news section of the portal site.

<Is Ilseong Electronics’ new factory in Yongin for OLED only? The crown prince project is underway!>

A fresh news article just came up.

It had a fairly plausible story.

The OLED factory that they were building in Yongin was secondary.

The main point was why Choi Minyong, the executive director and crown prince, was pushing for OLED.

The story was led in such a way that it was bound to arouse interest.

As he was thinking that, his phone rang.

Speaking of the devil, it was a message from Oh Eunbi, the reporter who wrote the news article.

-Yoo-hyun, I posted the article. Give me some feedback when you have time.

Yoo-hyun smiled and replied right away.

-It’s very good. Well done.

It was not an empty compliment.

This seemingly irrelevant news would overturn the political landscape of Hanseong Electronics’ LCD division.

In the end, things were moving in the direction of making the possibility 100 percent.

A thick smile formed on Yoo-hyun’s lips.

The next morning.

There were two empty seats in the office: Hong Hyuksu, the manager, and Yun Gichun, the senior engineer.

Even though there was no disciplinary announcement yet, everyone knew where they were.

Go Junho, the senior executive director, had a lot to do with it.

-Regarding the unpleasant incident that occurred in our department recently,

He sent an email to all staff members late at night.

It was a long message about the equipment company corruption case that happened this time.

He mentioned the details of the incident and urged them to prevent recurrence.

-As hard as it is after rain, I hope we can become a better 4th department by taking this opportunity as a lesson.

He added a strong will at the end of the line.

He had never stepped up like this since he took over.

That’s why a single email meant a lot to the members. Thanks to that, the team members, especially those from part 2, were less shaken than before.

But they couldn’t be satisfied with this level.

They had to move faster to suppress the chaotic atmosphere and produce results.

Kim Hogul, the team leader, seemed to know Yoo-hyun’s mind as he called for a meeting.

That afternoon.

All team members gathered in the conference room on the second floor.

The team leader sat at the head of a long rectangular table and part 1 and 2 were on either side of him.

Only two people were missing, but part 2 felt empty.

Hong Hyuksu and Yun Gichun had a lot of presence.

There was also an inevitable gap.

Kim Hogul opened his mouth in silence.

“You all know what happened.”


“There are a lot of things we need to sort out because Hong Hyuksu and Yun Gichun are gone.”

His eyes were determined as he spoke calmly.

He turned his head to the right as soon as his words fell.

“First, Go Seongcheol, senior engineer.”

“Yes, team leader.”

Go Seongcheol, the senior engineer and the oldest member of part 2, bowed his head.

He was a person with thick double eyelids and big ears, and he was quiet under Yun Gichun’s shadow.

Kim Hogul gave him a heavy responsibility.

“Please take care of part 2 leader for a while.”

“I understand.”

“It won’t be easy. You must be busy without any handover.”

“I’ll do my best.”

He seemed to have already discussed it, as he agreed to the proposal without hesitation.

The other part 2 members didn’t seem to have any complaints either.

Kim Hogul nodded and continued.

“Okay. And from now on…”

It was about the overall matters to reorganize the team.

He conveyed his will through his words that did not waver.

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