Chapter 205:

Yoo-hyun turned his head and looked into his eyes.

Please think of it that way. I want to go on the dispatch.

Are you serious?

Yes, I am.

Was it because of Yoo-hyuns firm voice?

Team Leader Kim Hyun-mins voice was low.

Its going to be hard.

I know.

Its going to be lonely.

Yes, I know.

There will be a lot of enemies. I heard they have your picture there.

So thats why he opposed it so much.

But Yoo-hyun nodded his head.

It doesnt matter.

Do you still want to go?

Yes. I have to go.

Can I ask you the real reason?

Team Leader Kim Hyun-mins eyes sparkled.

He had a look that cared for Yoo-hyun more than anyone.

He was very grateful for that.

Thats the way we all live.

Yoo-hyun hid his true feelings and changed the subject.

I want to experience it. It might be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

One year will pass quickly. Ill come back bigger.

Okay. I got it.

Team Leader Kim Hyun-min nodded his head.

The next day, Yoo-hyun faced Director Jo Chan-young.

He had already finished his interview with Team Leader Kim Hyun-min.

He looked at Yoo-hyun with big eyes and asked.

Why do you volunteer to go? Can I hear it?

I want to experience the development team.

Cant you get indirect experience by doing the project?

Director Jo Chan-young had chosen the dispatch himself.

He wasnt asking this to find another way.

He was trying to confirm his will.

I think theres a difference between working directly in there and just watching.

How do you plan to work?

First of all

Yoo-hyun confidently expressed his thoughts.

Director Jo Chan-youngs mouth curled up slightly.

Okay. Good.

Thank you.

Yoo-hyun, you were different from the start.

In what way?

What was he trying to say?

Director Jo Chan-young spoke with a gentle expression he had never seen before.

I mean, you showed a will to do whatever it takes. You were very proactive too.

Thats too much.

No, no. I have an eye for it. Thats why I nominated you.

Thank you.

Yoo-hyun knew what Director Jo Chan-young meant.

He meant the group research and development award that he recommended from the charge.

Why did he ask about the thing that he kept quiet about until now?

He could have used it as an excuse to propose the dispatch first.

Director Jo Chan-young said something unexpected.

So I thought you would choose it yourself.

Why do you say that?

Because I could see that you really wanted to do the project.

Director Jo Chan-youngs eyes had a clear conviction.

What scenery was he looking at now?

Yoo-hyun asked with a curious mind.

What can I do there as a new employee?

Didnt I tell you the plan already? Thats enough.

Do you believe that I can do that?

Director Jo Chan-young shook his head.

Instead, he gave another answer.

You cant do it alone. But if your will reaches them, they will move.

Will they?

Didnt the product planning team change too? It was just a new employee who came in. Hahaha.

Yoo-hyun didnt bother to argue and looked at Director Jo Chan-young.

He looked much more relaxed than when Yoo-hyun first came.

He had shed a layer and grown.

He looked trustworthy enough to leave him for a year.

Director, please take care of me.

Sure. Come back safely. Ask for help whenever you need it.

Yes, Director. I might contact you often.

Hahaha. Thats good in its own way.

He had no connection with Yoo-hyun in the past, but he got up from his seat and reached out his hand.

Yoo-hyun took his hand.

Director Jo Chan-young smiled brightly.

Thats how Yoo-hyuns dispatch was decided.

That evening, Number One Gym.

Bang. Bang.

The sound of impact was now too familiar to Yoo-hyun.

He wouldnt be able to see his teammates even if he went on the dispatch.

He had to go on business trips sometimes.

But it was hard to see the gym people.

Was that why?

He felt sad.

He was lost in thought for a moment, and Kim Taesu came up to him and asked.

Yoo-hyun, what are you doing?

I was just thinking for a moment.

If you have any worries, sweat them out. Itll make you feel better.


Yoo-hyun looked at Kim Taesu, who was smiling.

Then he realized what he was sad about.

It wasnt just because he was separated from the people.

It was because he couldnt give his all here.

The person who could help him with that was right in front of him.

So he asked.

Taesu hyung, do you want to spar with me?

Whats up? You always avoided it.

Just. I want to do it for real today.

For real?

Kim Taesus eyes widened.

Yoo-hyun had always been a step back here.

He never stepped up unless he asked for help.

He didnt think he had to risk his life for exercise.

But today, he wanted to be more active.

Yes. I want to fight with you officially.

You might get hurt.

Its okay.

Well Then lets do it without kicks. Ill do it properly too.

Yes. Please.

Was it because of Yoo-hyuns eyes?

Kim Taesu, who was laughing, had a sharp look in his eyes.

A moment later.

Yoo-hyun stood on the ring of the gym and faced Kim Taesu.

Kim Taesus eyes were fierce through the headgear.

He looked like a beast with prey in front of him.

It was definitely different from the previous sparring.

Yoo-hyun calmly met his gaze and put on the gloves that Kim Taesu handed him.

It was awkward, but the soft feeling was not bad.

The match started as soon as their fists lightly touched.

Kim Taesu threw a punch from his long reach, as if to prove his determination.


Yoo-hyun dodged it by turning his head slightly.

The wind made by his fist made his spine cold and electricity ran through his body.

This was the feeling.

He wanted to feel the thrill of a dead-end fight.


Yoo-hyun dodged another punch and threw a punch at the same time.


Although it was perfectly blocked by the guard, Yoo-hyun didnt stop moving.

Neither did Kim Taesu.



The two mens fists crossed quickly, repeating dodging and blocking.

Dozens of punches crossed in an instant.

The fierce fight ended with a blow that dug into the opponents weakness.

They blocked it and stabbed a dagger at the same time.

The people watching were amazed by the high-level match.

What the hell is going on?

This is no joke. Yoo-hyun was that strong?


They were all stunned.


Kim Taesus fist grazed Yoo-hyuns cheek again.

He was tired enough, but his spirit seemed to rise.

Hes really strong.

It was not for nothing that Kim Taesu was called a rookie powerhouse in the pro world.

His punches, one by one, had weight.

It felt like he couldnt pick his bones if he got hit.

But Yoo-hyun didnt back down.

He fought back and threw a punch.


Kim Taesu also came closer in response to Yoo-hyuns movement.



Yoo-hyuns fist hit Kim Taesus face.

Kim Taesus fist hit Yoo-hyuns side.



They could have retreated from the strong impact, but they stuck to each other until the end.


It was a fierce brawl.

The gym owner muttered quietly as he watched.

I should thank that Yoo-hyun kid.


When Oh Jung-wook next to him asked, the gym owner said something incomprehensible.

Taesu, hes awakened.

What do you mean?

Damn, theres such a thing.

The gym owners eyes clearly saw Kim Taesus changed appearance.

He didnt hesitate in his choices, and he became more vicious than before.

It was a good opportunity.

He was already in a slump and lost his way. But he shed a layer and started to do it properly.

It was all thanks to Yoo-hyun.

He had to admit it now.

The fight was going on for a while.

The gym owner climbed onto the ring and separated the two.

Thats it.

Hak. Hak. Hak.

Huh. Huh. Huh.

Yoo-hyun gasped for air that filled his chin.

He didnt pour out everything, but he felt refreshed.

Thump thump thump thump.

His chest was pounding.

He thought he did well to exercise.

Was it because his feelings were conveyed?

The gym owner smiled and said.

Kid. You look happy.

Huh, huh. Yes, I am.

Good job.

The gym owner patted his shoulder.

Kim Taesu, who took off his gloves, hugged Yoo-hyun, who was panting.

Yoo-hyun, you did a great job.

You too, hyung.

And thank you.

What was he thankful for?

He didnt know.

But Yoo-hyun thought he knew how Kim Taesu felt.

He felt his heart as they crossed fists.

Yoo-hyun was the same.

He lifted his head and saw him smiling coolly with his arms loose.

Yoo-hyun also smiled broadly.

Come on, thats enough, hurry up and wash up. Lets eat.

The gym owner was clearing the traffic.

Yoo-hyun called him.

Ah, gym owner.


Yoo-hyun hesitated for a moment and looked around.

He saw the people gathered outside the ring.

He might not see them for a while.

Yoo-hyun honestly told him.

Gym owner, Im going to Ulsan on a dispatch.


I might not see you for a while.

The gym owner chuckled at Yoo-hyuns words.

Are you going to war? Youll come back.

Of course.

Then thats it.

Thump thump.

The gym owner patted Yoo-hyuns shoulder.

Kim Taesu was the same.

Yoo-hyun asked Kim Taesu, who was going down from the ring.

Did you know?

Of course. I knew. I heard it from Yeonghun. Ah, this is a secret.

Haha. I see.

He easily agreed to the distant juniors request.

He owed him until the end.

Ding dong.

Then, the bell of the gym entrance rang.

The delivery man put down the iron box and the gym owner shouted.

Hey. Hurry up and lay the table. Its time for Yoo-hyuns farewell party.

Yes. Got it.


The people moved quickly.

They all seemed to know about Yoo-hyuns dispatch.

But no one showed it.

He was very grateful for that.

Thank you.

Yoo-hyun bowed deeply with his heart.

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