Chapter 204:

Park Seung-woo, the assistant manager, asked with a puzzled look.

Why are you so quiet? Whats going on?

I dont know.

It was the moment Yoo-hyun answered.

A voice came from the managers seat.

Manager, why do we have to send a dispatch worker to the fourth division from our team?

Kim, you know we do this every year from our division.

Its the sales teams turn this time.

They dont have enough manpower, manpower.

Neither do we.

It was obvious that Kim Hyun-min, the team leader, was confronting Jo Chan-young, the executive director.

It was something that could never be seen in the past when Oh Jae-hwan was the team leader.

Kim Hyun-mins personality, who never bowed to his superiors, was still the same.

Park Seung-woo, who was listening to the small conversation between the two, stuck out his tongue.

Thats no joke, right?


Youre going to the fourth division as a dispatch worker.


When Yoo-hyun asked back, Park Seung-woo shook his head.

They dont have any main products there. If you go there, youll only be left behind.

I see.

As Yoo-hyun nodded, Park Seung-woo spoke in a stronger tone.

The worst is the pre-product team, as you know.

Those people are a bit aggressive, right?

Aggressive? Thats not all. Anyway, whoever it is, itll be a headache if they go.

It was when Park Seung-woos words fell.

Kim Hyun-mins surprised voice was heard.

Yoo-hyun? Why?

They requested you. Youre working on the ultra-high-resolution panel, arent you?

Manager, when did we ever send a newbie? Thats not possible.

Kim, please understand my position.

Anyway, I cant send him.

Kim Hyun-min expressed his clear refusal and walked out.

At that moment, Yoo-hyun and his eyes crossed.

Kim Hyun-min bit his lower lip hard and passed by Yoo-hyun.

As Yoo-hyun turned his head, Park Seung-woo had a stunned expression on his face.

Then he saw the part members who got up from their seats.

Why are they doing this again?

Yoo-hyun sighed softly.

Soon after, the part members gathered in the conference room.

Choi Min-hee, the deputy manager, spoke with a serious expression that he had never seen before.

Honestly, Im against Yoo-hyun going.

Me too. It would be better if I go.

Kim Young-gil, the section chief, also raised his hand as if he agreed.

Kim, what about the Apple phone in the third division?

Then Ill go.

Park, stop talking nonsense.


Chan Ho, you cant either.

Park Seung-woo and Lee Chan Ho were the same.

They all opposed Yoo-hyun going as a dispatch worker.

Choi Min-hee complained in front of the part members, frustrated.

We dont have enough people in our part. If one person is missing here, we cant do the project.

But I can still do my project as it is.

Yoo-hyun, who had been listening quietly, spoke up.

He understood their feelings, but it wasnt something that could be done by just opposing.

Then Choi Min-hee spoke in a stronger tone.

Yoo-hyun, theres a huge difference between doing it here and doing it there. Do you think theyll let you plan there?

Yeah. Theyll just yell at you and threaten you.

Park Seung-woo, followed by Lee Chan Ho and Kim Young-gil, looked at him with concern.

The politics there is no joke. If you get in the middle, you wont survive.

Yoo-hyun, those people, theyre waiting for you. You know that.

Knowing why they were blocking him so much, Yoo-hyun couldnt say anything.

He saw the past memories in the worried faces of the part members.

-You go and take the lead. Ill push you from behind.

It was Shin Chan-yong, the section chief, who pushed Yoo-hyun away.

Back then, no one tried to stop him like this.

They just looked at each other and delayed.

In the end, the youngest had to do it.

It turned out to be a big gain for Yoo-hyun, but the process was bitter.

Choi Min-hee looked into Yoo-hyuns eyes and said.

Yoo-hyun, just say you wont go. Ill take responsibility.

Yoo-hyun smiled instead of answering.

He didnt need to reveal his true feelings here.

Was it because Kim Hyun-min defended him?

The dispatch issue was quiet for a while.

But Yoo-hyun knew that it was only temporary.

Kim Hyun-min couldnt stop it just by stopping it.

It was the companys rule, and the trend was already set.

There was only a choice left.

Yoo-hyun was thinking of bringing forward the time of that choice.

A few days later, it was the team dinner day.

Park Seung-woo, who was standing in front of the movie theater, asked Yoo-hyun.

Iron Man? Is this fun?

Its supposed to be good, right?

It seems too childish

Park Seung-woo entered the theater with a worried expression.

Now it was not awkward at all to come to the movie theater on the team dinner day.

Thats right.

The product planning team changed a lot under Kim Hyun-mins regime.

The biggest change was the dinner culture.

People watched movies together instead of drinking.

After the movie, Park Seung-woos eyes were red.

Its really amazing. Ah, Im about to cry

Which part exactly?

Didnt you see him swiping the display in the air? Our future was in the movie.

Park Seung-woo waved his hands in the air like Tony Stark.

Yoo-hyun shook his head and pulled his arm.

Lets go to the second round.

Shall we fly? Come on, stretch your arms like this.

Yoo-hyun quietly watched Park Seung-woos back as he ran with one arm stretched out.

The second round was held at a pork belly restaurant near the theater.

Kim Hyun-min, the team leader, didnt force the drinking party at the team dinner, as he did in the part.

Still, the attendance rate of the team members was quite high.

It was because the atmosphere of the drinking party was quite good.


In a good atmosphere with delicious food and drinks, the team members quickly got along.

They didnt just drink and talk about work or gossip about someone like before.

They had a common denominator of movies, so they could talk to each other without any pressure.

About todays movie

I liked that part. What part? Well

Thanks to that, everyone talked without exception.

When the atmosphere was somewhat ripe.

Kim Hyun-min, who was holding a bottle of alcohol, came to the place where the third division was gathered.

He sat down next to Choi Min-hee, the deputy manager, and said.

As expected, the third division has a good attendance rate. Yoo-hyun, right?

Of course. We never refuse a free meal.

Puhahaha. Yoo-hyun, you rascal. Thats right, thats right.

Park Seung-woo, the assistant manager, slapped Yoo-hyuns back with a flushed face.

Then, Choi Min-hee, the deputy manager, who was emptying his glass alone, asked sharply.

Manager, you know Yoo-hyun cant go, right?

I know, I know. Thats not why I came here. Come on, take a drink.

Kim Hyun-min, the team leader, smiled and filled the empty glasses of the part members.

Yoo-hyun saw a trace of worry on his face.

It must be hard.

The dispatch decision was already made under the water.

He must have been under a lot of pressure.

Still, he was holding on for the team members.

Yoo-hyun offered his glass and expressed his sincerity.

Thank you, manager.

Thank you? Im the one whos grateful.

Kim Hyun-min chuckled and filled Yoo-hyuns glass as well.

As the alcohol decreased, people poured out their stories.

Deputy manager Choi, dont be like that

Manager, the problem is

It wasnt just Kim Hyun-min and Choi Min-hee.

Everyone didnt hesitate to voice their complaints.

It was because they trusted each other.

So, what Im saying is

Really? Puhahahaha.

Thats why they could laugh together again.

The atmosphere of the third part spread to the team with the help of the drinking party.

The part members mixed and made each others stories.

There were so many stories that it was hard to tell who was talking.

I did this time

That happened in our part too


As the stories piled up, louder laughter spread everywhere.

The team atmosphere was definitely better than before.

In the buzzing atmosphere, Yoo-hyun faced Kim Hyun-min, the team leader.


He silently emptied the glass that Yoo-hyun had poured.

It was already his nth time drinking like this.

He looked like he didnt even know that.

Yoo-hyun watched him for a while and opened his mouth.

Manager, do you want to get some fresh air?

Yeah. Sure.

Kim Hyun-min shook his reddened face up and down.

Yoo-hyun went outside and walked with Kim Hyun-mins staggering body.

They came out of the narrow back door connected to the store and saw a quiet vacant lot.

Yoo-hyun sat Kim Hyun-min on a bench and sat next to him.

As the cool breeze blew, Kim Hyun-min sighed deeply.


Its nice and cool.


Kim Hyun-min trailed off and looked at the distance.

His eyes looked a bit sober.

Yoo-hyun waited for his next words.

Kim Hyun-min opened his mouth.

It reminds me of the old days when were like this. Right?

Yes, it does.

Yoo-hyun had a good idea of when he was talking about.

He meant the first time they met at a bar.

Kim Hyun-min started to change after that.

Yoo-hyun wondered.

Manager, how are you doing now?

I dont know. Do you think Im doing well?

Yes. Very much so.

I dont know.

Kim Hyun-min was doing well.

He embraced people more courageously than before.

His good influence made the team members more positive.

He was not lacking compared to when Yoo-hyun was the team leader.

Its true. Youre doing great.

I wish that were true

-You have to make your own decision. If you do what your superiors tell you and something goes wrong, how will you bear the resentment?

Yoo-hyun knew why he was hesitating and trailing off.

It was the same reason as when he neglected the part members in the past.

He truly cared for the team members and wanted them to do well.

He didnt want Yoo-hyun to go to the dispatch he hated because of his superiors.

Yoo-hyun knew his heart better than anyone.

Manager, do you remember the last trip to Germany?

Of course, I do.

It was fun, right?

Puhuhu. It was. It was really fun.

Kim Hyun-min laughed heartily, reminded of the trip to Germany.

In a light mood, Yoo-hyun opened his mouth.

Manager, I have something to say.

What is it?

Ill go to the dispatch this time.

When Yoo-hyun revealed his mind, he asked back with a dumbfounded expression.


Did you watch the movie today?

I did.

I saw the future of the display there today.

What kind of nonsense is that, like Park Seung-woo?

Yoo-hyun spoke to Kim Hyun-min, who was bewildered.

I think that future is in the ultra-high-resolution panel.

Puhuhuhu. This is totally psycho.

Is it too much?

Very much. Does that make sense?

Kim Hyun-min snorted.

He was joking, but he had to decide now.

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