Re: Evolution Online

Chapter 969 Up Is Down. Down Is Up.

Meanwhile, the guild communications channel was completely blowing up.

"Wow! This is a very smart move! I never thought of using a safety zone in this manner."

"Yes, I went back to the magic shop and read the details too. Apparently, once a safety zone is established, nothing can go into it, and nothing can come out of it without the explicit permission of the guild leader."

"It looks like the nuclear bomb would be well contained, and its effect will only remain within the safety zone."

"Yes. Yes. These damned insects wouldn't stand a fucking chance against us! Did they think that only they had technology? We also have the technology! Let them have a taste of our strongest weapons!"

-n0ve1、com "You all are crazy!"

"Nuclear weapons? Are you guys joking here? Do you want to kill these insects, or do you simply want to destroy the world before the insects do?"

"The radiation will spread everywhere! It will kill us all!"

"Ya, what about when the safety zones wear off after 30 days? Won't the radiation then start spreading?"

"Yes, it might even be worse because of mana. What if a whole territory gets destroyed? Who is going to take responsibility for it? There are people's lives involved here!"

"Then, should we just sit still and watch? The insects are soon going to kill us all! You guys are cowards. You don't want to do anything. You also don't want to let others do something. You just want to die, don't you?"

"The Lord will help us all."

"This idiot…"

"He might not be a complete idiot. These past couple of days, many of the hive hills are disappearing on their own. I scrolled back to read, and around 25 have disappeared so far. This is not a small number."

"This is exactly what I am talking about. If we do not attack the hive hill, the stronger insects don't come out, and eventually, the hive hill itself seems to disappear. So instead of trying crazy shit like nuclear weapons, we should simply stay put and let the hive hills disappear on their own."

"No, the government's decision is the right decision! They have this whole thing under their control. Not only did they successfully manage to upgrade all the guilds, and now they have a plan for taking out the insects and their hive hills."

"You are right. We just trust them and let them handle this. For our part, we can take care of the small groups of insects or beasts that come our way. I am afraid if we interfere more, this is only going to be counterproductive. Too many cooks spoil the broth."

"Idiots, we are talking about survival here. Not making a fucking broth!"

"You are the idiot. I was just quoting a proverb, you retard!"

"Guys, stop behaving like petulant children. This whole discussion is pointless. In the end, all the power and control are in the government's hands. They alone have the access to nuclear weapons and probably will contact the guild closest to the hive hill to talk about this matter. If anyone hears anything, please inform us all."

"Ya. Are any of the government camp guild leaders around? Please give us an upgrade!"

"I don't think the nuclear weapons strategy is a good one. I have a bad feeling."

"Me too."

"Anything useful, Alex?" Rey asked, curiously peering over to read the guild chat that his sister had been occupied with for the past half an hour.

After two days, the group, along with the two golems, had finally returned back to the guild base, but little did they know that such a huge shock was going to be waiting for them when they got back.

Liam and Luna were nowhere to be seen, and the guild that they knew of also did not exist anymore. Everything had changed in just a couple of days!

Perhaps the most astounding aspect of this whole ordeal was that Alex received all of this information not from Liam but from Tilia, the fairy who managed the magic shop.

Since when did the fairy who hated Liam and his guts start helping the guild? This also seemed very way off for her. She did not have to fill in Alex on any details, and yet here she was, talking to her at length about everything that had transpired.

At first, Alex scrunched her nose suspiciously, not trusting these bloody fairies even for a moment, but even she couldn't find any fault in the way Tilia was helping them at the moment.

From the looks of things, Liam must have left in a hurry. While Alex was wondering what happened, Tilia surprisingly filled her in on this as well. She talked about the teleportation portals and how Liam was currently using them to move from one magic shop to another.

She also informed Alex about the guild communication channel. When Alex checked the various conversations and connected with Crimson Abyss 2, she finally understood everything and had the whole picture.

And after everything, the first thought that came to her mind was… Liam had gone completely crazy!

The guy was single-handedly doing something unimaginable for the entire world. Of course, she knew that he was not a bleeding heart to sacrifice himself for everyone. The only reason he was going to such an extreme was definitely for them, his sister, and the guild.

The others were simply benefiting from the sidelines. But these idiots did not even have the brain capacity to understand this.

Alex was fuming when she saw how everything Liam did was automatically being taken credit for by the government camps. The assholes were spamming in the guild chat 24-7, but they did not take any initiative to clear up these misunderstandings.

To make matters worse, now the common consensus was that the hive hills were disappearing on their own!

Alex folded her shirt and was about to enter into a typing frenzy when Rey held her hand back and silently shook his head. 

"Bro must have a reason, sis. Don't say anything for now in the guild chat. He probably doesn't want anyone to interfere until he takes care of all the hive hills."

"Hmmm." Alex paused. What Rey suggested also made sense, so she decided against taking any action at the moment. 

In a way, it was better to let these ignorant idiots assume that the hive hills were disappearing on their own. At least then, they won't intervene and make things worse than they already were.

Alex gulped at the thought of the isons rapidly multiplying, evolving, and spreading throughout the world. If that really happened, then their world would truly be doomed.

At this point, all she could hope was no one interfered with Liam's plan.

Besides, Alex had a feeling that these government-established guilds were not so simple. They definitely had something to do with the government-established guilds back in the tutorial world.

And if her suspicion was correct, then the same person was behind both of these events.

Because without his intervention, it was completely impossible for the diverse governments in different parts of the world to come together this way.

Politicians were one of the most greedy, power-hungry sectors of the population. How could these people come to an agreement this quickly and operate in such a well-coordinated fashion?

Something like this couldn't have happened overnight. Someone had to be behind the whole thing, a common person whom everyone trusted, a common thread binding them all together, a common leader that everyone truly believed in.

And this person couldn't be just anyone. They had to be strong, someone like Liam, on whom people could blindly place their trust.

However, it was impossible for someone like this to exist. Among the human beings on the planet at the moment, Liam was the strongest right now. Period. Alex had no doubt about this.

This was why she had her doubts. Because if there was one thing that people believed in that was more important than strength, it was superstition and luck.

Alex was sure that the damned Oracle was behind all of these things. He had all the governments in his pockets, even back inside the tutorial, and nothing had changed now in the real world.

He probably even helped the government level fast and procure some treasures or access to dungeons, thereby cementing his position as the messiah of the new world.

Perhaps after this world-altering event, he might even make this public and come out of the shadows. No matter what angle Alex thought, this seemed very plausible. 

After all, a move like this was required to secure world peace, more importantly, the network of the established United Nations guilds.

Alex let out a small sigh as she shook her head. There was no point in thinking about the future now. She cleared her mind and silently started working with Crimson Abyss 2 to arrange for everyone's teleportation.

Luckily, more fees were not required to use the teleportation portal between one guild to another, or rather, the store manager Tilia had waived these fees for them.

Especially since Liam was not around, this was a huge help, and the guild moving process started smoothly.

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