Re: Evolution Online

Chapter 968 A Genius Idea

Chaos Knights Guild Base, Germany, Territory 4:

"Gunter, I tried communicating with the others in the guild channel, but once again, those idiots are simply ignoring me." Doris Kellerman, Chaos Knights Guild Vice leader, shook her head helplessly, informing the guild leader about the situation.

"They simply don't understand the problem. They think that putting a bandage on the wound would somehow make it magically go away!" Another guild member added.

"They are just taking the shortcut."

"Ya, it looks to me that the government is more interested in proving to everyone how helpful it is." 

"Hmph! They are simply harvesting all mana cores and using the swarm to level up. Nothing they are doing is helpful at all. They are also outrightly ignoring us when we talk about the damned red thing!"

"Everywhere else, the hive hill is golden in color, why the heck is ours alone red in color? Who knows what is going to pop out of this thing? Shit! Shit! Shit! Why did this have to happen in our backyard?!"

The few higher-ups of the guild who had gathered together to discuss their country's dire situation started loudly cursing about the government camps in various colorful terms.

And hearing the conversation devolve to something that was not particularly headed anywhere, Gunter Sklenofsky, the Chaos Knights guild leader, the top leveled paladin player of the guild, and not to mention a literal knight in shining armor, raised his hand.

Immediately, the entire room became silent. No one dared to say anything. They did not even dare to breathe loudly. In the Chaos Knights guild, the guild leader Gunter Sklenofsky had the ultimate authority!

He had a grave expression on his face as he seriously looked at the guild members standing around him.

"Everyone, this is a very chaotic time for us. When I say 'us,' I mean the world as a whole together. So right now, it is not important to talk ill of our comrades." 

"If their actions are not honorable, it is only because they are desperate just like us! While our own situation is dire, we should also understand that others are also facing mortal danger. So let's not be quick to judge anyone." Gunter calmly spoke.

His words had the magic to calm down the entire room full of guild members who were severely disgruntled and distraught just a moment ago.

Doris Kellerman smiled at the reliable person whom she could always count on. Gunter Sklenofsky was a knight of his own class. He was not just a knight in fighting style, but he was a person who exemplified that class in every single action he made.

The overwhelming power that emanated off of his Level 45 aura, his broad shoulders, and his trustworthy nature made everyone look up to him and rely on him in times of need.

After he spoke, the entire guild calmed down, and once again, the discussion became productive. Everyone genuinely shared their ideas about how to take down the hive hill.

The thing was… they actually had a good idea about how to deal with the hive hills. It was just that it was way too risky to try because the idea involved…

"SIR!" Suddenly the door banged open in the midst of the meeting.

Another guild member rushed in, not in the least bothered that he was interrupting the discussion among the top guild members and the guild leader. But others also did not seem to care because this person was also important.

Gunter had appointed him always to keep an eye on the guild communications channel, and right now, he stood in front of the group, heaving and panting.

"Sir! Sir! Sir!" He wheezed.

"Hmmm?" Gunter calmly stood up and handed over a glass of water to the guy. "First drink and then talk."

The guy quickly took a gulp which helped him catch his breath. "Sir! Someone has leaked the idea we had in the guild chat room. Now all the guilds are talking about this and only this!"

"What?" Dorris Kellerman jolted to stand up, pushing down her chair in the process. "What are you saying? Are you sure?" She asked, her eyes widening in anger.

Unlike the benevolent guild leader, everyone knew that she had a temper, so the poor person slowly nodded his head and spoke in a meek voice. "I saw it with my own eyes and immediately rushed here."

Dorris Kellerman shot daggers at the guy with her eyes, but she also knew that it was not his fault, so she simply punched the desk in front of her. "How did this get out? This was our idea. This was our right to share and not share. How the hell did this leak?"

They also had plans to share the idea, but the only reason why they did not do it was that it was a bit too risky. 

Also, Dorris Kellerman had hoped to form some alliances with a few guilds while sharing this idea. She knew very well that Gunter wouldn't agree to profiteer in this kind of situation, but she still wanted to try.

After all, she couldn't bring herself to be as idealistic as the guild leader. She looked up to him and respected him, which was why she was fine with taking care of the dirty side of things.

But now, all her plans had been shattered completely! Dorris was furious. "I need a detailed investigation in this matter. We need to find out how our idea got leaked!"

Everyone else agreed and murmured and whispered among themselves, quickly talking about how to go about this.

However, once again, Gunter had a different thought. He stood up and shook his head with a laugh. "Dorris, no. Let's forget about this issue right now and here."


Gunter stopped her. "We need to focus on what is truly important. If our idea helps others, then it's all for the best. My only concern is that it is too risky."

"No, guild leader." Dorris shook her head. "Your idea is not risky. It is genius." 

"Building a safe zone around the hive hill and then deploying a nuclear bomb inside the safe zone to obliterate the hive hill completely? Who can think of something like that? This is a stroke of genius, and you should have gotten the credits for it!"

"Yes, guild leader. You should have gotten the credit for this. The world should know who their savior is."

"These idiots are randomly praising some fake government bullshit while you are the true hero behind the scenes."

The entire meeting room once again became chaotic. Seeing this, Gunter could only sigh. "You guys…" He smiled tiredly. 

"Let's go to the guild chat room and see how things are going on. I want to warn everyone about the danger of this method. We still don't know if the explosion will be contained or not. This could be extremely dangerous and risky if not executed right. Let's go."

Gunter left the room, and everyone else followed suit. However, one man and woman still remained in the room, not very keen to follow the rest of the guild.

"Matthias… you… why are you still silent?" The woman turned to look at the thirty-year-old man and asked in a gentle tone. "You should have told everyone that it was your idea in the first place. Gunter is acting as if he came up with it." 

To his wife's concern, Matthias Schmidt only had a warm smile on his face. He shook his head and answered, "You don't know Gunter as long as I have. Sure, the guy definitely has his ups and downs, but in the end, he means well."

"If he is sooo good, then how come he did not give you the credit?"

"Shush. That's enough. Let's leave first. Right now, it's not important whose idea this was and who implements it. We all just need to survive. There has been enough death around us. Let's not focus on these petty things."

Matthias stood up and left the room. His wife Helena sighed and followed him.

As far as she was concerned, this man right here was the true knight in shining armor, not the guy who was full of pretense and false bravado!

But she also agreed with her husband that it was best to drop this matter right here and now. After all, they were just two ordinary guild members from a small guild in a corner of the world, and something like this really did not matter.

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