Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 866: Beheading tactics work no matter what

Chapter 866 Beheading Tactics Work Anytime

"Light of Azeroth", this name was chosen by Mimiron himself, referring to the powerful magic cannon installed on the Enterprise by himself.

Charlemagne once wanted to change Mimiron's wishes and name it "Lohengrin" or "Tannhauser", but Mimiron strongly rejected it.

But what the name is is not important, what is important is its power.

Following Mimiron's order, the long-prepared rectangular main gun muzzle began to flash with dazzling high-concentration arcane blue light.

Accompanied by an extremely thick beam of energy light, everyone's eyes in the entire combat area were attracted by this strong light representing destruction.

Everyone watched it cross a long distance, destroying all the warships blocking the way along the way, and finally bombarded the 400-meter-long legion mothership heavily.

The fel energy shield on the surface of the legion mothership was deployed very dutifully, blocking the "Light of Azeroth" for about three seconds, and finally overloaded unfortunately.

The unimpeded energy cannon completely pierced through the huge legion mothership, and the whole ship began to fall downwards with flames. In mid-air, after a series of small explosions, there was a big explosion of evil energy that blinded the eyes. .


Although many of the void fighters released by the mothership were affected, there were still a lot of parts left behind. However, at this time, they have not made any movements, and the demons of the entire fleet are still spraying parts everywhere. center of explosion.

This mothership boarded a lot of senior commanders of the Burning Legion. Originally, they planned to pile up the Enterprise by virtue of their superiority in numbers. Who knew that they encountered such an unreasonable destruction attack at the beginning.

The muzzle of the "Light of Azeroth" has turned red now, and white smoke can still be seen vaguely from the muzzle.

Mimiron screamed and ordered, "Take back the magic cannon, cool it down as soon as possible, and open all the cannon doors!"

"Dragon Clan, Space Battleship, Mech Troop and Gundam Squad all attack. Without the command ship, the Legion will inevitably fall into chaos. Give me a hard hit!"


As Mimiron and Charlemagne planned in advance, the fel mothership full of legion commanders was destroyed first, obviously making the fleet of the Burning Legion somewhat at a loss for a while.

The Enterprise took the opportunity to release all the vehicles and launched all its firepower to take the opportunity to baptize the Burning Legion's fleet with fierce artillery fire.

When the chaos within the legion fleet was finally initially brought under control, more than a dozen of the original fifty warships had been shot down, and the remaining thirty or so ships were far from the previous uniform movements.

The fel battleships fighting on their own gave Charlemagne's Gundam team a chance to attack. There was basically no cooperation between these battleships that were extremely poorly connected to each other.

Like a sharp knife cutting through butter, the team headed by Liberty Gundam broke in from the left flank, smashing the already chaotic formation of the Legion Fleet to pieces in a short period of time.

Since the main role of the Gundam team this time is to deal with the Legion's fel battleships, the workers of Quel'Thalas worked overtime to make targeted adjustments to the team's equipment.

The Ship-Slaying Knife has become an essential equipment for the squad. At this time, Charlemagne led a group of kitchen knives to charge left and right in the fleet of the Burning Legion. As long as the huge Ship-Slaying Knife hits the vital point, it can be solved with at most two knives. a battleship.

The Legion Admiral Sphrax, who was remotely controlled in the Burning Throne, was jumping anxiously, but unfortunately she was powerless at this time.

The so-called defeat is like a mountain. Although most of the demons of the Burning Legion are brave and fearless, there are also cowards such as Ganerg technicians, and it just so happens... these technicians are the main components of the Legion battleships.

The people inside were panicked, and it was impossible to maintain a strong combat effectiveness.

When Charlemagne led the Gundam team to penetrate from the left wing to the right wing, the Burning Legion's fleet had completely collapsed, and some warships even temporarily turned around and tried to escape... Of course, these escaped ones are usually the first to be named and killed by the four space battleships.

The battle at the terminal dock was actually doomed at the moment when the Enterprise used a powerful killer to destroy the legion mothership, and the rest was nothing more than harvesting its own achievements.

When the Enterprise docked into the port prepared for the Legion mothership in the terminal dock, the flying Legion fel warships could no longer be seen in the sky above the Antoran wasteland.

In contrast, there are many wrecked warships on the earth that are still braving fel flames, as well as some unlucky demons smashed into mosaics by parts falling from the sky.

Charlemagne led the Gundam team back to the Enterprise for supplies after the battle. The energy problem has always been the biggest problem restricting this large mech.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone. The battle went very smoothly. After destroying the fleet left behind by the legion, our next operation in the Antoran wasteland will become much easier."

In the meeting room, before Charlemagne took off his driving suit, he sat directly on the head of the round table. He pointed to the map provided by Turalyon, "Without the air cover of the fleet, we can calmly move the Enterprise and the various A space battleship sailed all over Antoran."


Charlemagne winked his eyes jokingly, "Everyone should pay attention to the anti-aircraft guns on the ground, in case they are beaten from the sky...don't blame other people for not being able to rescue them in time."

In fact, he mainly said this to the tribe. Quel'Thalas has many years of experience in using space battleships, and the existence of the mech squad also gave them the confidence to remove the ground air defense positions.

But the Horde's Potian... To put it bluntly, this thing is just a large hot-air balloon airship. It does not have strong combat effectiveness and a large number of **** formations. .

Wojin seemed a little embarrassed when he heard what Charlemagne meant, but he couldn't reply. After all, the tribe's technical strength was indeed very limited.

Although the goblins of the Hesso Company officially joined the tribe after being redeemed by Vol'jin and lost their original leader, the tribal goblins, now renamed the Gazlowe Consortium, are working hard to improve technology under the leadership of Gazlowe, but...

Mature air and space battleship technology is not so easy to master, and the Horde still has a long way to go in this regard.

Seeing Vol'jin's embarrassing expression, Charlemagne did not take advantage of the victory, and brought the topic back to the right track with interest, "Next, we will split into two groups, vowing to fulfill our promise to the Prophet Velen and go to the Soul Forge to save the poor group of broken ones." , Horde..."

Vol'jin nodded. "Leave the Felfire Armory to us, but... I hope to get some air support."

"no problem."

Charlemagne will not deliberately hold back on such a major event, he said bluntly, "The four space battleships belonging to Quel'Thalas will follow the Horde this time, and we will only take the Dragon and the Enterprise to the Soul Furnace. "

The tribal leaders such as Wojin and Goel breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. It is not impossible to let them charge into the heavily guarded armory, but the tribe will inevitably suffer very serious battle damage.

Vol'jin beat his chest with his hands and said solemnly, "Thank you for your kindness, Your Excellency the Regent, the Horde assures you that it will definitely take down the Evilfire Armory!"

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