Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 865: Let’s get tough before we start the fight

Chapter 865 Before the war, let’s be ruthless

When Velen led the Draenei to evacuate Argus in Zenidar, after Lula voluntarily stayed and died for the Draenei, the angry Kil'jaeden imprisoned the severely injured Lula in the seat of the consul.

Tens of thousands of years passed, Lula, who was gradually depleted of his own holy light energy, fell into the inevitable fate of the naaru, and he became a dark naaru.

Lula, who continued to emit powerful void energy, naturally attracted the interest of many void creatures. I think Nezar, the governor of the void, came here for her.

"Is that so..."

Charlemagne tapped his fingers on the table in some annoyance, and it took him a while to speak again, "Then there is no other way, in order not to be picked peaches by the Lord of the Void, we can only divide our troops before attacking the Burning Throne .”

"The Alliance followed the Draenei and the Legion of Light to take the Storm Fortress to Mac'Aree. Whether you want to destroy Lula or redeem her, you must resolve the incident in Mac'Aree as soon as possible, and don't let the ethereals continue to make trouble."

"The tribe and the oath will stay together to attack several important strongholds in the Antoran wasteland. Let's fight for the fastest time to meet in front of the gate of Antorus."

Guyle nodded and said, "Now it seems that this is the only way to go. Once the Burning Legion is destroyed, the Lord of the Void will become our greatest enemy."

Charlemagne waved his hands pretending to be relaxed and said, "Don't worry, as long as the Pantheon regains its old look, the Void Lord and the group of guys who can only live in the gap between the material world and the shadow world will not be able to cause any major trouble."

In the past, the Titans were not prepared enough for the Lord of the Void, which made the group of mice secretly do a lot of things in the universe.

The main goal of the Burning Legion for tens of thousands of years is to destroy the lice sent by the Void Lord—the planet where the ancient gods parasitize.

But Sargeras' methods are too extreme, destroying a planet directly at every turn. If he continues to play like this, sooner or later, the entire universe will be left with nothing left.

But there will also be a problem after the destruction of the Burning Legion. The work they leave behind must be taken over by the Pantheon and other forces in the universe.

'Perhaps...the naaru can be used. As the aggregation of the holy light, they are born at odds with the Void Maharaja. When fighting against the void, these jigsaw puzzles can be at the forefront. '

Shaking his head, Charlemagne forced himself to focus on the present moment. After all, the problem of dealing with the Void was something that happened after the destruction of the Burning Legion. There is no need to think so far.

Decided on the strategy of dividing the troops, the Enterprise and Storm Keep left Krokuun soon, heading towards Antoran in the west and Makerene in the north respectively.

Sure enough, as soon as the Enterprise entered the sky above the Antoran wasteland, it was attacked from the terminal dock.

Dozens of warships rushed out from the most important port of this legion like a hornet's nest. Counting the part of the warships that attacked Azeroth before, the ones sent out this time should be all the stocks left by the Burning Legion in Argus up.

As for the fel mothership mentioned by Turayang, it naturally followed the legion battleship and slowly came.

When the distance was still far away, this mothership, which was similar in size to the Enterprise, kept releasing void fighters from the hull, and soon covered the space around it densely.

Charlemagne looked at the mothership in the center protected by a large number of legion warships with a headache, and said helplessly in his heart, 'What is this thing? Why is the sense of vision so strong...'

"Mimiron, I leave the battle to you. This battle is definitely not easy to fight. Let's use all the combat power we can."

"no problem!"

Mimiron jumped up from the captain's chair and ordered loudly, "Space battleships attack, release the flying mech troops and Gundam squad, and do our best to destroy them!"

Even Charlemagne planned to attack in Liberty Gundam this time. Before leaving, Tyrande, Aurelia and others carefully helped him put on the special driving suit.

Gently kissed the faces of the four wives, and after seeing the expectant look on Oni's face, he printed a kiss on her forehead.

"You can stay inside the Enterprise with peace of mind. This ship has energy shields and laminated armor protection. It is not so easy to be sunk. It is difficult for ordinary people to intervene in this kind of battle between space battleships."

Aurelia helped Charlemagne put on the driving helmet, and replied with a smile, "Don't worry about us, we understand this, but you must be careful."

Cirvanas leaned against the wall with her arms crossed and said, "Although the main artillery attack of the legion may not seem powerful individually, once there are too many, even this stupid dragon can't bear it. Don't rush at the last Be a hero ahead."

Consolingly patted Onyxia, who was unwilling to be called a stupid dragon, "I know, Onyxia, you will also attack this time, try to follow the dragon army as much as possible, as long as the giant mothership is solved , the subsequent battles will be much easier.”

"Got it, Master~"

"Then..." Charlemagne straightened his face and said, "This battle will determine the future direction of the war in the Antoran Wasteland. Let's all fight hard in our own ways."

"Well, come on!"

Farewell to the four wives, Onyxia led her black dragon army and the rest of the four-color dragons to fly out from the open back cabin of the Enterprise, and the five-color dragons quickly formed formations in midair.

What we are facing this time is not the stinky fish and rotten shrimps inside the planet Azeroth. If you are not careful, even the dragon clan may fall in large numbers. The five guardian dragons seized the last time to solemnly warn the clan around them .

Charlemagne also quickly boarded the Freedom Gundam that had been adjusted by Chief Jie Gang.

He didn't attack alone this time, there were eight large aircrafts of different shapes standing in the camera position near him.

Strictly speaking, these mechs are Zaku mass-produced machines originally designed by Charlemagne (knockoff), but according to the personal habits of elites selected from various mecha units, these Zakus have some personalized settings.

For example, the guy named Aznab painted his landline bright red, and added a sharp horn of unknown meaning to Zaku's forehead.

After boarding the Immortal Liberty, Charlemagne opened the communication channel dedicated to Gundam and Zaku and said, "Everyone, you also know the current situation. This battle will lay the foundation for victory in the Battle of Argus."

"I mentioned it for Quel'Thalas countless times before, but this time I'm going to change the lines. This battle...is for Azeroth!"

"For Azeroth!"

Charlemagne looked at the short message sent by another channel, and said with a chuckle, "Well, it seems that the time for our attack is almost here, everyone, don't get too excited and go out and get a round of fire."

"Look, it's a pity, but the lifespan of the mothership of the Burning Legion is up to today."

At this time, Mimiron was already so excited that he couldn't help himself. This guy jumped onto the back of his captain's chair without any image, and shouted in a shrill voice, "The filling rate is 100%, 'Light of Azeroth' Activate, target—legion fel mothership!"


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