Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 810: tempting reward

Chapter 810 Attractive rewards

In order to facilitate the following conversation, Charlemagne could only simply tell Odin the origin, process, consequences and final disposal of the Ulduar incident.

During this process, Odin's complexion kept changing as if a dyeing workshop had been opened. He was relieved when he heard Yogg-Saron's death and finally Ulduar regained his calm.

"Really... I don't know how to evaluate the group of guardians in Ulduar. My dear brothers and sisters are actually being manipulated by a prisoner."

Charlemagne spread his hands and said, "Don't say that, Yogg-Saron is so difficult to deal with. You who fought against him head-on back then know best, right?"

This sentence can be regarded as scratching Odin's itch, he raised his head proudly and said, "Yes, if I and Rai hadn't joined forces to fight against the enemy back then, it would not have been so easy to seal the three ancient gods including Yogg-Saron .”

"Listen to what you said just now, Lai was usurped by his own creation and disappeared for tens of thousands of years. Without Lai and I, it's not surprising that my younger brothers and sisters would make mistakes."

Then he sighed and said, "When I was attacked by Loken and Hela back then, I thought he was just being deceived by Hela, but I didn't expect Loken to be corrupted by Yogg-Saron at that time... If it really counts, I There is no escape from responsibility."

"What I did at the beginning...was really impulsive. If I hadn't left Ulduar, how could Yogg-Saron have successfully corrupted the entire city of Titans?"

After Odin calmed down, he looked back at Charlemagne, "I know why you came, but now I'm still bound by Hella's half seal in the Storm Fjord and cannot leave, even if I want to go back to help Lai. "

"So, I want to give you a commission."

Charlemagne knew what Odin wanted to say before he spoke, and he shook his head helplessly and said, "All right, all right! In short, I was born to work hard. Help you kill Hela and liberate the Hall of Valor, right?"

"Haha! Talking to a smart person is refreshing, and I won't let you do it in vain. If you successfully release the Hall of Valor..."

Odin took out a shield from his personal space, "This is one of the pillars of creation left by the Titans back then, the Shield of Aggramar. I will give it to you as a reward for safekeeping when you complete the task."

"This artifact of creation is very powerful, but your current strength should be enough to use it."

Charlemagne took out the Tidal Stone that he had borrowed from Queen Azshara speechlessly. "Before I came here, I guessed that you would let me deal with Hela, so I specially prepared something to deal with the seawater in the abyss of Hell..."

Odin was stunned for a while when he saw the artifact in Charlemagne's hand, and then he laughed and said, "Gorganes Tidal Stone, so you already have a Pillar of Creation, so that's even better. , I think you should be able to use it proficiently soon after you get the Aegis of Aggramar."

Among the Pillars of Creation, the Hammer of Kazgros has been returned to its original owner, and now in the hands of Azadas, the Tears of Elune... This artifact of unknown use seems to be unnecessary now.

The Eye of Aman'Thul has been given to Queen Azshara by Elisande, but the Queen lost interest after studying it for a while.

"This artifact that can observe multiple future timelines is really interesting, but watching the revelation it gives will drive people crazy sooner or later. I always think that people can only create a better future with their own hands."

In the end, this artifact continued to be placed in the Nightwell as an energy source. Elisande occasionally used it to practice time magic, but she had given up looking for the future from the Eye of Aman'Thul under the queen's warning.

The Norgannon Disc is just a recording device and has no combat effect, and the rest...is the Aegis of Aggramar in Odin's hand.

According to the records of the Second Coming of Legion version, the defensive barrier that this professional defensive artifact can build is quite terrifying, and even a demigod-level demon lord cannot break through the protection of the shield of Aggramar.

Although in order not to destroy the so-called gameplay of mortals killing gods, the chance of this shield appearing is quite low, but Charlemagne will not underestimate the Pillar of Creation based on its performance in the game.

Observed this quaint shield with great interest, Charlemagne finally nodded and agreed, "It's a deal, I'll help you get rid of Hela, and the shield of Aggramar is mine."

Odin smiled and said, "I always keep my word, go, I will give it to you when you liberate the Hall of Valor."

Charlemagne turned around casually and waved goodbye, "Then I'll get to work first, please wait a little longer."

Looking at the back of Charlemagne leaving, Odin thoughtfully nodded his forehead with his finger, "Is the spokesperson of Star Soul... really an interesting mortal."

When Charlemagne found Onyxia, this stupid dragon was eating Hesse in the mead hall, and there were a group of vrykul cheering for her around, but Valeera didn't see her.

Angrily, she stepped forward and snatched the wine glass from Oni's hand, and slammed it heavily on the table with a "boom".

"I'm going to the abyss of Hell to do business. Are you going with me or continue to eat, drink and have fun here?"

Oni tried hard to swallow the food in her mouth, stood up and said vaguely, "Of course I'm going with the master!"

Charlemagne reluctantly took out a stack of papers from his backpack and handed it to the delicious black dragon, "Wipe your mouth, where is Valeira? Are you not with me?"

Onyxia wiped the greasy corner of her mouth, and said casually, "That girl heard about Fenrir in the Eternal Hunting Ground and ran to observe closely. It should be back by now."

Just now, from the east side of the mead hall, I saw Valeira running over with her little leather boots. In her hand... was she holding a little wolf cub? !

Before approaching, Valeera's bluffing voice came over, "Charlemagne! Look, look! This is the little wolf cub Fenrir gave me. Do you think Vereesa will like it? "

Charlemagne rested his hand on his forehead and sighed softly, 'This girl's affinity is still so terrifying... Fenrir is notoriously violent. '

From this little wolf cub that has not yet opened its eyes, Charlemagne can feel the great potential contained in it. I am afraid that this wolf cub is a direct descendant of Fenrir, and it was actually given to Valeira just like that...

Charlemagne stretched out **** and nodded on Valeira's forehead, and said with a little reproach, "Why did you run to Fenrir without saying hello, what if it suddenly exploded and hurt people? Just you Its small body probably won't be able to withstand its claws."

Fenrir is not Odin's subordinate. The powerful animals in the entire Eternal Hunting Field do not listen to Odin's command. Sometimes Odin will let his heroic warriors enter the Eternal Hunting Field to hunt and be hunted with the powerful wild animals here. .

Fenrir is the best among them. With the mid-level demigod strength, he is invincible in the Eternal Hunting Grounds. Coupled with the cunning nature of wolves, Odin would have to spend a lot of effort to catch him.

"Hee hee~"

Valeira didn't care, she touched her forehead and said, "I think Fenrir is very friendly, why don't you go to say hello to him, and he will definitely welcome you warmly."

The corner of Charlemagne’s mouth twitched, “Yeah, warmly welcome it with minions. Although I’m not afraid of it, it’s better to have one thing more than one thing less…”

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