Chapter 809 Confused Odin

Sensing the faint sense of coercion emanating from the other party, Charlemagne nodded and smiled, "Dear chief administrator Odin, I am Charlemagne Theron, the emissary sent by the great guardian Raiden, and at the same time... I am also Azeroth The spokesperson of Si Xinghun."

Charlemagne is very clear that Odin is a person who values ??identity and ability. In his eyes, valuable individuals and ordinary mortals are completely different.

This incarnation is at best the strength of the epic peak, and the sense of coercion he exudes is not enough to make Charlemagne feel anything. On the contrary, Odin can probably feel the hidden edge of Charlemagne through the incarnation of Harvey.

Sure enough, when he heard Charlemagne's self-introduction, Harvey's pupils shrank instantly, and he stepped forward eagerly and asked, "Lai is still alive?! And... Star Soul spokesperson?"

Charlemagne took out the golden wrist armor that Leiden gave him and handed it to Harvey, and at the same time introduced him, "This token should prove my identity. The two beside me are Valeira and the new guardian of the earth, O Nexia."

"The guardian of the earth... the dragon?"

Harvey frowned when he heard this term, but he didn't say much, and concentrated on rubbing the wrist armor on his hand.

"No mistake, this is indeed the wrist armor that Lai has been wearing on his hand, well, I believe you."

When Harvey handed back the wrist armor, he asked with some anticipation, "Then... why did Lai ask you to come to me? Why didn't he come to see me in person?"

Charlemagne shrugged and said, "This is a long story, can I explain it in detail when I meet your real body?"

Harvey patted his head suddenly, "That's true, after all, this is not a place to talk."

"Al! Take us back!"

Following Harvey's call to the sky, a golden light enveloped the two of them, and Charlemagne vaguely saw a few golden Valkyries with wings on their backs, picking them up and flying up.

As if passing through a space-time tunnel, when the three of Charlemagne recovered from the dizziness, they had already arrived in a magnificent palace, and the white clouds floating around clearly proved that they were in the sky.


Accompanied by a thunderous sound, Harvey's position just now was replaced by a huge body, and a thick voice sounded from above the three of Charlemagne.

"Welcome to my Hall of Valor. For tens of thousands of years, you are the only mortals who can come here as living people."

Looking up and seeing the familiar lava beard, one blind eye and the Nordic helmet, Charlemagne showed a faint smile on his face.

"I am honored to enter this hall of glory. If I have the opportunity, I would also like to taste the delicious mead in the Hall of Valor."

Odin laughed loudly and said, "What's the problem, please follow me into the mead hall! Don't dare to say anything else, the mead is definitely enough!"

In the process of entering the hall through the long passage from the Supreme Gate, the three of Charlemagne also saw a tall Titan creation in heavy armor—Heimdall, the guardian of the Hall of Valor.

He is Odin's most trusted subordinate, even more important than Odin's adopted daughter—Queen Al of Val'kyr.

Because of his size, Odin strode ahead to lead the way for the three of Charlemagne. At this time, Onyxia and Valeira came to Charlemagne curiously and asked some questions.

First, Onyxia: "Master, why is Odin blind in one eye? Isn't the body of the guardian so easy to destroy? Who can blind him?"

Charlemagne touched Oni's pocket dragon horn with a smile and explained, "It was not blinded by someone, but dug out by himself."

"Odin put his left eye into the body of a ghost from the Kingdom of Shadows. Since then, he has been able to see the development and changes of the Kingdom of Shadows through this eye. Unfortunately..."

Charlemagne carefully looked at Odin who was unaware in front of him, and whispered, "Because of Hella's betrayal, the Kingdom of Shadow, which governs the souls of dead creatures in Azeroth, has completely degenerated into the abyss of hell, and his eyes have long since died." You won’t be able to see the scene in the abyss of Hell.”

Valeira is more interested in the Hall of Valor itself. The little girl has been pulling Charlemagne to ask whether the Hall of Valor is really in the air, and where it is in the material world.

"I only know that the Hall of Valor is indeed floating in the air, but where is it... You really stumped me, maybe it is in a sub-plane of Azeroth?"

Entering the mead hall, a large number of vrykul heroic warriors were talking and laughing loudly by the feasting fireplace, gulping down the mead in the giant cup in their hands.

Seeing Odin walking in from the outside, all the heroes raised their glasses to welcome and salute him at the same time.

Odin proudly introduced to Charlemagne, "Look, this is the Hall of Valor that I am proud of. All the well-known warriors of the Vrykul have gathered here!"

Listening to Odin's introduction, Charlemagne, who was looking around, really saw an acquaintance, the icebreaker Wagner who gave him the scale of the guardian of the earth, and was then led to the Hall of Valor by the Valkyrie Reinas.

Today's Hall of Valor is not yet open to outsiders, so I haven't seen any other races of heroic warriors... It's better to say that if he hadn't been beaten to the door by the Burning Legion, Odin, who couldn't lower himself, wouldn't be desperate to seek mortals as a means of war lord.

After tasting the special mead of the Hall of Valor, Odin brought Charlemagne to the Seat of the Spirit, while Onyxia and Valeira stayed to visit the Hall of Valor under the guidance of Heimdall.

"Mighty mortal, can you explain your purpose now?"

Charlemagne looked a little uncomfortable sitting on a huge chair, after all, this thing was originally prepared for the Vrykul...

"Well, as I said, Layden sent me to contact you. As for the reason why he didn't come... it's better for him to tell you himself later. I can only reveal one thing. Now he is busy talking with Observer O Ergalon is looking for something, and he really can't go away."


Odin reached out and touched his chin with a thoughtful expression, "Observer Algalon would not have contacted Ulduar on his own initiative if it hadn't been a special period. What the **** is going on outside?"

The Broken Isles are far away from the mainland. Even if the Vrykul in Stormheim heard about the tens of thousands of scaly claws from the Tauren and Nightborne traders who came to trade, that still couldn't completely dispel Odin's doubts.

Charlemagne scratched his head with a headache, "Well... It will take quite a long time to explain this problem clearly. Let me just tell you the conclusion. Algalon originally came to Azeroth to activate the furnace of origin."


Odin stood up from the throne "Are you kidding me?! Do you know what it means to open the furnace of origin?"

Charlemagne waved his hand nonchalantly. "Of course I know. I also participated in the counterattack against Ulduar. Finally, I managed to stop Yogg-Saron's conspiracy and Algalon's reckless behavior."


Odin shook his head and sat down again. He said helplessly, "I can't understand what you're saying more and more. Counterattack Ulduar... It's best to tell me the story from the beginning."

Thanks to the book friend "Liu Shuo 2015" for his support.

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