Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 577: A T who doesn’t want to be a DPS is not a good treatment

Chapter 577 Not wanting to be a DPS T is not a good treatment

Mages and ranger hunters with longer ranges attacked first. Kael'thas, who was holding the Strike of Flame, had blue eyes gradually dyed fiery red, and his phoenix partner, Ao, immediately ignited. The golden flame rushed towards Oro with a clear cry.

Having been promoted to Epic for many years, Kael'thas has gradually mastered the power of rules inherited by the Sunstrider family. This kind of golden flame has become more and more proficient in his hands. When Ao rushed out, the golden explosion technique with the size of a washbasin in his hand Also ready to go.

Alleria and Sylvanas Ze used the power of wind passed down from generation to generation by the Windrunner family, and they pulled out countless arrows in a short period of time, as if afterimages appeared in their hands.

The support from the rear opened fire first, and the soldiers charging in the front row were naturally not to be outdone. The tribal warriors led by King Saurfang took the lead in charging towards Oro with a battle cry.

"Lok\'tar! Power and Glory!"

"Blood and thunder!"

With Saurfang as the arrow, the leader of the Forsaken—Death Knight Solas, Kokar Centaur Chief Kiztan, Wildboar Warlord Ramusta, and Goel, the plate armor shaman, launched an attack together.

The Alliance did not show any weakness either. Led by Varian, who was gradually becoming the High King of the Alliance, Magni, Bolvar, Tirion, Daelin and others also quickly joined the battle.

Oro's outer skin is very tough, perhaps it has been specially strengthened and modified by C'Thun. The ordinary weapons of Saurfang, Bolvar and others will either slide away or fail to break the defense.

Varian, Tirion, Daelin and others holding artifacts can easily cut his outer skin, and the Doom Hammer and Balrog Hand held by Goel and Magni can also directly destroy the elements. Into Oro's body.

At the same time, the arrows shot by rangers such as Charlemagne and Alleria through the artifact longbow can also break through Auror's defense.

However, the piercing damage caused by long-range weapons is not as effective as melee attacks against such large monsters. Although Oro is constantly adding new wounds, he can still persist with his tenacious vitality.

This ground-boring worm would not stand still and be attacked stupidly. After getting rid of the shocking effect of the sonic bomb, it immediately re-burrowed into the ground.

The two shamans, Goel and Drek'Thar, immediately began to pray for the help of the earth elements, and the Shaman Nobundo, the Shaman of the Oath, also stepped forward to assist them.

Not long after, the shaking ground forced the old ground-drilling bug out of the ground again, and the home field advantage was destroyed one after another. Oro looked very furious, shaking his big head and began to bite and hit the elites of the coalition forces around him. .

"Clang! Bang!"

The two meat shields of Jarod and Liadrin immediately stepped up, and Oro's berserk attack was steadily received by the two relying on the artifact shield.

But at the same time, Charlemagne, who was observing the battlefield while attacking, discovered a serious problem...

‘So why are these big guys all one-sided, after searching the entire team, there are only three full-time MTs, and two of them still have the heart of DPS...’

Because it is possible to learn multiple specializations concurrently in the real world, most outstanding characters of all races will not completely fix themselves on the role of "meat shield".

The only one who is dedicated to flesh and blood is an archdruid, Koda Steelclaw, whom Charlemagne has known for a long time. This female druid is a professional sharp claw druid in bear form.

As for Liadrin and Jarod...the two have complained to Charlemagne many times that they don't want to play the role of the meat shield.

However, there are many huge monsters among the enemies facing the coalition forces of Azeroth. In order to reduce the pressure on the team, several full-time MTs are still necessary...

Of course, there are more people who work as tank shields. For the Horde, Solas can turn on the blood aura at critical moments and switch to blood specialization with strong resilience.

Goel, a plate armor shaman, can also take out his shield to make a cameo at critical moments... Anyway, his Doom Hammer can be wielded with one hand.

As for the alliance, Magni can perfectly play the role of MT after using Avatar.

The Grand Duke of the Stormwind Kingdom, Bolvar, was originally a sword and shield expert warrior and a paladin dual cultivator, but this Duke likes to attack with sword and shield more often...

The oath side is even simpler. If it doesn’t work, let Malfurion and Fandral lie down. Two bears with big butts are enough.

In the battle against Oro, Azshara, Velen and several Dragon King bosses didn't even help. Chong finally played GG amidst laughter.

Laughing and laughing, of course, is the Allied Heroes, and GG is Oro, who has been lying on the ground like a dead dog.

At the same time, the Anubisas of both sides collided almost at the same time as the battle ended here.

Sure enough, as Charlemagne expected, the Twin Emperor Guards transformed by Kesuen possessed the unscientific ability to summon meteorites.

Although I don’t know where these meteorites that appeared out of thin air came from, it’s a pity... Facing the Anubisas compatriots with double-resistant explosive watches, this kind of meteorite that can cause serious damage to mortals cannot cause serious damage to Ossirian and the others. Too much damage.

As the leader, Ossirian directly punched the meteorite that attacked him back to the Gemini Emperor's guards, and the meteorite attacked him in turn, causing the group of Anubisas who were still unconscious to appear for a short time. mess.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the kobolds of the order camp, which had resisted the meteorite attack, rushed up immediately and started a hand-to-hand combat with the enemy without aesthetic feeling.

Charlemagne carefully avoided the meteorite and approached the battlefield, while curling his lips, "This kind of battle where you punch me and sword is really boring, if you can wrestle, it will improve the viewing."

This group of modified Anubisas does not seem to have a leader, or their leader is the Twin Emperors. At least Charlemagne searched for a long time and did not find a different-colored Anubisas like Ossirian.

The old trick was repeated, and the nearly one hundred Anubisas also corrected one by one under the obstruction of the opposite companions.

But while completing the transformation of the last dog head, Charlemagne suddenly felt a chill all over his body, as if something was staring at him with vicious eyes.


Charlemagne looked around, and sure enough, he found a huge phantom eyeball in the sky behind him. This giant eye was staring at him at this time, and the negative emotions revealed in the eyes made him feel a little shudder.

But the stubborn Duke Theron was unwilling to give in. "You, a big bedbug that got into the ground, finally dared to come out. How does it feel to hide in your own small dark room and peep around all day? Did you see You?" Are Ge Salong and N'Zoth's bath benefits?"

A gloomy and resentful voice followed, "Stupid mortal, I recognize that your soul has fluctuated. You are the night elf who dared to insult me ??and other true gods ten thousand years ago..."

"Pfft... sorry to interrupt."

Charlemagne couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing when he heard Ke'thun's self-description.

"True God? You were chased by the Titans like chasing dogs, and after you caught up, you were hammered to the point of doubting your life. Daddy dare to brag like this. The lice on you Void Lords are nothing special. It's just the pinnacle of God, don't put gold on your face."

"Mortal with a sharp mouth!"

Ke'thun heard Charlemagne's poisonous tongue and taunted, and suddenly screamed in his mind. Charlemagne's brows twitched violently, and he suddenly felt a piercing pain in his brain.

"Come on! Enter my palace if you dare..."

"It's a cell, thank you."


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