Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 576: drill? The sonic boom will take you away!

Chapter 576 Drilling? The sonic boom will take you away!

The explosion deep in the ground, Charlemagne and others in the air did not feel much movement for a while, but the violent muffled sound produced by the explosion had already reached their ears first.

Listening to the continuous muffled noise coming from the ground, everyone could clearly see the shaking earth below even if they didn't touch the ground.

Charlemagne turned his head worriedly and asked Malygos, who was flapping his wings and suspended in the air, "Marek, are you sure our distance is safe?"

Malygos Dragon's face was full of confidence, "Don't worry, the range of the explosion will never reach us."

Just finished speaking, a transparent ball suddenly flew out at high speed from the violently shaking superstructure of the temple.

Malygos stretched out his dragon claws to catch the scorching focusing rainbow. The moment he held the ball, the whole ball began to quickly change back to its original blue color. At the same time, Charlemagne could hear There was a "chi chi" sound not far away.

‘Condensing ice spells on the claws to quickly cool down...’

At this moment, there is no time for Charlemagne to slowly study the magic principles of Malygos. The vibration and collapse under the ground have gradually spread to the surface, and the first to bear the brunt is the obsidian hall that is the entrance to the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.


Under the witness of the leaders of various ethnic groups and the Dragon Clan, the superstructure of C’Thun Prison, which was originally built by the Titans and transformed by the Qiraji, completely collapsed with a loud bang.

This is not over yet, the large cavity formed by the explosion deep in the ground finally reflected on the ground, and these collapsed boulders immediately began to fall to the insect nest below.

At the same time, the coalition soldiers in the barracks outside the Beetle Wall also felt the violent vibrations on the ground, and uneasy emotions began to spread in the camp.

Fortunately, Charlemagne had already prepared an emergency plan, and the oath officers at all levels immediately began to explain the cause of the earthquake under the amplification magic blessed by the mages, and quickly calmed down the coalition forces that were about to bomb the camp.

When the dust settled, the leaders of all ethnic groups who witnessed the whole process of the explosion took a breath.

The ruins of the collapsed building they saw just now no longer knew where it was. What appeared before their eyes was a very astonishing bottomless abyss.

Although many passages that originally extended in all directions were covered by collapsed stones, the scale of the original underground insect nest can still be seen.

A large number of insect corpses were buried in the ruins, and some individuals with relatively tenacious vitality were still struggling with only half of their bodies.

Woljin's eyes were a little dazed, and he muttered in his mouth, "The Great Troll Empire really defeated the Yaqir? If the Zerg had this scale and quality..."

Charlemagne shook his head with a smile after hearing what the Darkspear chief said, "Chief Vol'jin was thinking too much. Back then, the Yaqir were still in a very primitive and ignorant social stage, and in terms of combat effectiveness, they were far inferior to those who were defeated. The Qiraji who have been strengthened and transformed by C'Thun many times."

"And the trolls had a basic spellcasting foundation under the leadership of the Zandalari tribe a long time ago. Magicians and witch doctors are your characteristics and rely on. In addition, there are many loa animal gods to help. It is common sense to be able to defeat the Yaqi Empire, but..."

Although Charlemagne didn't finish his sentence, Volking understood what he meant and nodded clearly.

If the great troll empire met the Qiraji Empire under C'Thun's command, it would be really hard to say the outcome. After all, in the era of the Yaqir, these bugs did not have such strong support from C'Thun.

The so-called war between the Zul Empire and the Yaqi Empire was, to put it bluntly, only instigated by Hijiks, a subordinate of the Old God.

At that time, Y'Shaarj and other ancient gods only regarded them as dispensable slaves. What is ridiculous is that the mantid, a part of the Yaqi Empire in Pandaria, still regard the dead Y'Shaarj as their supreme master Come to worship.

The explosion precisely controlled by Malygos was indeed as he said. The power was basically concentrated in the insect nest. When the aftermath of the explosion swept across Charlemagne and the others, they could only feel a gust of wind coming from the surface. That's all.

Charlemagne used Eagle Eye to carefully observe the movement inside the nest. When the smoke and dust cleared, many details could be seen in the collapsed nest.

Vichydus, the unlucky little boy, may have been affected by the explosion from the front, and Charlemagne can only see half of the green corrosive solution at the moment.

C'Thun's pet Oro seems to be very angry. This huge earth-boring worm is currently climbing up the deep ruins of the insect nest. From time to time, it will emerge from the ground to reveal its scarred body. A deep digging mark can be clearly seen on the ground.

The guards of the twin emperors also came into Charlemagne's eyes. These transformed Anubisas were not fatally injured in the big bang, and are now striding across the ruins of the insect nest and climbing upwards.

But after watching for a long time, Charlemagne didn't notice the two most important targets. He frowned and looked at Malygos beside him, "Marek, can you confirm that the underground palace deep in the worm's nest was not blown up? Why? I can't see the twin emperors."

Malygos also opened his pair of huge dragon eyes to look down carefully, and he also felt a little puzzled, "The power of the explosion is impossible to hurt the deep underground palace under my precise control, so those two guys probably have other plans. "

Seeing that Oro and the Anubisath group were gradually approaching the surface, Charlemagne temporarily gave up thinking about the whereabouts of the twin emperors. He took out a spherical object from his backpack, activated it with arcane magic, and stared at Auror. Luo's trajectory.

"Oni, send a signal for Ossirian and the others to move forward, try to block and subdue the enemy's Anubisath."

"Okay, master!" After receiving the order, Onyxia raised her head to the sky and let out a clear dragon roar. The roar spread quickly in the sky, and the coalition camp far away from the Beetle Wall could clearly hear it. .

Anubisas, who was standing quietly outside the coalition camp, received this signal. Under the leadership of the leader Ossirian, he took huge steps and began to move towards the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.

While getting ready, Charlemagne patted Onyxia's back lightly, "Oni, let's go down, I'm afraid it won't be suitable for you to fight in the form of a dragon."

Under Charlemagne's order, the dragons carrying the elites of various races landed on the ground one after another. After completing the basic formation, these elite combat forces all vigilantly drew out their weapons and prepared for battle.

Orosian Anubisas, who was moving rapidly under the surface, reached the battlefield in one step. Judging from the trajectory he plowed on the ground, this guy probably wants to rush directly under the elite group.

Of course, Charlemagne would not give the bug a chance, and sneered and threw the already activated sonic bomb in the direction of Oro's advance.

"Go you!"


A burst of infrasound waves that are difficult for ordinary intelligent creatures to feel suddenly exploded above Oro, and the ground was suddenly quiet for several seconds.

"Squeak!" It didn't take long for the giant earth-boring worm to emerge from the ground screaming. Seeing the pain of its head shaking wildly, Charlemagne's hair was jointly developed by the high elves and the Draenei Technology Department. Sonic bombs seem to be very effective.

Charlemagne's eyes flashed, and he took the lead in condensing a powerful arrow of order, pointing directly at Oro's head, and ordered loudly, "Take this opportunity! The whole army assaults, and try to solve it before Oro gets rid of the influence of the sonic bomb." it!"

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