Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 563: I can’t lead this team... let’s divide up

Chapter 563 I can't lead this team...Let's divide up

If it is really impossible to integrate the strength of the three parties to form a better cooperation, Charlemagne would rather let the Horde, Alliance and Oath march separately.

Anyway, the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj on the ground are wide enough, and it is completely possible to march in three routes. At that time, it is enough to allocate their respective marching routes.

On the second day of the meeting, Charlemagne tried to have the armies of the three camps conduct a joint exercise, and the result was... horrible.

Even if there is an ancient oath acting as a lubricant in the middle, conflicts and quarrels will still occur between the Alliance and the Horde from time to time, and both parties have no sincerity to cooperate.

In desperation, Charlemagne could only call them to the headquarters again, and simply pointed to the map to explain the responsibilities of the three parties after the war.

"After entering the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, your two camps will inevitably have to advance together for a while. The Alliance and the Horde should exercise restraint with each other. As long as you capture the general platform in the center, you can go your separate ways."

Charlemagne raised his head and glanced at Varian, Daelin and the others. At this time, they were staring at the tribal leaders opposite with wide-eyed eyes.

"The Alliance should go all out to attack the east. There should be a huge reservoir in the east, and there will inevitably be a large number of insectoid troops around."

The leaders of the alliance were more convinced of Charlemagne, and they all nodded in agreement when they heard his arrangement.

"The tribe is marching westward. Due to the terrain, the road here will be more difficult, but relatively speaking, the enemies encountered should be less than the alliance."

After Gouil and Woking nodded, Charlemagne finally reached out and touched a large platform where the roads intersect in the deepest part of the ruins. There are quite a large number of Anubisath legions."

"Dragon will act with us, try to suppress these Anubisas, and reduce the pressure for your raiders in the rear, but please be careful, Obsidian Destroyer and Anubisath are corrupted Titan creations, you lack Dragons Don't be greedy for meritorious deeds, but make steady progress step by step."

Although Charlemagne's arrangements were somewhat theoretical before the wall of the beetle was opened and the internal situation was observed, in general, it should not be much different from the situation he envisioned.

As for which side will have more leaders and who will bear more pressure, it depends on which of the three parties has better luck. After all, the positions of these leaders in the real world will not be foolishly fixed in place...

After the Alliance and the Horde left, Charlemagne left the leaders of the vowed tribes to hold a small meeting... There was an episode in the middle.

There seemed to be some conflicts between Malfurion and Tyrande. Although the two were still standing together, the strange atmosphere between them could be sensed by the extremely dull Charlemagne.

After the Alliance Horde left, Tyrande cast his eyes on him many times, but Charlemagne could only pretend that he didn't see it under the arch druid's cough.

But Tyrande seemed to be losing his temper, the more Malfurion didn't want her to show his favor to Charlemagne even more.

In the end, only the Archdruid of Stormrage's non-stop coughing and Maiev, Jarod, and Shandris' blank gazes remained in the entire headquarters. Only Fandral, who had been prepared for a long time, remained calm.

The leaders of other countries, including the usual elegant Kael'thas and the steady Velen, all had expressions that could not help but laugh.

Seeing that the whole meeting was about to turn into a farce, Charlemagne could only look for help to Queen Azshara, the titular leader of the oath.

Fortunately, the queen didn't make any trouble at the critical moment, she stood up and showed her queen demeanor and said softly, "Okay, please settle your emotional entanglements in private, now let Charlemagne continue. "

Enduring the back-pinching attacks of Cirvanas and Vereesa behind him, Charlemagne said with a tense face, "As I said just now, our ancient oath will undertake a larger task with the Dragon Clan. If the unplanned attack It may cause considerable damage to the military strength of the entire oath."

Charlemagne finally breathed a sigh of relief after Aurelia and Valeira pulled away the two jealous girlfriends respectively. He stretched out his left arm, and took off the silver arm armor that he had been wearing all the time, and showed it to the oath The leaders looked over.

"Everyone should have seen the arm armor I wear, but I am afraid that few people know the origin of this silver arm armor. Strictly speaking, this arm armor should be regarded as a Titan creation."

The equipment made by the guardian of the titans, there is nothing wrong with being made by the titans...

Hearing Charlemagne's words, the leaders, whose expressions were relatively relaxed, immediately straightened their expressions.

Veyron gently stroked his beard, and looked at Charlemagne's outstretched left arm thoughtfully, "Is it a titan creation... Duke Theron, you must not be aimless when you say this news at this time, right?"

Regarding the cooperation of the old magic stick, Charlemagne smiled and nodded to him, "Exactly, this arm armor is not only used for combat. Ronin and Jaina should have read the literature on this area before. In fact, it is Guardian of the Titans—the silver hand of Tyr, the Lord of Order."

"The Silver Hand?!"

"Huh?" Charlemagne made a suspicious voice, because the old voice just now was obviously not from Jaina and Ronin. Although the two were also surprised at this time, their gazes towards Charlemagne were like rattles. Generally shaking his head.

At this moment, a heavy armored knight with a thick two-handed sword strode in from the unclosed gate of the headquarters. Charlemagne immediately showed a dazed expression when he saw this person.

"Tirion, why are you here? Have you dealt with the troubles of the Western Plague and Silverpine Forest?"

The person who came was Tirion Fordring, the leader of the Silver Dawn. At this time, besides the red-haired Dalyan, there was also a slim and beautiful female knight, Alfred Abedi. His daughter Bridget.

Tirion turned a deaf ear to Charlemagne's question, he walked up with a slightly fanatical expression and picked up the arm armor Charlemagne put on the table.

"Is this the silver hand that Tyre used back then? But why is it so small..."

Charlemagne saw Tirion and Bridget's fanatical expressions and could only shrug helplessly. "This is a long story, and it involves some secret information. Let's put this topic aside for now."

"In short, this arm armor has part of Tyr's authority, and this authority can just be used to restart Anubisath's consciousness polluted by C'Thun."

A gleam of light flashed in Azshara's eyes, "That's why you took the initiative to ask for an airborne Anubisath gathering watch platform, do you want to bring these obsidian giants back into the camp of order?"

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