Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 562: Strategies or something... I almost forgot

Chapter 562 strategy or something... I have almost forgotten it

From the map, it can be seen that the entire sealed city of Ahn'Qiraj occupies a vast area.

Behind the mountains blocked by a large barrier in the east is the Uldum area where the tol'vir live, and the scarab wall in the north is the only exit.

Fandral patted the map heavily, and said loudly, "The entire Qiraji Empire has been completely sealed off in this city of Ahn'Qiraj by the barrier set by the four-color dragon clan."

"The part on the ground has been destroyed in the war thousands of years ago. Although I don't know if the Zerg people have repaired these surface buildings this year, if there is nothing unexpected, our large troops should be here. battle the Qiraji Empire in a vast ruin."

"Then... the most important thing."

Fandral stretched out his fingers solemnly and pointed at a large building in the northwest of the map, "The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. Due to the special ecological habits of the Qiraji, this temple is their real core area."

"Unfortunately, due to my poor command during the Quicksand War a thousand years ago, the night elves and the Dragon Clan coalition forces did not break into the temple, so we don't know much about the situation in the temple."

Speaking of this, Fandral still couldn't help showing a trace of sadness on his face. Obviously, he recalled the scene that had appeared countless times in his nightmares, the scene of Valastan being completely dismembered by insects.

The leaders of various ethnic groups have already learned about this matter through their intelligence personnel. Although some people feel a little disdain for this doting and emotional archdruid, Saurfang and others who are also fathers But he expressed his understanding to Fandral.

After Fandral finished speaking, it was the turn of the bronze dragon prince Anachronos. This prince who changed into the night elf form like his father first calmly nodded to everyone present, quite like a father.

"I will make some additions to what Archdruid Staghelmet just said. In fact, the Dragon Clan has some minimum understanding of the leaders in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj."

"Let's talk about Anubisath first."

Anachronos glanced at Charlemagne, "Although I don't know whether the plan Duke Theron said can be realized, let's talk about these difficult obsidian giants."

"Anubisath's body is made of solid obsidian, which is very resistant to magic, and the sword does little damage to it. Under the control of the ancient **** C'Thun, they fought in the quicksand battle thousands of years ago. It caused a lot of trouble for both the night elves and the dragons."

Anachronos projected a model of golden Anubisath with the time sand simulation in his hand. "The basic shape is like this. It is about 15 to 25 meters tall. It is very powerful. The weapons they throw can even be far away. The distance hits the dragon flying in the sky."

"If the coalition forces encounter these huge obsidian kobolds, I suggest using their ankles as a breakthrough point. As long as these giants can lose their balance and fall to the ground, it is usually difficult for them to stand up."

This is the experience that the night elves summed up with their lives during the War of Quicksand. The leaders present naturally knew the weight of this information, and all of them nodded solemnly to Fandral to express their gratitude.

"Next, let's talk about the powerful bugman generals that the coalition forces may encounter."

Anachronos once again condensed an upright bugman of the same stature in his hands, with a strong upper body and two claws like giant pincers.

When Fandral saw this model, his eyes immediately burst into flames, and the hatred in his heart was ignited again. Valastan's hatred is on this guy...

Anachronos didn't pay attention to Fandral's expression, he introduced indifferently, "General of the Qiraji, General Rajax, the commander in chief of the Qiraji in the Battle of Quicksand, is cruel and cunning, and good at using It is very difficult to deal with the opponent's weaknesses."

I wrote down that Anachronos introduced the insect generals that appeared in the Battle of Quicksand in detail one by one. When Moam was mentioned, Charlemagne rubbed his chin and fell into deep thought.

'This Moam...why does it look exactly like a tol'vir? Is he also left by Raiden to guard C'Thun? '

Moam, projected by Anachronos, was covered with the golden color of Shisha, but Charlemagne knew that this guy's entire body was actually made of obsidian just like Anubisas.

Except for a pair of wings growing in the center of the body, this guy has a very typical tol'vir shape. Charlemagne vaguely remembers that the Obsidian Destroyer soldiers in Ahn'Qiraj also looked like this.

‘Or…this is how the tol’vir who had not suffered the curse of flesh and blood in ancient times should look like? '

While Charlemagne was in a daze, Anachronos finally condensed a time-sand model, and his face finally showed a dignified look.

"Osirian, the leader of Anubisath, is brave and good at fighting. He caused huge casualties to our Dragon Clan in the Quicksand War thousands of years ago. If you encounter him, you must be cautious."

As for the situation inside the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, even Anachronos didn't know much about it. He only told about the gatekeeper Scram who guarded the entrance, Shaltura and Haholan who participated in the Battle of Quicksand The ability of the princess, the rest is only known by the name and appearance.

Although Charlemagne knew that in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, besides C'Thun, the most difficult thing to deal with was actually a huge earth-boring worm Oro and the twin emperors, but now he couldn't speak directly in front of the bosses of all races. Raiders.

...Or after such a long time, he basically forgot all about the strategy. He only remembered that the twin emperors were immune to physical attacks and immune to magic attacks. These two were undoubtedly demigod-level bosses.

Besides, in this real world, although Charlemagne guessed that a considerable part of the combat power should be left behind in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, he couldn't be sure which leaders would stay behind, so it would be better not to say anything.

After Anachronos returned to his seat, Charlemagne came to the stage again and made a summary, "After the meeting is over, please be prepared, the collision between us and the army of the Qiraji Empire should be in Ahn'Qiraj on the ground. The ruins unfold."

"As for the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, let's think about it after we clear up the threats on the ground. Before that, we need to send some troops to defend the entrance of the temple, so as not to be attacked by the enemy from the side."

The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj is located in a separate temple building, which is different from the entrance to the city of Ahn'Qiraj. Charlemagne believes that during the course of the war, it is possible to gather almost superior forces to forcibly push away the insect army at the entrance of the temple.

Afterwards, send some troops to guard the entrance of the temple. Anyway, the real core area of ??the temple of Ahn'Qiraj is in the huge insect nest below.

I just don’t know if the mind-controlling prophet Scrum will still stand guard at the door in a daze…

The strategy in the general direction is finished. As for the subdivided tactics, the military leaders of each country will naturally subdivide the distribution.

Charlemagne is more worried about whether the alliance, the tribe, and the ancient oath, the three forces that have never really worked together, can successfully form a rope under tremendous pressure.

Thanks to the book friend "Liu Shuo 2015" for his support.

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