Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 534: Controlled hatching? why should i do this

Chapter 534 Control hatching eggs? why should i do this

Among the two most important people who had taught Thrall to grow up, Orgrim, who was responsible for his military education, had repeatedly mentioned one person to him.

"If you fight the alliance in the future, you must pay attention to a high elf general named Charlemagne Theron."

Orgrimmar's expression was very serious at the time, "Although the situation forced me to lead the old tribe to attack Quel'Thalas, I did not relax my vigilance."

"Leaving aside Zujin and Gul'dan, two pig teammates with ghostly ideas, the war ended and I was imprisoned in a concentration camp before I knew who I lost to Quells in that fiasco."

When Charlemagne and Orgrim were singled out, whether it was intentional or unintentional, they didn't announce their name from the beginning to the end. Naturally, the tribe didn't know who the person who defeated the great chief was.

It wasn't until after the war that Orgrim, who was confused, got the news from various sources. It turned out that the thin elf was the most valued Grand Duke of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, the ranger lord Charlemagne Theron.

Thinking that even Orgrim suffered a big loss under Charlemagne, Gouel felt a little bit sore.

Fortunately, the country where the boss is located had some conflicts with the alliance partners. In the end, the elves from all branches reunited to form a neutral organization that did not participate in the civil war in Azeroth.

Although Ashenvale's forced evacuation made Goel feel a little unhappy, compared with the loss of that bit of wood, the high elves, Theramore, and Dalaran withdrew from the alliance one after another, but the Horde gained more.

Without the high elves and Dalaran's large number of spellcasters, the alliance is now basically balanced in the number of spellcasters and the Horde with the Forsaken.

...The most important thing is that the high elf duke that makes Orgrim very afraid will no longer oppose them.

In addition, Theramore, a city that was previously stuck at the throat of the Horde, has now joined the neutral camp. Although the northern castle still exists, this isolated military fortress Goel is not too concerned.

As long as the alliance has no intention of marching westward, the chief has no intention of touching the area around Theramore. He just needs to bypass this worthless swamp.

Charlemagne still doesn't know that Gouill has already demonized himself in his heart. In fact, to put it bluntly, he just has the advantage of foresight and can deploy dark hands before some things happen.

But that's enough to scare his enemies, just think about how the mighty Ragnaros avatar ended up being beaten into a mess by water, wind elementals and a group of mortals basically without a decent resistance gem.

…By the way, that gem was given to Magni by Charlemagne. The blacksmiths of the Thorium Brotherhood had mentioned this gem called the Eye of Savras to Charlemagne before. It is said that they can forge it into a Take the artifact hammer.

Magni, who was a powerful blacksmith himself, was suddenly unconvinced. He didn't plan to use the help of these traitorous Dark Iron dwarves, and planned to return to Ironforge to retreat and make the artifact hammer.

Anyway, 10% of this thing will be used by himself in the future, and the hammer made by himself will definitely be smoother than others.

When Charlemagne turned around the road next to the Blackstone Arena and came to a hall, the entrance to the Blackwing Lair was already in sight.

At this time, Goyle has also strode up from behind. He pointed to the right side of the hall and said, "We have already cleaned up over there. There is a giant lava dog named Biss and a dragon man named Dakisas. General."

At this moment, the armies of various tribes of the oath have already gathered in the hall, and the tribal army is still behind the Blackstone Arena.

Charlemagne turned his head and looked at the leaders and generals who were already in place, and said loudly, "The entrance to the Blackwing Nest is ahead of you. Be vigilant. The defensive strength of the Blackwing Nest is not at the same level as that of the Blackrock Tower."

Except for the leader who opened the egg first, none of the opponents behind is a fuel-efficient lamp.

The first leader is Razorgore the Wild, the highest-ranked dragonman captain with wings... However, this guy is purely funny, and he was controlled by the orcs with command orbs, and one thing that didn't go his way was " boom" and blew up.

As always, Azshara and Velen are still paddling, but this time they are going to take command of the army in person, and the two bosses are still not prepared to take action unless it is absolutely necessary.

The orc barracks at the entrance is Razorgore's entrenched place. At this time, a large number of Blackrock orc slaves are gathering on the platforms on both sides, and some goblins controlled by Nefarian are nervously moving eggs out.

Charlemagne looked at the large number of black dragon eggs in the center of the field with cold eyes, and gave the order without hesitation, "Shoot these orcs and destroy all the dragon eggs. They have been transformed by that lunatic Nefarian."

"For Quel'Thalas!"

The female man, Liadrin, led the high elf paladins to charge out first. Although it was difficult to charge horses in the tower, they were not weak even in foot combat with these paladins.

"For the Eternal Sunwell!"

Liadrin has already moved, and Alleria and Cirvanas can only let their Farstrider and Ranger troops keep up.

At the same time, the melee troops of the Night Elf, Draenei, and Nightborne also launched one after another.

A small number of Theramore mages brought by Jaina are casting spells hand in hand with the mage troops of Dalaran and Quel'Thalas. The door where the goblins were panicking to escape was blocked by a wall of ice.

As the tribe's army joined the battlefield, these remaining Blackrock orcs couldn't resist the attack of the army and were quickly defeated.

Razorgore in the middle of the field... This guy has been taken care of by Duke Theron from the very beginning. In order to prevent him from exploding himself, Charlemagne simply used arcane imprisonment to lift him up from the ground.

Razorgore's stupid four-horned reptile body struggled wildly in the air, but he couldn't break free from Charlemagne's control at all.

Vereesa's three Shadow Leopards were already suffocated because the Molten Core environment was not suitable for them to participate in. Under the command of their master, they rushed towards the immobile target quickly.

When the sad Razorgore was torn into pieces by the three Shadow Leopards, all the orcs in the hall rushed to the street with Goel's distressed expression. Except for some goblins who ran away first, the black dragon eggs in the hall were all destroyed.

After the battle, Charlemagne clapped his hands, "Okay, everyone, please fix it on the spot first, and then I will go out to pick up someone. The following leader should not need us to take action."

During the previous battle, Charlemagne had sent Valela in to investigate clearly, and there was indeed a red giant dragon entrenched in the Shadowwing lair ahead.

Just as Goil and the others were full of doubts, Charlemagne finally brought in a female high elf wearing a hood from outside.

Queen Azshara looked at this graceful high elf woman with an interested smile on her face.

‘The Red Dragon Queen, Alexstrasza…’

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