Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 533: This person is so terrifying!

Chapter 533 This person is so terrifying!

The Prince of Wind, who was shining with thunder all over his body, looked down at Charlemagne. His voice was different from the passionate one when he fought against Ragnaros just now, and now it seemed a lot gentler.

"Thank you for your help, Charlemagne Theron, I owe you a big favor."

Charlemagne waved his hand and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I already asked for something in return, but your serious thanks made me a little embarrassed."

"Haha! No need to be ashamed."

Sunderland let out a hearty laugh, "If you pay, you should be rewarded, and your proposal is exactly what I want."

"My father is still ignorant and stubborn to obey the orders of the Old God. It is time to end his rule."

"I promise you, as long as I can return to the sky wall, I will definitely call on the wind elementals loyal to me to drive my father, Al'Akir the Wind Rider, from the throne. At that time, the wind elementals will join in the defense of Azeroth." in the camp."

Charlemagne didn't have too much doubt about Prince Wind's assurance. The name of Sunderland the Wind Chaser has always been widely praised as a hero among the wind elements.

Besides, as an orthodox descendant of Alakir, he is already qualified to inherit the throne. As long as he can persuade the mahjong lord... no, three of the four wind lords, Sunderland can use peaceful means to take over from his father. over the throne.

But before that, the Wind Prince still needs to lie dormant for a while. After all, he is now bare-handed and has no strength under his hands. First of all, he needs to recreate his own sword, Thunder Fury.

Afterwards, Sunderland will gradually gather wind elemental generals who disagree with Al'Akir's approach, and achieve the ultimate goal step by step.

After Sunderland and Magni made an appointment for the follow-up weapon forging cooperation and left, Charlemagne and others sat down and breathed a sigh of relief.

Varian patted Duke Theron's shoulder with emotion and praised, "You still have such a long-term vision, and you have already quietly connected to the water element and the wind element, don't tell me that the earth element is also under your control. "

Charlemagne shook his head with a wry smile, "It's not that easy. The entrance to the Deep Rock Continent where the earth elementals live is the maelstrom, and Deathwing is hiding in it now. Do you think I dare to go down rashly to negotiate terms with the Stone Mother?"

Besides, the stone mother Therazane hides a delicate heart under her ugly appearance. She upholds the steady character of the earth element, and she will not prematurely stand between the ancient gods and the guardians of Azeroth.

Charlemagne still remembers that when the Burning Legion attacked again, the Stone Mother agreed to guard the whole world with the other three elemental lords... At that time, the grass on Ragnaros's grave was three meters high.

After a short rest, everyone returned the same way, and the Three Kings of the Alliance and their army first opened the portal and returned to their respective capitals.

While leaving the Molten Core, Charlemagne seemed to hear a female voice with unknown meaning in his heart, but when he looked around suspiciously, he couldn't find anything.


"What the hell..."

Unable to understand the current situation, Charlemagne simply shook his head and temporarily gave up thinking. He and other elite members of the ancient oath returned to the fork in the Black Rock Mountain with the help of the short-distance portal opened by Queen Azshara.

At this time, Onyxia is still in the sky and her brother Nefarian is showing the scene of domestic violence. It is really thanks to these two giant dragons that they can fight for such a long time. There is a high probability that both sides are releasing water...

Seeing Charlemagne and others appear, Nefarian swept Onyxia away with his tail, and quickly fled back to his lair on the upper mountain of Blackstone Mountain while his sister stabilized her posture.


Princess Black Dragon gave a cold snort of dissatisfaction, and slowly flew back to the sky above Charlemagne and the others, gradually changing back to the form of a high elf.

As soon as the black-haired elf fell to the ground, he immediately threw himself into Charlemagne's arms like a brawler, twisting and acting coquettishly, asking for a kiss and hug.

"Master, for the sake of my hard work, I should at least give him some rewards!"

Charlemagne patted her on the forehead with a blank expression, "Stop pretending, do you think I didn't see you and Nefarian's fake fight? Don't blame me for not reminding you, Nefarian is going to die today, thousand Don't have any illusions about him."

Onyxia lay in her master's arms and sighed faintly, "I know, it's just... I can't do anything, he is my biological brother after all."

Charlemagne gently touched the two sharp corners of Onyxia's black hair, "Okay, I didn't tell you to do it yourself, even if he grows five pairs of wings today, he still can't fly this Black Rock Mountain , you just quietly watch from the side."

Based on Nefarian's urine, he knew that the laboratory of Black Wing Lair would definitely not be able to hold on today, and now he probably rushed back to pack his experimental equipment, materials and precious experimental subjects.

But Charlemagne will not let this guy escape so easily, he has already laid a net over the Black Rock Mountain in advance.

When the group arrived at the upper level of the Blackrock Tower, Goel, Vol'jin, Rexxar, King Saurfang and others had already been waiting in the Blackstone Arena, and Goel was still holding a **** orc head.

This dead orc should be Red Blackhand, who claims to be the orthodox chief of the tribe. It is not surprising that he ended up in Charlemagne.

Azshara and other female members didn't like this **** scene very much, so they went ahead to find their own troops.

Charlemagne glanced nonchalantly at two forest trolls beside Vol'jin, a man and a woman. If nothing unexpected, these two should be Shadowhunter Voshgarth and Commander Vaughan of the Burnthorn clan.

In addition, there are obviously more dark-skinned orcs and stupid-looking ogres behind Goel, who should be captives who surrendered to the new tribe in the Blackrock Spire.

"Chief Goel, it seems that you have gained a lot. I hope you can ensure that these recruits will not threaten Azeroth in the future."

Guyle grinned and smiled, "No problem, Duke Theron. Since the tribe has decided to integrate into this world, they will naturally not allow their subordinates to mess around in Azeroth."

"In terms of the ancient oath, I hope you can keep your promise and not get involved in disputes between the alliance and the tribe."

Charlemagne patted the shoulder of the orc chief meaningfully, "Don't worry, we are not interested in the small actions of the Horde in Hillsbrad and the Hinterlands. If you can win these two places, it is your job. I promise not to interfere at all."

Guyle's face changed, and Vol'jin beside him didn't look very good. They didn't expect their secret plan to be easily seen through by the High Elf Grand Duke in front of them.

"take it easy."

Charlemagne waved his hand and walked deeper, "The oath will definitely keep its promise, but don't treat the alliance as a fool. Varian and Magni have already gone back ahead of time. Whether your plan can be achieved or not Let's see if the alliance is willing to cooperate."

Waiting for Charlemagne to walk around the corner, Gouyle breathed a long sigh of relief, "What a terrible person. Fortunately, he joined the neutral organization and will no longer be our enemy."

Woljin also nodded solemnly, "I always feel that many things are under his control. He must have a powerful intelligence team..."

Goyle's final conclusion is "it also has its own terrifying layout ability."

Thanks to the book friends "鬼ovo Remnant Soul" and "ic Bang Bang x" for their support.

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