Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 526: i need air conditioner

Chapter 526 I need an air conditioner

It has been more than 200 years since Molten Core was formed. At the end of the War of the Three Hammers, the confident Emperor Thaurissan launched an attack on the Bronzebeard and Wildhammer tribes at the same time, and finally both sides were defeated on the battlefield. .

Desperate Emperor Thaurissan decided to summon a powerful creature to help the Dark Iron Dwarves win the war, but what this fool finally summoned was the incarnation of Ragnaros, the king of the elemental fire...

Although Ragnaros outside the Fire Elemental Realm cannot exert all his strength, his power is already unattainable for mortals.

The angry Ragnaros drilled out of the ground forcefully, completely tore the original Red Ridge Mountain in half, and formed a lava-flowing volcano at the place where he appeared, which is the Black Rock that Charlemagne and others are now attacking. Mountain.

Emperor Thaurissan, who summoned the king of the fire element, died on the spot, and his people were also enslaved by the fire element in the Black Stone Abyss at the bottom of the Black Rock Mountain.

The original fertile and vast Red Ridge Mountains have also undergone tremendous changes because of this disaster. Except for the southernmost part suffering less damage, the place where the Black Rock Mountain stands is divided into two areas that were scorched by flames in the north and south. Now Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes.

Molten Core is the core area where the avatar of Ragnaros sleeps, and there is no longer a black iron dwarf inside. All the creatures that appear here are all kinds of creatures that exist in the realm of fire, fire elemental, fire Goblins, lava dogs, and a few earth elementals enslaved by Ragnaros.

The kings of the four elements have been fighting each other in Azeroth for many years before the appearance of the ancient gods due to the restraint of each other's attributes.

After the shuffling of the appearance of the Old Gods and the Titans, Neptulon the Tidehunter, the king of water elements, has made it clear that he will no longer obey the orders of the Old Gods. The attitude is rather ambiguous and does not clearly express their position.

The remaining two masters of elements, Ragnaros and Alakir, the king of wind elements, continue to serve as lackeys of the ancient gods. This is also the fundamental reason why the Quartet forces in Blackstone Mountain have existed for so long but still haven't hit their heads.

In the final analysis, both the black dragon and the fire element have the same boss behind them, employees and subordinates can compete with each other, but if there is a big trouble... the boss will definitely not be happy.

The molten core giant shot through the head by Charlemagne's two arrows of order just now is also a new product enslaved by Ragnaros after the defeat of the earth element. They have both the sturdiness of the earth element and the powerful attack power of the fire element. If the strength is not enough, it will be very painful to deal with it.

While advancing along the way, Charlemagne and the others also encountered some black earth elements wandering around at an extremely fast speed. As long as they entered the attack range, they would immediately launch a violent charge against the enemy.

In addition, there are large-scale fire elements that will constantly split and summon companions, and huge and ferocious lava dogs. These miscellaneous soldiers with minimum hero-level strength have brought some troubles to the advancement of the oath elites.

Passing the initial corner, there are two forks in front of everyone, one is heading to the direction of the lava bridge, and the other is leading down to a large cave.

While trying to create a cold air around her body, Jaina said depressedly, "Which way should we go first? The water element in this ghost place has been greatly suppressed. I feel that using ice spells is more difficult than usual. It's much more difficult."

Ronin, Elisande, and Khadgar all nodded in agreement one after another. Although the fire element in the Molten Heart is difficult to use against the enemy, the water element is also very rare.

Except for Jaina who specializes in ice, most mages have no choice but to use pure arcane spells to attack. This situation also verifies the explanation Malygos gave to Charlemagne.

After observing the terrain for a while, Charlemagne wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand, "Hold on, the situation will improve after we capture one or two of the leaders."

After arriving in the Molten Core, there is no map guide at all. After all, the members of the Hidden Path dare not enter this underground lava cave where the fire element is raging.

Charlemagne can only roughly judge the next path based on some experience in previous games. He still remembers that the leader of the lava dog, Magmanda, must be dealt with first. If this guy is not killed, it seems that the mass production of the Molten Core Lava Dogs will spawn constantly.

Although such a funny thing should not happen in the real world, the area where Luciferon and Magmanda are located is a closed passage. Taking this side first can prevent being attacked when attacking the depths of the Molten Core. They attack from behind.

"Let's go to the lava bridge first, leaving some people to stay on the bridge for the time being to defend, and pay attention to the enemies that appear from behind. The news that we broke into the molten core should have been conveyed to the people who manage Exotus. There."

Considering the distribution of personnel, Charlemagne finally decided to keep Archdruid Ikoda Steelclaw as a meat shield, Von der Lore and Onala as healers, Maraad and Kane as melee assault, Modera The three weaker Mages, Kalai and Anslem, also stayed to assist.

While moving forward all the way, Ulan Gaoling scratched his head, and asked with some concern, "Is it okay to leave only so few people? How about I let Jie'er and Barre stay to help them?"

Charlemagne has already sent two thieves, Garona and Valela, to explore the cave ahead, and he glanced at the people left behind.

"It's enough. If it's not bad, when we attacked Magmanda, it was almost time for Varian and Magni to send reinforcements. Besides, Prophet Velen and Queen Azshara are still there. It takes too much thought to take care of it, so please rest assured to do a good job in the strategy ahead."

At this moment, Charlemagne's ears moved slightly, and together with Cirvanas and others, they looked at the empty space beside them, and Valeira's figure suddenly appeared in the place where several people's eyes converged.

"How? How's the situation inside?"

"There is not much space in the cave, and there are many flame imps inside. Garona asked me to come back to report the situation first, and she went deeper."

Charlemagne nodded, and put down his hands clasped on his chest. "Then let's move on. We'd better be careful. After clearing this cave, it's almost time to meet the first general under Ragnaros."

Under Charlemagne's command, Garrod and Liadrin raised their shields to the front, and the group walked cautiously into the cave.

As reported by Valeira, the huge number of flaming goblins sensed the intruders and immediately "chirped" and screamed and attacked them. The flying fireballs made Liadrin and Jarod feel a little bit stressed. .

But in the final analysis, the power of these fireballs is not great, it is nothing more than a large number. They did not last long under the attack of the oath elites, and these frail, noisy and annoying little devils all lay on the ground.

It happened that Garona also returned to the main force after the battle. After her report, Charlemagne and the others already had some basic understanding of the situation in Magmanda's lair.

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