Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 525: Demigod Mystery

Chapter 525 The Mystery of the Demigod

Sending off the Alliance army, Charlemagne breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the oath elite beside him and said, "Let's go, you can enter the Molten Core where Ragnaros' avatar is located through the Molten Bridge in front. How is the situation with the Horde and Oni?"

Azshara shrugged her shoulders gracefully, and said with a smile, "Onyxia and Nefarian are only equal in strength, and with the physical strength of two demigod-level dragons, it is not so easy to separate them in a fight." win or lose."

Garona, who had been silent before, also said, "There should be nothing wrong with the Horde. I have come to Blackrock Spire to look for pieces of Atiesh before. These Blackrock orcs are completely different from the brave Blackrock clan led by Orgrim. It's not at the same level anymore, they can't beat the new tribe."

Charlemagne jokingly smiled, "A raging soldier, a raging nest, what kind of elite soldiers can Raid, who is a slave to the black dragon, bring out? I just hope that the tribe can block the dragon people at the entrance of the Black Wing Lair." Get them out."

As he spoke, he began to take out the ugly fire-resistant leather armor from the magic bag and put it on. "You guys should also put on fire-resistant equipment. The temperature in the heart of Molten is no joke."

Azshara glanced at the ugly robe in her hand with distaste, and finally gave up the plan to put it on. "Forget it, anyway, this heat shouldn't affect me too much, let's go."

Charlemagne glanced at the beauty-loving queen speechlessly, and finally had to let her go. Anyway, with her strength, there was really no need to prepare too much.

Similarly, Prophet Velen also walked towards the Molten Core with a polite smile, sticking his staff behind Azshara, and the group looked at these two demigods with envy.

Sean put the ugly dark red robe on his body, and sighed, "I don't know if we will have the chance to step into the realm of demigods in this life. In the future, when we face those powerful demons of the Burning Legion, I always feel that the epic is not enough." ah."

Lor'themar, who had already put on the leather armor, rolled his eyes, and said unceremoniously, "You can be content, among mortals, those who can reach the epic are rare, and through the ages, only those who really broke through to the demigod realm with their own strength There is only one Queen Azshara."

Seeing that Azshara and Velen had gradually gone away, Vereesa approached her boyfriend curiously and asked, "Charlemagne, you have a good relationship with Queen Azshara, did you ask her about the status of entering the demigod rank?" condition?"

This topic obviously aroused the interest of the big bosses present. The absolute elite of the ancient oath all pricked up their ears and looked at the legendary "queen's face".

Charlemagne's face darkened immediately, and he turned to Tyrande and shouted, "Hey! Over there, what the **** is the Queen's face? Why have I never heard of this?"

The corner of Tyrande's mouth curled up into a mocking smile, "Hmph! Who knows? But you are indeed the closest male to the Queen in recorded history, am I right, Captain of the Valothen Guard?"

Varoson didn't answer the piercing mouth, but just stared at Charlemagne, with complex emotions of jealousy and jealousy in his eyes.

Seeing the questioning eyes of all the bosses becoming more and more obvious, Charlemagne could only helplessly raise his hands and surrender, "Well, let me tell you, in fact, among those of us present, the most hopeful breakthrough to the demigod level may be because of the rude words just now. High Priest."


Aurelia asked with a puzzled look, "What do you mean?"

"It's very simple."

Charlemagne shrugged jokingly, "There are two conditions for stepping into the realm of demigods. One is to make the rules you have mastered to the extent that you can use your fingers. This is something that all people at the peak of the epic can do."

"Another point... is to obtain the approval of the star soul of Azeroth."

"Star Soul?"

The high elves headed by Alleria first showed an expression of enlightenment. Charlemagne had told his relatives and friends about the connection between Titans, Star Soul and the world before, and it was not too difficult for them to understand.

Tyrande showed a thoughtful expression, "Could it be true what you said last time, the moon **** Elune is the star soul of Azeroth?"

Charlemagne shook his head, "I'm not sure about this, but what I can confirm is that the Titan Star Soul of Azeroth is not yet fully mature, and it is not easy to get her approval."

In the original timeline, Magni became a diamond man in order to communicate with the vague will of Azeroth, but he actually entered the realm of demigods by mistake... Although he was never seen again Fighting is basically sending a message for Azeroth.

"Queen Azshara's breakthrough is actually a coincidence. I told some of you before that the Well of Eternity is a wound that has been bleeding continuously in Azeroth. Queen Azshara is communicating with the Well of Eternity." Fortunately, I was recognized by Azeroth in the process."

Fandral suddenly frowned and interrupted Charlemagne, "Wait, do you mean that the explosion of the Well of Eternity is good for Azeroth?"

Charlemagne smiled and nodded, "Although the big explosion did a lot of damage to Azeroth, the long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain. Compared with letting the Well of Eternity continue to bleed, this well is condensed with Azeroth's blood. It will be better if the well water is destroyed."

"Now the Maelstrom has become a scar on Azeroth, at least Star Soul is gradually recovering now."

Jalod asked with some doubts, "What about your Sunwell, isn't this well also used the water from the Well of Eternity? Will it become a new wound in Azeroth?"


It was Elisande who answered this time. This great magister had dabbled in this aspect of knowledge when he was researching the Nightwell.

"Although the effects of the Sunwell and the Well of Eternity are similar, the actual principle is quite different. The Well of Eternity is the huge trauma caused by Y'Shaarj's death. This wound has not survived for tens of thousands of years. heal."

"And the Sunwell is just a combination of well water from the Well of Eternity and the magic net hub of Eversong Forest. If I really want to describe it... it should be regarded as a harmless cherry angioma."

Everyone walked to the entrance of the Molten Core while chatting. At this time, Azshara and Velen were already standing in the entrance of the Molten Core, frowning and looking at the two huge molten core giants in the distance.

Azshara saw Charlemagne and others arriving, and showed a smile of interest on her face, "The miscellaneous soldiers all have hero-level strength. It seems that this Molten Core is really not very easy to deal with."

Jaina turned her head and looked at the bridge when she looked at it, "Are we going to wait for Magni and Varian to come?"

Charlemagne took Solidar from his back and aimed at the two door gods who had caused countless people to vomit blood. "No need, let's clean up the miscellaneous soldiers first. Varian and the others will gradually catch up when they come in and see a lot of corpses." .”

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