Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 516: Molten Core preparations

Chapter 516 Preparations for Molten Core

Regarding the information about Molten Core and Blackwing Lair, Charlemagne has already compiled a preliminary report based on the situation in his own memory. King Kael'thas sent a mage to copy this important information using scribing. Sufficient quantities are handed over to the leaders of various countries.

Black Wing Lair has nothing to say, as long as it is ready to send a large force to attack, Charlemagne, who is more troublesome, has already made arrangements in advance.

Due to the terrifying temperature, the Molten Core cannot be entered by a large force, and the Dark Iron Dwarves of the Thorium Brotherhood cannot make so many equipment, so in the second half of the conference, everyone rushed into the Molten Core from the beginning. Heart's elite troops to discuss.

Charlemagne and Kael'thas exchanged glances and said first, "Due to the particularity of the Molten Core, it is not convenient for His Majesty Kael'thas to participate. I will lead our Quel'Thalas team and send 4 rangers. , 1 paladin, 2 mages, 1 priest, and 1 thief to participate in the strategy."

Most of the fire elements in the Molten Core are immune to fire spells. Kael'thas, a mage specializing in fire, has little effect on attacking the Molten Core. The king simply sits at the rear, and Charlemagne brings a number of high-end The combat power goes out in person.

Including himself, the three Windrunner sisters, Aqiang and his wife, Sean, Romans, Von der Lore and Valeira, Onyxia was temporarily excluded by Charlemagne due to her other role.

"In addition, although I haven't formally mentioned it to the alliance, I expect that there will be at least three kings, Magni, Varian, and Gelbin, among the heroes of the alliance who will participate in the Molten Core Raiders with us. The combat power is still unknown.”

Queen Azshara nodded, "I see, I will personally lead the team at that time, and Elisande, Valothen, Talisa, Aluriel, and Tel'arn will enter the Molten Core together. "

Among the people Azshara pointed out, except for Elisande, Varosun, and Talisa who are at the epic level, the other three are only at the peak of heroes, so Azshara proposed that she personally lead the battle.

The night elves discussed with each other, and finally Tyrande answered, "The night elves will be led by myself, Fandral, and Jarod, and Shandris will stay in the country, accompanied by Maiev, Koda, and Shawn. "

If it wasn't for Ysera just calling some druids to enter the dreamland to clean up the nightmare that suddenly started to spread, the night elves could actually dispatch more combat power.

After the three leaders finished speaking, the other leaders looked at each other in blank dismay, and Luo Ning, who was relatively confident, raised his hands next and said, "I will personally lead the team in Dalaran. Get involved together."

Kane, Ulan, Velen, and Jaina also expressed their opinions one after another. However, except for the draenei led by a demigod priest who are more confident, Kane and Ulan seemed a little depressed. But others.

Lord Jaina of Theramore had an even more helpless expression on her face. Apart from herself and Aegwynn, she couldn't find anyone who could participate.

Finally, Charlemagne raised his hand and said, "In addition, I also found two foreign aids, Archmage Khadgar and his friend, half-orc thief Garona."

In fact, Charlemagne considered for a long time whether to let Garona and Varian's two enemies meet, and finally Garona herself asked to participate. In her words, escaping is not a long-term solution, and one day she will have to face it .

After initially finalizing the candidates for the battle, Charlemagne briefly mentioned the materials needed for the kang armor of each profession. The plate armor profession is relatively easy to handle. The Thorium Brothers will have enough black iron ingots to make it, and the others can only bring their own materials. .

Nearly two years of preparation time is quite sufficient, the only variable is Magni, I don’t know when he will find out that his daughter has been the queen of Blackrock Depths all along, and that short-tempered dwarf king will definitely fight go to the door.

After the conference, Charlemagne followed Kael'thas to prepare to return to Quel'Thalas, where he had been away for nearly a year. Before he left, he also received an eye dart with unknown meaning from Tyrande, and he didn't know that the high priest What do you want to do.

Back in Far Traveling Town, Charlemagne first had to deal with a lot of dreadful reports transferred by the extremely sticky Onyxia and Lisson. The brother-in-law, Lilas, even clamored that he must take him next time. Go out together.

...Of course, this monkey was forcefully suppressed by the three sisters without any surprise. The little guy's strength obviously couldn't meet the standards set by the sisters for him.

Onyxia seemed to be hanging on Charlemagne, dragging her master's hand all the way back to the office, "All the void dragon eggs have hatched, and these mutated black dragons are growing very fast, and the earliest baby dragon baby is about to evolve into The baby dragon stage."

Charlemagne, who had just sat on his office chair, turned his head in surprise and asked, "So fast? Is the growth cycle of your dragon race so fast?"

"of course not."

The Black Dragon Princess said with some concern, "It takes at least ten or twenty years for a normal dragon to grow from a baby dragon to a young dragon. This is still an existence with extraordinary talents, and it takes hundreds or even hundreds of years to grow from a young dragon to a giant dragon." Thousands of years, but these Nether Dragons..."

"They should have undergone some kind of special transformation, and their growth cycle is much faster than that of ordinary giant dragons. I predict that they will all enter adulthood in three years at most, but at the same time, their lifespan cannot be as long as that of normal adult dragons. Then you can live forever."

Charlemagne frowned. If these Nether Dragons died too early, then their significance to Quel'Thalas might not be that great. "How many years do you expect these Nether Dragons to live?"

Onyxia sighed and replied, "It can last up to 500 years, which is a very short-lived existence among dragons."

Aurelia interrupted at this time and asked, "Then do they still have the normal ability to breed offspring?"

"Yes, but the descendants of the Nether Dragon may be the same as them, with a short growth cycle and short lifespan."

Charlemagne let out a sigh of relief, "It's good that you can continue to reproduce. In short, I will leave these dragons to your care, and try to make them capable of forming combat effectiveness in the future war."

"Okay master, ah yes..."

When it came to the end, Onyxia seemed to think of something, and said with a half-smile on her face, "The nobles of Silvermoon City, they seem to have not completely given up. Recently, they often gather at the home of a duke named Rimu to discuss What"

Charlemagne raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Are you still watching them?"

"Well, I was preparing to evacuate the intelligence personnel according to your instructions, the master. This situation was discovered by the dragon people by accident."

"Is that so..."

Charlemagne lowered his head and pondered for a while, "Then you continue to keep a minimum surveillance on them and don't take any action. The intelligence department is the bottom line that every king cares about, so don't cross this line to anger the Sun King. "

"No problem! Guarantee that Kael'thas will not find out!"

Charlemagne just mentioned it casually, but he didn't take these nobles seriously. Now Kael'thas's killing of chickens and monkeys has obviously had an effect. These nobles who are afraid of death should have no courage and no chance to make any big troubles.

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