Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 515: discussion at the conference

Discussion at the Chapter 515 Assembly

After finalizing the cooperation with the Black Iron Dwarves of the Thorium Brotherhood, Charlemagne and his party are ready to set off for Eresalas.

This group of black iron dwarves has agreed to make fire resistance equipment for the ancient oath, provided that most of the materials are provided by the oath, which Charlemagne plans to propose to several leaders after the celebration meeting later.

With the recovery of Desolace, the ancient oath completely connected the northern and southern territories that were originally separated. The land that was just laid down will be jointly governed by the tauren and night elves.

When Charlemagne teleported to the ancient city of Eresalas with five chattering female elves, the celebration ceremony had already begun, and many purple flags could still be seen hanging within Charlemagne's sight.

This kind of flag with a golden Kalimdor eagle embroidered on a purple background is the ally flag representing the ancient oath. Since the oath was formally established, various countries have begun to make it, and it is the first time that Charlemagne has seen the finished product.

Bypassing the festive tauren and night elves, Charlemagne and his party of six came to the city lord's mansion on the second floor of the central square in Eresalas. At this moment, Azshara, Kael'thas, Ulan and Jaina joined the party. The country's leaders have arrived.

After returning to her post, Tyrande could no longer see her willfulness before. With a cold and serious expression, she walked to the seat reserved for herself and sat down, completely ignoring Shandris' weird eyes.

Charlemagne also brought Alleria and others to the side of King Kael'thas, and beside him was Sean who came to represent the council this time... At the same time, Charlemagne seemed to have sensed the The queen's playful eyes were watching the show.

Under Sean's serious but winking greeting, Charlemagne first communicated with the Sun King in a low voice, and then sat down with peace of mind, and began to listen to Queen Azshara's speech on the victory.

At the head of the round table, Queen Azshara, who withdrew her gossiping gaze, said loudly with a smile, "The first war established by the ancient oath was won by an overwhelming advantage, and now all the remaining centaurs in Desolace have been driven out." into Maraudon, and they cannot come out again without my permission."

"However, the victory of this war has also exposed some problems. First of all, I will talk about the Naga under my own command. According to Elisande's suggestion, I will reduce the number of Naga, and only keep the core that completely obeys the command. force."

"The other is the coordinated operations between the night elves and the tauren. Although Garald gave the correct instructions in the general direction, there are still some obvious problems in the cooperation between the lower-level officers."

"The same is true for the troops of the other participating countries. I hope that in the future, the commanders will be able to use their hands. The specific matters will be interacted and communicated by the military chiefs of each country in the future."

Queen Azshara did not shout some fake slogans like the leaders that Charlemagne knew in her previous life. Her proposals were all very constructive. It is easy to be broken by powerful enemies one by one.

After the Queen's speech, the free speech time began. If the high-level leaders of various countries need to share any important news, they can speak freely.

Jaina first stood up and gave a report on the southern battle situation of the eastern kingdom. As Charlemagne had heard from Magni before, the coalition forces of the Alliance and the Horde, with the assistance of the Zandalari trolls, have already Victorious in the battle against Zul'Gurub.

But for both sides, new problems also arise, that is, the territorial allocation of Stranglethorn Valley.

Now the Horde has frequently transported troops from Durotar to Stranglethorn Vale through airships made by goblins, and the troops of the Stormwind Kingdom have not withdrawn from the jungle. The confrontation between the two sides in Stranglethorn Vale has formed, and it should happen soon Head-on collision.

After talking about the situation in Stranglethorn Vale, Jaina tapped the location of Hearth Valley with the short staff in her hand.

"I also got the latest news from Kul Tiras on the northern battlefield. The former senior officer of the Silver Hand, Tirion Fordring, led the Argent Dawn to decapitate the Garithos rebels entrenched in Hearthglen."

"After the death of Garithos, all the soldiers under his command surrendered. Under the order of Queen Calia, these surrendered soldiers were temporarily incorporated into the Argent Dawn. Now there seems to be some changes in Lordaeron. I don't know the specific situation. Know."

Speaking of this, Jaina turned her head and glanced at the direction of the high elf's seat. "In addition, Tirion Fordring sent a message to Theramore through a secret channel. He expressed his sincere gratitude to Duke Theron for the information provided."

"Oh?" Azshara's eyes twitched slightly, looked at Charlemagne and said, "Duke Theron, is there such a thing? Please tell us in detail what you know."

Charlemagne stood up with a smile and said, "Yes, the reason for Garithos began 3 months ago..."

He roughly told the behind-the-scenes truth about the so-called "rebellion", expressing his guess in the thoughtful expressions of the leaders.

"I think Lordaeron should be wrapping up the mess that Mal'Ganis created, including the handling of the murder of the eldest son of Ashbringer Mograine, and the subsequent cleansing of the Dreadlord's henchmen. Lots of time in Lordaeron."

It's also interesting to say that Mal'Ganis, a scumbag, was originally planning to pull up his own army out of the idea of ??revenge against Alsace, but his entrapment of Mograine actually encouraged the Scourge. strength.

If there were no major changes, Mograine should have been resurrected as one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by now, and the Ashbringer in his hand had also degenerated into a magic weapon.

He died full of resentment, and he will become Kel'Thuzad's sharpest knife in the future, launching merciless revenge on his former motherland, Lordaeron. I don't know if Queen Calia will think of letting Mogley The best solution for Ni's relief.

After the discussion about Lordaeron, Charlemagne began to explain in detail the plan to attack Blackstone Mountain in the future.

"I have submitted the information on Blackstone Mountain to Queen Azshara before, and I think all the leaders should have read it."

After the leaders of all tribes nodded in agreement, Charlemagne continued, "There are two powerful beings with a tendency to destroy the world stationed in Blackstone Mountain, the Black Dragon Prince Nefarian and the Fire Elemental King Ragnaros."

"If they are allowed to continue to develop their power, one day they will pose a huge threat to the entire world. I predict that within 2 years, the Alliance and the Horde will be persuaded to attack this troublesome mountain fortress."

"However, if we want to break into the Molten Core in the deepest part of Blackrock Abyss, we will definitely need a batch of fire-resistant equipment to resist the terrible high temperature in the local area. I have also made arrangements for this in advance. After that, we only need to provide resources from various countries. Just choose the members to assault the Molten Core."

Thanks to the book friends "Gone with Glory" and "Zimu Chun" for their support.

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