Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 512: True Luna Railgun

Chapter 512 True Luna Railgun


Charlemagne looked up into the sky blankly, and what greeted him was a series of meteor showers emitting blue and white light.

Under the precise manipulation of the other party, a large number of meteor showers were almost concentrated on him alone, which relieved Charlemagne, who was conditioned to prop up the protective barrier. It seems that Grandma Tai is not confused, at least she knows how to avoid injuries. and innocent.

But what is more strange is that, except that most of the magical meteor showers fell towards him, the black iron dwarves who were charging towards Charlemagne and others also became the target of the meteor shower, and instead stood beside Charlemagne Alleria and the others walking around were unharmed.

Among the falling stars, Charlemagne turned on the vector deflection with all his strength around his body, and at the same time raised his head and began to look for the caster's position in the massive meteor shower.

It didn't take long for him to rely on the ranger's keen vision to spot the hippogryph hovering in the air with flapping wings, and a night elf woman with flaming eyes was riding on its back.

Cirvanas said gloatingly, "What am I talking about? Don't underestimate a woman's persistence, especially an old woman who has held back for ten thousand years."

Alleria shook her head helplessly, "Charlemagne, please persevere. I don't think the High Priest of Whisper Wind will kill you, otherwise this kind of magical attack will not be so easy for you to deflect."

As Alleria said, Charlemagne could clearly feel that although the number of arcane meteor showers falling on him was huge, the force was not beyond his tolerance.

And the black iron dwarves next to them would fall to the ground almost once they were hit, and you can tell at a glance which is more serious.

The corner of Charlemagne's mouth twitched slightly, "So I should thank her for her mercy? Am I just standing here to let her continue venting her anger... By the way, how long will this endless attack last?"

Tyrande in the air saw that the black iron dwarves within a hundred meters had been emptied, and turned his attention to Charlemagne again. However, seeing that this guy was still chatting leisurely with his girlfriends, he suddenly lost his temper. where to come.

"Hmph! You're still in the mood to flirt..."

She immediately concentrated the meteor shower that was originally scattered on the black iron dwarves, and intensified her attack in a rage.

"It hurts! It hurts, it hurts!"

Charlemagne, who was used to the original attack intensity, hadn't adapted to Tyrande's sudden intensified attack, and made a painful ghost cry when he was hit by these falling arcane pops.

While strengthening the deflection, Charlemagne said to Vereesa and Valeira who were still smiling and looking at him, "I said, don't just watch the fun here, stop that crazy woman quickly, if this continues, I will kill you." I couldn't bear to fight back."

Of course, what Charlemagne said about fighting back was not actually taking out Thoridar to shoot Tyrande down in the sky, but running the vector reflection with all his strength to bounce all these attacks back into the sky... But he didn't want to take this step unless it was a last resort, he should That will definitely increase the anger of that crazy woman.

There were more and more meteors in the sky, almost completely covering Charlemagne's sight, and he could only see dense blue and white rays of light in front of his eyes. These unlimited meteor showers completely isolated him from Aurelia and the others open.

If it weren't for the chattering discussions between Vereesa and Valeira, Charlemagne would have even thought he had been transferred to a different space.

Suddenly, the conversation between the two little girls stopped, and almost at the same time, the Luna railgun also stopped completely, and his eyes regained clarity.

At this moment, the dark sky of the scorching canyon was so beautiful in his eyes, "I can finally see things again! That crazy woman..."

In the middle of speaking, Charlemagne suddenly felt a chill coming from behind, and Tyrande and Hippogryph were no longer in the sky at this time. At the same time...he felt a soft body behind him jump onto him .

If it wasn't for the last rationality that prevented him from using the vector bounce to fly the opponent, I am afraid that the person who jumped on him would not end well, but in contrast... Charlemagne felt his ears suddenly covered by a familiar pain.

"Pain, pain, pain! Let go, you crazy woman... no, let go, it's about to bleed!"

Tyrande, who was lying on Charlemagne's back, was confused when she heard the familiar words, but then she concentrated on biting Charlemagne's ears, and kept whining, as if to say What words.

Charlemagne jumped anxiously while begging for help from the four daughters of Alleria, "I told you, don't just stand and watch! Get her down quickly, my ears! It's really bleeding!"

It took a while for the angry Tyrande to let go of someone's ear. At this time, bright red blood flowed from Charlemagne's left pointed ear, and at the same time, Tyrande's mouth was inevitably stained with Some.

High Priest Elune stretched out her tongue to lick all the blood from the corner of her mouth, and she smacked her lips, as if tasting the taste of blood.

"Hmph! It's still the same stinky blood as before, do you still want to deny it, liar?"

While bandaging the wound on the ear with the help of Aurelia, who was full of distress, Charlemagne pretended to be stupid and put on a confused look.

"What are you talking about? Why did you suddenly attack me, the high priest of Yufeng? Everyone is a person of status. You will affect..."

Tyrande took out a staff that Charlemagne was very familiar with from the magic bag without waiting for Charlemagne to finish his defense. It was, of course, the Blue Dragon Throat that Malygos gave him.

While paying attention to the expression on Charlemagne's face, the priestess said tentatively, "You still want to quibble? I have obtained testimony from His Majesty Malygos and Krasus. You, Charlemagne Theron relied on Noz Dom's time guardian power has traveled through time to 10,000 years ago!"

"You are Kieran Farstrider disguised as a highborne mage. I asked the Sun King. There is no family named Farstrider in Quel'Thalas. Farstrider is just a civil organization led by you. , the capital of your duchy is also called Yuanxing Town!"


Charlemagne was stunned for a moment. He believed that Malygos would not reveal his news, but Krasus... Thinking of the weird smile of that yuppie at that time, Charlemagne was not sure if this guy had betrayed him.

Slightly glanced at Cirvanas, Vereesa, and Valeira beside them. The three of them all had bright-eyed expressions, and the two little girls took out melon seeds and a small bench.

Seeing that he couldn't deny it, Charlemagne simply puffed up his chest and admitted, "Yes! I am Kieran Farstrider, and I bear the gift given by His Majesty Nozdormu...Pfft!"

Before he finished speaking, he was smacked in the face by the throat of the blue dragon unexpectedly thrown by Tyrande, and blood shot out of Charlemagne's nose immediately.

"Can you let me finish my sentence!" Just as someone Cha rubbed his nose and was about to get angry, his body was already embraced by Tyrande who rushed over from the opposite side.

Charlemagne, who was supposed to appreciate the glamorous scene, stared blankly at the night elf who was half a head taller than him, and thought dumbly, ‘What is this? The cutest height difference? '

Thanks to the book friends "鬼ovo Remnant Soul", "hanhzx", "BlackHarvest" and "Book Friends 20180222153750821" for their support.

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