Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 511: The Persevering High Priest

Chapter 511 The Persevering High Priest


In the Eastern Plaguelands, when the noble night elf woman left just now, Tirion immediately took the information note from Baron Tyrosus, and after reading it, he angrily crumpled the note into a ball.

"Garithers! I felt that he was a little abnormal before, but I didn't expect that there was such a secret!"

Baron Tyrosus said with some concern, "What should we do now? Osmar hasn't fully revealed his identity, in case Duke Theron made a mistake..."

"probably not."

Tirion stood up with a solemn expression, "I know that Duke, he wouldn't tell us the news without more than 80% certainty, besides, you have seen the changes in Osmar during this period, right? Coxwell, do you think that's normal?"

"It's hard to say. Osmar has been nesting in Hearthglen since Ethanlien's death. Doesn't this mean that he doesn't know what to do without a think tank?"

"No, just the opposite." Tirion clenched his fist heavily. "If it was a plan arranged by Iselion, it would not be interrupted just when he died. Osmar's abnormal behavior made the I feel something is wrong."

The first-generation paladin lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then turned his head to look at Tai Lan who was still sleeping under the care of the priest, and made up his mind resolutely.

"I've decided, don't tell Queen Calia about this for the time being, our Lordaeron army in the Eastern Plaguelands will attack first, and I will go to the defense line to convince Abbendis, Maxwell, you to mobilize the available forces of the house of worship."

"If Osmar is really wrong in the end, I will use my life to repay his damaged reputation, but if what Charlemagne said is true..."

Lafayette's eyes flashed coldly, "I will definitely make him pay for what happened to Tai Lan!"


Charlemagne still doesn't know that Tyrande has chased Ironforge. At this time, he, Alleria and others have just arrived at the south gate sentry post southeast of Dun Morogh. Here are the two passages leading to Loch Modan. one.

Relying on two legs to walk in the snow-covered Dun Morogh was too painful for me. The five Charlemagne rented five cold-resistant goats from Karanos, and walked slowly through the frozen stone farm and the excavation of Gubola. Field and Helmrest Lake to the southern tunnel to Loch Modan and return the goat to the stable.

Like Dun Morogh, Loch Modan has been the core territory of the Bronzebeard Dwarves for many years. Unlike the Dun Morogh Snow Mountain, which is covered by heavy snow all year round, the temperature here is warmer than Dun Morogh. The vast lake is divided into two parts.

West of Lake Locke is a large plain area and a few steep peaks, while the east of the lake is dominated by low hills. This area also has a variety of mineral resources that dwarves value most.

When Charlemagne and others came out of the tunnel, they had already reached the Valley of the Kings in the southwest of Loch Modan. Since the capital town of Loch Modan, Selsamar, was in the valley near Lake Rock in the north, the stone dam trail at the target site was five miles further south. The human team has no time to turn around and repair.

Charlemagne took out the map drawn by members of the Hidden Passage and took a rough look at the direction, "Next, we will pass through the Valley of the Kings and enter the Scorching Canyon from the Stone Dam Trail. Be careful when you get to the opposite side. The Scorching Canyon is the territory of the Black Iron Dwarves. , don't let your guard down."

Vereesa leaned over to the map and looked at it, raised her head and asked curiously, "What are we doing in Scorching Canyon this time? Isn't it purely to avoid Tyrande's pursuit?"

Charlemagne reached out and tapped Vereesa's head lightly without curiosity, "What are you talking about, the trip to the Scorching Canyon was planned by me a long time ago, and it has nothing to do with Tyrande, and I don't think she will Let go of many affairs in the clan and follow me behind."

Cirvanas hugged her chest jokingly and chuckled, "Hehe, it's hard to say, don't underestimate women's persistence."

Alleria interrupted the quarrel of the crowd, and patted Valeira who was gloating. "In short, let's finish the business according to Charlemagne's plan. Let's talk about it if we really meet Tyrande."

When the group entered the tunnel again, a Hippogryph, which is extremely rare in the Eastern Continent, just passed over the junction of Loch Modan and the Scorching Canyon. The five Charlemagne who were like gophers shuttled back and forth in the tunnel.

As soon as they stepped out of the tunnel, the group of people immediately noticed the great difference between the land under their feet and the previous one. The original green grass turned into dry and cracked black soil like coke, and the smoky dark sky also formed with the blue sky and white clouds of Loch Modan. There is a very obvious contrast.

At the end of the Second Orc War, Charlemagne and others had been to the Burning Plains south of Blackstone Mountain. Apart from the more complex terrain, the Scorching Canyon was not much different from the Burning Plains as a whole. So... annoying.

I don’t know if the Black Iron Dwarves and the Blackrock Orcs reached an agreement. The two tribes took the Blackrock Mountain as the dividing line and sent troops to station in these two worthless lands in Charlemagne’s view.

The Scorching Canyon in the north is occupied by the Dark Iron Dwarves, and the Burning Plains in the south are remnants of old tribes such as Blackrock Orcs, Burningthorn Trolls, and Ogres.

"Ha Chirp!" Charlemagne smelled the scorching heat in the air, and sneezed unaccustomedly, "Let's get our business done and get out of here, I'm starting to miss the sweet air of Eversong Forest."

The four female elves nodded hurriedly. The black impurities falling from the sky from time to time made it difficult for these beautiful girls to accept. Obviously this is not a good place to travel.

Following the guidance of the map, Charlemagne and the others advanced along the side of the mountain, passed through the Valley of Dust and Fire all the way west, and soon saw the important facility built by the Black Iron Dwarves in the center of the scorching canyon—the Great Melting Furnace.

The function of this thing is a bit similar to the large forge in the center of Ironforge. Strictly speaking, as the black iron dwarf who is responsible for the spells and forging technology in the dwarves, his black iron dwarf is better than Anweima, who was the king of the mountain before. The Bronzebeard Dwarves of Er's Guards.

But the unstoppable Bronzebeard tribe has Magni, an open-minded blacksmith. Since creating the artifact Ashbringer, his forging technology has clearly broken through an important bottleneck. At least Charlemagne does not think that anyone among the Dark Iron Dwarves can excel in forging skills. surpass him.

As expected, these black iron dwarves immediately attacked the five-person team ferociously as soon as they noticed the movement of the five-member team.

Although these miscellaneous fish cannot pose any fatal threat to the epic bosses, their number is too large, so Charlemagne had to take the girls into the northern mountainous area and take a slightly longer detour to his destination— Thorium Tower.

Just as Charlemagne and the others were irritatingly dealing with these entangled black iron dwarves, an angry shout suddenly came from the sky.

"Finally found you! Kieran Farstrider! You **** liar, accept the punishment of Luna!"

"Prayer of the Moon Goddess!"

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