Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 494: hand over your daughter

Chapter 494 Hand over your daughter

"Hehe, did you go out to relax? That's okay, a combination of work and rest can ensure that it can come in handy at critical times."

Azshara, who was in the bedroom of Suramar, smiled slightly after hearing Elisande's report, and then she gradually straightened her face and asked, "Is the night elf and tauren army ready?"

"The night elves have dispatched troops from Eresalas and Stonetalon Peak, led by Shandris and Garrod respectively, and the Tauren have also sent troops from the Sun Stone Residence under the leadership of Kane and Magatha. Desolation approaches."

"very good."

Azshara stood up and asked the maid to change her clothes in front of Elisande. The Grand Magister watched enviously that Queen Azshara's perfect body was gradually wrapped in an elegant purple dress.

"I'm also going to the western coast of Desolace. This is the first battle after the establishment of the ancient oath. We must let the Alliance and the Horde see our military strength. Elisande, you are also ready to go with me .”


At the same time, King Varian of the Stormwind Kingdom looked sharply at the troll in the throne hall, "Chief Vol'jin, is what you said true? What is this blood **** Hakar, Zanda?" What is a troll?"

The troll Varian called Vol'jin had a slender body and well-proportioned muscles, with ferocious fangs protruding from his mouth, but unlike the bloodthirsty expressions of other trolls, Vol'jin's face was clearly The light of wisdom shines.

"King Varian, I will not risk my life to enter the territory of the alliance just kidding. The blood **** Hakkar is the most dangerous and cruel of the loa gods believed by the trolls. Once he is summoned by Gurubashi and Atalai , not only the Stormwind Kingdom, but the entire world will be threatened."

"The Zandalari trolls are the clan with the most noble status among all trolls. They are knowledgeable and peace-loving. They have always done a lot of things secretly to maintain the traditions and culture of trolls, although in the eyes of other races Not all of them are right, but their knowledge is really needed to take Zul'Gurub this time."

Varian had a hint of approval for the Darkspear chief who dared to come to Stormwind City alone, he nodded in agreement after thinking for a while, "Okay, I agree to cooperate with the Zandalari trolls, but it is limited to the capture of the Zandalari trolls." Ergrubb, I don't quite trust trolls yet."

Vol'jin bent slightly and said, "Thank you for your trust, King Varian, then I will go to Stranglethorn Vale to return the Zandalar Ambassador. May the gods bless you."

After Vol'jin left, Varian looked at a tall bearded man beside him, "Bolvar, what do you think?"

This man was Bovar Fordragon, Duke of the Stormwind Kingdom. After hearing the king's question, Duke Fordragon lowered his head and thought for a while, "I think the chief of Wojin should not have lied, but what I'm more curious about is that he should It is impossible to cross the great seas from Kalimdor to Stranglethorn alone, right?"

Varian frowned slightly, "You mean...the Horde intends to gain a foothold in Stranglethorn Vale?"

"It's not impossible."

Bolvar pointed to the map of Kalimdor and said, "The Horde has withdrawn from Ashenvale after the ancient oath was established. Please see The sphere of influence of the oath."

Bolvar drew a circle around the central and northern parts of the entire Kalimdor continent with his finger, "Mulgore and Stonetalon Mountains are to the west, Ashenvale is to the north, and the tribes can't go anywhere except Azshara and the Barrens." Going north and west, their only option is to go south."

"But the Thousand Needles in the south and the Tanaris Desert are not suitable for living. Only Un'Goro Crater has some value. For the tribe, if they want to continue to expand their population and survive, they have only one choice."


Bolvar clicked heavily on the Eastern Continent, "Cross the sea to the Eastern Continent, and take the area that the Alliance has not yet occupied."

Varian looked at the location of Stranglethorn Vale on the map and sneered, "So Stranglethorn Vale is their first option? It's a good idea. Due to the rampant trolls in Stranglethorn Vale, the Kingdom of Stormwind doesn't value it here. If the tribe can Conquering Stranglethorn Vale will give them a bridgehead on the Eastern Continent."


Bolvar sat down, took a sip of the wine handed by the maid, "Guiel, the great chief, does have a good strategic vision, and the Alliance really doesn't have much interest in the area of ??Stranglethorn Vale, but we must try our best in this area." in the jungle to curb their attempts to expand."

"The Twilight Forest to the north of Stranglethorn Vale is directly connected to Fertile Wilderness and Elwynn Forest in the west, the core area of ??the Stormwind Kingdom. We cannot let the tribe rush out of Stranglethorn Vale and pose a threat to our country."

Varian looked at the map and seemed to be thinking about something, and nodded after a while, "I agree, but the blood **** Hakkar's story should be true, at least for now we must cooperate with the Zandalari and the Horde to capture Zul'Guraz cloth."

Bovar shrugged and said, "That's the only way. Now is not the right time to turn around."

Varian also took the red wine from the maid at this time, touched Bolvar lightly, and the two started chatting after finishing their business.

"By the way, has your daughter been found? I always wanted her to be Anduin's queen."

Bolvar slapped his hands when he heard what Varian said, and said with a wry smile, "Talia? I found it, but there seems to be some deviation in education. This girl seems to be a little... too lively."

Bolvar sent his daughter to Kul Tiras far away from the mainland during the crisis of natural disasters, hoping that Daelin could take care of him temporarily. After the natural disaster receded, he had already brought his daughter back, but Bolvar unexpectedly discovered that his once well-behaved daughter had become Much more outgoing than before.

Varian smiled and patted Bolvar's shoulder, "Haha, there's nothing wrong with being lively. Anduin is a young man, and I hope Taelia can bring him some vitality. Let her enter the palace to accompany Anduin tomorrow." Let's play."

Bolvar opened his mouth, and finally sighed helplessly, "I obey, Your Majesty."

When major events were about to happen on the eastern and western continents, Charlemagne had just arrived at the Holy Light's Hope Chapel with the three Windrunner sisters and the jumping Valeira.

At this time, standing in front of him was a one-eyed paladin looking at him like a thief, "Duke Theron, although I don't know where you heard about the basement, but it is the private property of the Holy Light Church and is not open to the public." , please forgive me."

Seeing the other party's nervous expression, Charlemagne couldn't help laughing, "Don't be nervous, I just want to confirm whether there is such a thing, and I don't have to go in... Forget it, you go, we will soon will get out of here."

"Hee hee" Vereesa held Charlemagne's hand and said with a gleeful smile, "Look, whoever tells you to casually disclose secret information, you deserve to be vigilant."

Charlemagne rubbed Vereesa's head, turned his head to look at Baron Maxwell Tyrosus who was still staring at them vigilantly, and said to Alleria and Cirvanas with a wry smile, "Forget it." , let's go, it's really uncomfortable to be seen as a thief."


Looking at the five leaving Charlemagne, Baron Tyrosus breathed a sigh of relief, ‘How could this High Elf Duke know the secret of the Church of the Holy Light? '

After pondering for a while, Tyrosus stopped an attendant beside him and said, "Inform Karl that a big man is going to hang around the defense line, and ask him to try to find out the other party's intentions."

Looking at the homing pigeon that took off, Baron Tyrosus still couldn't let it go, "Mercenary boy, I hope you can come in handy." '

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