Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 493: federal agent solanian

Chapter 493 Federal Investigator Solanian

During the one-month recuperation time, Charlemagne took the door-kicking army to make surprise visits to many friends, including his younger brother Aqiang.

Since he had a girlfriend, the relationship between this boy and Charlemagne has not been as close as before, but this is also human nature. A girlfriend always needs time to coax, even a female man.

Sean and Romans have just entered the House of Lords, and they are very busy in the parliament every day. At least they will not be able to relax until they are familiar with their work.

Lena in the Morning Star Tower is free enough, but this "sister" who doesn't make trouble and is uncomfortable with Sky recently had a whim and started to learn alchemy with a certain biochemical weapon expert. As a result... well, let's forget about it Bar.

Kael'thas learned that Charlemagne planned to put down his burden and go out to relax, so he readily agreed to his request for leave while expressing his envy.

"It's really time for you to take a break. Thanks to you, the high elves have brought about the great situation they are in these years. I don't want you to die young because of overwork."

Charlemagne shook his head amusedly, "Your Majesty, don't just talk about me, you should also worry about your own personal problems. The Queen Mother Giffen has asked me to mention it many times, and I hope I can introduce you to a suitable candidate for the queen... In other words Why did you introduce me?"

Li Reza on the side cast a sharp gaze, making Charlemagne stand up straight reflexively, and Von der Lohe on the side replied with a smile.

"You still have the nerve to say that the Queen Mother Jifen heard that you have three beautiful girlfriends, and thought you were a veteran with a good eye, so she wanted you to introduce some suitable candidates to His Majesty, who knows..."


Charlemagne avoided the mentor's sharp eyes and scratched his head in embarrassment, "Your Majesty, please forgive me for being helpless in this matter, I..."

"I see."

Kael'thas showed a rare cheerful smile, "The name of the Duke of Wood has long been spread throughout the southern forest, that is to say, the queen mother begged you for not knowing the truth."

Solanlian, who was usually silent, suddenly took out a piece of paper and said, "This list records the candidates I think are more suitable for the queen. Your Majesty can make a reference based on the content of the list."

Charlemagne took the list with a gossip expression, and said casually, "Let me see... the eldest daughter of the Yanghen family, Luminas Yanghen, a talented three-cultivation mage, a clean noble Miss... By the way, what the **** is this innocence?"

Solanlian raised her hooded head and explained faintly, "It's just what Duke Theron thought. In order to prevent the previous stinky nobles from becoming queens, I specially asked people to investigate their interpersonal relationships."

Charlemagne rubbed his eyebrows with a headache, "I said... this is already an invasion of privacy!"

‘Are you from the FBI…’

Romans interjected while processing the documents, "I think this step is very necessary. The queen of His Majesty the Sun King must be a pure and self-loving female elf, otherwise there will be no peace in the harem."

Charlemagne looked at the embarrassed Kael'thas indifferently, and handed the list to him, "You can do whatever you want, but your Majesty, you really should hurry up, the royal family has no descendants. will have some impact.”

Kael'thas changed the subject with a blushing face, "I see. Tell me about your journey. Where do you plan to start your journey?"

Charlemagne saw the expression on the Sun King's face and didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue it, and continued to follow his topic with interest.

"I plan to walk directly from the Gate of Salas, stop by to visit the Holy Light's Hope Chapel on the way, follow the main road to the Eastern Plague Defense Line, and then transfer to Dun Morogh."

Holy Light’s Hope Chapel, a holy place filled with holy light, still stands in the Eastern Plaguelands. Charlemagne really wants to see if there is really a secret basement under the church...

The forces of the Hand of Tyr were basically evacuated, and most of them were transferred to the defense line of the Sodoril River. The officers, including Abidis, have been transferred there. Recently, they are trying to take back cover from the Scourge. Ron's farm.

Li Reza snorted softly after hearing Charlemagne's plan, "You'd better be careful, the soldiers of Lordaeron have been not very friendly to us since April this year. Let's open the marching route of the large army."

Charlemagne frowned upon hearing this, 'Unfriendly? Is it related to Garithos? '


On the day of departure, Charlemagne was woken up by Valeira and Vereesa who rushed into his room early in the morning. The two restless little girls seemed to have been looking forward to traveling for a long time.

...Of course, the two of them were captured by Alleria and Cirvanas in the end.

The salute had already been packed and put into the magic backpack. After Charlemagne and the five said goodbye to the envious Rillas and Onyxia who was biting her handkerchief and pretending to be resentful, this relaxing trip purely relying on both feet officially began. here we go.

Since the War of Scourge, Quel'Thalas has not been attacked for many years. Charlemagne and others can see many businessmen of various races coming and going along the way, and their faces are filled with happy smiles from the heart.

After being sent off respectfully by the rangers, Charlemagne and his party left the gate of Salas and stepped out of the border of Quel'Thalas. emotion.

"I remember, we also left Quel'Thalas for Stratholme through this road, right? It always feels like many years have passed."

Aurelia gently held her lover's hand, and said with a smile, "To be precise, 32 years have passed. Back then, this place was not called the Eastern Plaguelands, and the ground was still covered with green grass. It's a pity..."

Charlemagne looked at the plagued red soil with no grass growing under his feet, and sighed softly, "The natural disaster completely destroyed Lordaeron. The powerful and wealthy Lordaeron kingdom will never come back."

Now the East and West Plaguelands, the two former grain-producing areas, have lost their original functions. If Lordaeron was not sparsely populated, the entire kingdom would have fallen into a food shortage.

Valeira and Vereesa didn't bother to care so much, and they took Aurelia and Charlemagne one by one and continued to move forward, "Let's go! What's the point of staying here to remember the past? Let's think about these things when you are over 5,000 years old. Bar."

Being interrupted, Charlemagne was not annoyed, and chuckled Wen Leisara into his arms, "Yeah, it's too early to miss the past, let's go, target, Holy Light's Hope Chapel."


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