Chapter 485 Flag Pool

The countries of the alliance have repeatedly tried to retain them, but to no avail. Even the retired former speaker of Antonidas stood up and expressed firm support for Ronin's decision. In the end, the alliance could only agree to the neutral decision of Dalaran.

Like Quel'Thalas, Dalaran did not sever ties with other countries for neutral reasons, and everything remained the same except for not participating in military operations.

After the kings of various countries left, Charlemagne, as the special envoy of Queen Azshara, was left by Kael'thas to discuss with Ronin about joining the alliance. The three Windrunner sisters and Onyxia also followed.

As for Valeira, this little girl just went out with Charlemagne last time, and now she is lying at home in her mother's arms and acting like a baby. She seems to plan to stay in Yuanxing Town with peace of mind in a short time.

It's many years since the last time I officially met with Luo Ning? Charlemagne has gradually become accustomed to the elves' concept of time, and he really can't remember the exact year when he last met Ronin.

‘Forget it, it doesn’t matter anyway, I don’t know if this guy has heard from Krasus that I have been to the ancient times. '

Ronin is a more forthright person, a person who is rough but fine. He asked a lot of questions about the neutral organization named by Azshara as the ancient oath, and Charlemagne patiently answered him one by one.

During the chat, Charlemagne gradually saw a problem from Ronin's attitude. Ronin didn't know that he had gone to the War of the Ancients. It seemed that Krasus hadn't told his apprentice the truth.

"Centaur? What species is that?"

When talking about the movement of the oath in the continent of Kalimdor, it was inevitable to mention this poor race that was about to become the target of Liwei. Although Luo Ning was well-read, he was still young after all, and he was not good at Kali like centaurs. Mudo's native species are unknown.

"The centaur is a race born from the union of Zaetar, the son of the forest demigod Cenarius, and Sedles, the daughter of the stone mother Therazane. This race did not inherit Cenarius' nature-loving nature and the stone mother Thick personality, but inherited the violent anger of the earth element."

"The whole race of centaurs is very tyrannical, with a primitive and cruel style. Betrayal is commonplace for them. The earliest five tribes lived in Desolace. Many years ago, the Garak clan moved to Thousand Needles. Recently, the Kocal clan also Leaving Desolace, went north to the Barrens."

Speaking of the Kocal clan, those who heard it were sad and those who saw it shed tears. The new chief they elected was named Kiztan, the son of the former chief Dezipa, and his strength was far behind his own father. He was beaten all over his head in the infighting among the centaur in the land of the land.

The Kocal clan, unable to withstand the attack, finally decided to go north through the Stonetalon Mountains and enter the Barrens, a great plain suitable for their sprint, but how could the tauren, who had a deep hatred for centaurs, let them go so easily.

Under Magatha's frantic pursuit, the number of centaurs that Kocal escaped from Stonetalon Mountain and entered the Barrens was less than one-third of the total number when they set off, and the rest were either attacked by tauren heavy infantry and biped dragon cavalry. Kill him, or he has been blocked by the tauren in Stonetalon Mountain so far and cannot get out.

A small number of Kocal centaurs went to the doctor in a hurry, and rushed into the Ashen Valley controlled by the night elves from the stone paw path foolishly. Not even a single bubble came out.

Ronin frowned after hearing Charlemagne's description, "In other words, this barbaric and brutal race might join the tribe?"

Charlemagne nodded, "Although not all centaurs, after Kocal and Galak join, the tribe does have a high chance of giving them a chance to contact Desolace."

Ronin hammered his palm and said, "I understand. The ancient oath's actions in Desolace not only connect Feralas and Stonetalon Mountain, but also have the idea of ??curbing the continued expansion of the tribe."

Charlemagne smiled appreciatively and said, "That's right, once the tribe's westward path is blocked, they can only go south to develop. The Tanaris Desert is occupied by goblins and bronze dragons respectively, and Un'Goro Crater Mountain is a Not a bad place...provided they can handle all the ferocious creatures there."

As for Uldum in the south, the gate of endless reincarnation has not been opened yet, and it is impossible for ordinary people to enter. Charlemagne has some ideas about the tol'vir living in it...but it is still a bit early to say this.

Although both Dalaran and Quel'Thalas have expressed a neutral stance, the idea of ??the two countries' preference for the alliance will not be simply erased. It can curb the expansion of the Horde, and Rhonin is wishing for it.

The red-haired young Kirin Tor speaker looked ready to fight, "Well, if there is anything that needs Dalaran, just ask, and I will try my best to help."

Charlemagne stretched out his palm funny and pressed it down, signaling Ronin to calm down, "Don't be so impatient, we don't need to worry about the situation in Kalimdor. There are tauren, night elves, and naga attacking at the same time. People and horses can't make any waves."

"Let's develop with peace of mind for the time being. Dalaran and Quel'Thalas will definitely have many cooperative projects in the arcane field. I hope the two sides can strengthen exchanges in this area."

Luo Ning readily agreed, "No problem, not to mention that our two countries have a good relationship. Now we belong to the same camp, and strengthening exchanges is a matter of course."

After basically negotiating, Charlemagne visited the retired Antonidas and Aethas successively. The old mage became more energetic after resigning from the position of speaker, and spent all day working in his mage tower. Various arcane experiments.

Aethas, a free-range elf, has hardly changed compared to before, and he still looks towards Dalaran. However, given the good relationship between Quel'Thalas and Dalaran, his attitude is It's not a big problem in a short time.

When you come to Dalaran, you don’t need to visit other scenic spots, but you have to go to the fountain in the center of Dalaran. In Charlemagne’s memory, this fountain seems to be called the FLAG pool. The wishing coins that people throw in will almost end up come true.

Charlemagne brought the three sisters and Princess Black Dragon to this magical fountain, and each of them took out a gold coin from his pocket.

Charlemagne thought for a while and didn't seem to think of any wishes he had. Now that he lives a happy life and is in a high position, he doesn't seem to have any wishes that need to be fulfilled through making a wish.

"Ah... yes!"

Charlemagne took the carving knife handed over by the Dalaran mage, and gently carved a line of words on the gold coin.

"I hope my lovers can continue to maintain a good sister relationship as always-Charlemagne Theron."

"Ding! Plop!"

After the engraving, Charlemagne bounced the gold coin freely and let it fall into the fountain.

‘I hope this fountain can really be as effective as the legend. '

Thanks to the book friends "Da Mao Fu Lu Shui", "Book Friends 160507194335618" and "The Last LaoHuo" for their support.

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