Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 484: Messy Dalaran

Chapter 484 Dalaran who makes trouble

Kael'thas shook his head, "I don't know the details. It seems that it happened recently. Garithos personally went to Lordaeron King City to express his surrender. In order to appease his army, Queen Calia temporarily admitted him. Legitimacy of leadership."

There is no need for Kael’thas to talk about it after that. With the nature of Garithos, a great humanist, what good things can be said when he comes to Quel’Thalas, it is strange not to be sarcastic.

"Where's Dalaran? Did they send someone to say something?"


The expression on Kael'thas's face seemed a little strange, "Dalaran just said that they can't get away for the time being, and the details will be discussed during the Dalaran floating ceremony. We haven't figured out who they are. What do you mean, but..."

Kael'thas flirted with Rommath on the side, and the newly promoted member came over with great interest and explained, "Aethas has a message from a secret channel, and he said that the Kirin Tor council's recent discussions are rather strange. , He will send back the information again after figuring out Ronin's intentions."

Charlemagne rested his chin on his hand and thought about it. After a few seconds, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, 'Could it be that Dalaran is also planning to be neutral? '

Actually, this is not incomprehensible. Before Dalaran was located on the shore of Lake Lordamere, it had to rely on the trade system of the surrounding alliance countries to support itself, but now... With the floating city, he can go anywhere he wants.

There was a meaningful smile on the corner of Charlemagne's mouth, "Interesting, I think I understand Dalaran's plan, maybe it will become our ally in the future."

Although the Kingdoms of Stormwind, Gnomeregan, Kul Tiras, and Khaz Modan felt sorry for the high elves' plan to withdraw from the alliance, they did not make any excessive demands at all based on the idea of ??getting together and leaving .

Only this guy, Garithos, represented Lordaeron one bite at a time. The lion demanded compensation from the high elves, and even used Turalyon's support for Quel'Thalas during the Orc War.

"Don't you despicable long ears rely on the help of General Turayan to hold the country? Now that you have benefited, you want to pat your **** and leave. How can it be so easy!"

The spitting Garithos opened his mouth to ask for prices like a shrew with no morals at the negotiation meeting. Even the kings of the other countries in the alliance couldn't stand his face.

Varian chose to withdraw first, followed by Magni, Gelbin, Daelin, and Falstad.

Varian, who was already very calm, maintained the demeanor of a king and bid farewell to Kael'thas, "Sun King, we will leave first. Even if you leave the alliance, the friendship between us will not fade. I hope that both sides can continue to maintain normal trade relations."

Kael'thas nodded to the several kings to express his gratitude, "No problem, we just withdraw from the military alliance of the Alliance, which does not mean that we will completely sever ties with the countries of the Alliance. Everything will continue as usual, but we will not participate in the conflict between the Alliance and the Horde military conflict."

Magni understood this. He patted Kael'thas' waist generously and said, "Due to population considerations, this decision is understandable. Let's go first, and we can talk later when we have time."

Gelbin waved his hand carelessly, "Let's go! In the future, I will come to Taronicus and the others to research new technologies. Just don't turn me away!"

Dai Lin also patted Charlemagne on the shoulder boldly and laughed, "I heard that Jaina has also joined your neutral organization, right? That kid already hates the unnecessary civil war in Azeroth. I hope you can do more in the future." Take care of her, and leave the killing of orcs to my old man."

Charlemagne also smiled and patted Daelin's arm. "No problem, but you have to be careful. The orcs seem to be doing a lot lately. They are trying to win over allies in Kalimdor."

Daelin smiled disdainfully, "Ha! It's useless to gather more miscellaneous fish, just wait, sooner or later, this group of dirty and shameless greenskins will completely disappear from Azeroth!"

Soon Varian, Daelin and the three dwarves returned to their respective kingdoms through the portal opened by the elf mage. On the entire negotiating table, only Garithos was still slapping the table.

The good-tempered Kael'thas was also gradually annoyed by this guy. He stood up with a sullen face and said, "We high elves don't owe anything to the Alliance. You want compensation? Delusion! If you continue to talk nonsense, I will kill you Your behavior is regarded as an unwarranted provocation to Quel'Thalas, are you sure you can bear the consequences?"


Charlemagne looked at the bearded human marshal with a half-smile and said, "Garithers, have you wiped your own **** clean? You don't think Queen Calia trusts you so completely, do you?" ? To be so loyal as a spearman for others, you really deserve to be a loyal minister of Lordaeron."

"Fart! Yellow mouth child..."

"Shut up! Speaking of age, the high elves present here are older than your grandma. Didn't your family teach you what it means to respect the elderly? No tutor, get out! Quel'Thalas doesn't welcome you, If you want compensation, you can send troops to get it! At that time, we will see who will pay the war compensation!"

Garithers was trembling with anger at Charlemagne's heartbreaking remarks. He pointed at Duke Theron and the Sun King and tremblingly said, "Okay! Very good! One day I will make you despicable long ears regret it!"

However, when he swung his sleeves and entered the portal, Charlemagne, who had been paying close attention to Garithos, noticed the sinister smile that flickered from the corner of the Lordaeron Marshal's mouth the moment he turned around.

'Um? This guy... Could it be that he intends to use this high elf secession negotiation to play tricks in the dark? '


Kel'thas sat down again, and rubbed the space between his brows with a headache. "Anyway, I finally officially left the alliance. Except for Lordaeron, who has a bad attitude, it's barely a good time to get together and leave."

Charlemagne withdrew his running thoughts temporarily, nodded with a smile and said, "That's right, now you don't have to participate in the war between the Alliance and the Horde, and the eastern continent should be able to live in peace for a few years."

Dalaran In June 22, Charlemagne and Kael'thas left for Dalaran to participate in their floating ceremony.

Sure enough, as Charlemagne expected, the new chairman of the Kirin Tor, Ronin, expressed Dalaran's neutral intention in front of the kings of the alliance, and expressed to Quells on the spot his willingness to join the ancient oath.

The decision of Dalaran is earth-shattering. The high elves were originally a foreign country, so it is not too strange for them to leave the alliance, but Dalaran... this country has been a magical holy place for human beings for thousands of years, and today they suddenly play such a game. Many people were stunned on the spot.

However, Luo Ning expressed a strong attitude towards the retention and incomprehension of the kings, "Dalaran will not participate in the internal battles of the various races in Azeroth in the future, and we will return to the original intention of studying arcane arts. From now on, Dalaran will only contribute to the safety of Azeroth!"

Thanks to book friends "victor Liu", "Pumpkin Man", "ic Bang Bang x", "Yue Ying Ying Shang", "Qi Ye Xue Lie", "godora", "魔&183; Remnant Soul" for their support.

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