Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 417: Lordaeron’s Upheaval

Chapter 417 Great changes in Lordaeron

When Charlemagne finally got online in Outland and Fort of Honor, a series of chain reactions caused by the escape of Alsace on the eastern continent of Azeroth gradually spread to the ears of all countries.

The first thing to bear the brunt was the civil strife caused by the Scourge of the Undead. As the Lich King on the Ice Throne was severely injured by Illidan, some undead who were more determined gradually got rid of the Lich King's mental control, and they regained their own will.

Led by the death knight Thoras Trollbane, this group of undead who called themselves the Forgotten in order to distinguish them from natural disasters fought back against their original master Alsace, and the effect was very significant.

Alsace, who was able to escape calmly, was surrounded by Solas and the three Dreadlords. If Kel'Thuzad hadn't led most of the Scourge army to temporarily block the rebellious Dreadlords and Forsaken, Alsace would have completely confessed In the royal city of Lordaeron.

In the end, Kel'Thuzad, who hastily fought against him, was defeated and led the remaining natural disasters to flee to the Western Plaguelands. After he entered Andorhal, he gave the psychic director Gadin a task to send the Barov family to Kael Darrow. The castle serves as an important stronghold for the Scourge to craft abominations and train Necromancer recruits.

After repelling Kel'Thuzad, Solas played a very smart trick. He assigned a Forsaken named Al to risk his life and enter the Scarlet Monastery to contact Dathrohan and the Scarlet Crusade stationed here.

Under the dissuasion of his mentor Alonsus, Dathrohan did not purify the unclean undead on the spot, but reached a deal with the Forsaken headed by Solas.

The Dreadlord unsurprisingly fell out with Solas after expelling Alsace, and the two sides each controlled a part of the army of the dead and started a tug-of-war.

When the battle was in full swing, the Scarlet Crusaders led by Dathrohan came out of the monastery, and even Princess Calia herself went into battle. Under the attack from two sides, the three fearful demon kings were killed on the spot. None left.

Solas looked at Dathrohan, who was looking at him warily, with a wry smile on his stiff face, "General Dathrohan, I will abide by the agreement. Lordaeron will belong to you from now on. On the contrary, I will lead You can't pursue from behind when the Forsaken is gone."

Dathrohan used his strong body to block the weak Princess Calia vigilantly, and he gestured to the princess with his eyes.

Calia nodded, "In this case, we will abide by the previous agreement and will not pursue Your Majesty Solas' troops, but... do you really plan to return to Stromgarde?"

The fire of soul in Solas' eyes suddenly flickered, he gritted his teeth and said, "Of course! I have to go back and execute that patricide rebellious son with my own hands! And...we Forgotten also need a habitat."

"Princess Calia, when the time comes, the people of Stormgard will entrust you."

Calia nodded solemnly and promised, "I swear in the name of Menethil! I will definitely treat the people of Stormgard as the people of Lordaeron, and there will be absolutely no bias."

Solas sighed in relief, "That's good, our deal is concluded, please get out of the way."

With the nod of Princess Calia, Dathrohan asked his Scarlet Crusaders to let the city gate out. When Solas led the Forsaken past these soldiers, he could still see the complicated and hateful expressions on their faces. look.

After that, just as the two sides reached an agreement, Solas led the Forsaken to give up Lordaeron's royal city, and entered the Alterac Mountains under the watchful eyes of the Scarlet Crusade, all the way towards Thoradin's Wall.

Dathrohan finally breathed a sigh of relief after the group of undead left. Under his instruction, the Scarlet Crusaders headed by Mograine all put away their weapons.

"Your Highness, is this really okay? Although these Forgotten have their own will, they are still dead after all, and the instinctive hatred they have for the living will not disappear with their awakening."

Princess Calia stood on the dilapidated city wall on the south side of the King City of Lordaeron, looked at the still clear Lordaeron Lake below and sighed deeply, "Otherwise, what can we do? With our current strength and the It is hard to predict whether the Forgotten will win or lose, so it is a little bit to retain a little combat power, and we still have a lot of important things to do next."

Alonsus also walked up to Dathrohan and patted his disciples on the shoulder, "Saidan, Princess Calia is right, our most important task now is to restore the King City of Lordaeron and restore the Kingdom of Lordaeron." Banner, there are still many resistance forces in the East and West Plaguelands, and at the same time..."

Mograine snorted coldly, "There is also Garithos, that traitor with evil intentions. Now that Her Royal Highness has officially recovered Lordaeron, I want to see how that guy will respond."

Although the royal city has been recovered now, Princess Calia can't conquer foreign countries with her loyal Scarlet Crusade alone. She must first restore the name of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and then gradually control the entire Tirisfal woodland.

As for the Western Plague and the farther Eastern Plaguelands, we can only take it easy later. It is predictable that after experiencing the impact of this natural disaster, the strength of the rebuilt Kingdom of Lordaeron will be much worse than before. It is also unknown how much territory the population can support them to control.

In the following month, the news of Princess Calia's recovery of the Royal City of Lordaeron finally spread to the entire northern part of the continent. Apart from Hearthglen, which remained silent, the Holy Light's Hope Chapel and Tyre in the Eastern Plaguelands Hands responded positively to the princess' call.

With the support of Quel'Thalas, the three parties once again launched a joint assault on Colin Crossing. This time, with the powerful air support of Quel'Thalas, the town was finally completely conquered.

After the joint efforts of the three parties, the situation in the Eastern Plaguelands gradually became clear, and then the Knights of the Silver Hand of the Eastern Plagueland joined forces and took down the entire southern half of the Eastern Plaguelands. completely recovered.

However, since the Western Plague was still in the hands of natural disasters, Barons Abbendis and Tyrosus could only hoard heavy troops, and with the help of Quel'Thalas, they built a temporary fortress on the banks of the Sodoril River at the junction of the Eastern and Western Plagues. It is used to stop the invasion of the natural disaster undead in the Western Plaguelands.

Kel'thas looked at the huge map hanging on the wall in the meeting room of Sunfury Tower and showed a playful smile. He stretched out his hand and made gestures on the map a few times.

"The current situation is interesting. The natural disasters are locked in the Western Plaguelands from the east and west sides. In the south, there are Dalaran, who is actively rebuilding the city, and the Eagle's Nest Mountain of the Wildhammer dwarves. In the north, there is also Lordan, who has an ambiguous attitude from Garithers. The Lun Restoration Army, the natural disasters on the entire eastern continent are basically surrounded by Andorhal and Keir Darrow."

Osis coughed twice and reminded, "Your Majesty, you can't relax your vigilance too early. According to the information sent by Sandara, there have been some changes in the underground of Dragonbone Wilderness recently. Combined with the reminder left by Duke Theron before leaving, I'm afraid... "

"The underground kingdom of Spider-Man conquered by the Lich King..."

Thanks to the book friends "Sakura, Feiwu", "Laughing at the Prosperity" and "Advanced Virus" for their support.

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