Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 416: Wen Leiba fastball, HIT!

Chapter 416 Vereesa straight ball, HIT!

The portal opened by Illidan should be located somewhere in the Hellfire Peninsula. At least judging from the arid and barren red land around it, Charlemagne's deduction should be correct.

As for Illidan, after sending Charlemagne over, the demon hunter simply ignored his next move and led his army towards the west on his own.

Charlemagne also didn't bother to pay attention to Illidan. Although he knew that what the demon hunter did was right, it didn't mean he would agree with Illidan's approach. The so-called difference of ways does not conspire with each other, and it is the best result to act separately .

Charlemagne used the eagle eye technique to start to check the surrounding vast plains, but he found nothing except the endless barren land and some barren mountains.

"Aoni, change into a dragon form. Let's go to the sky to observe. First, we need to determine where we are."

"Okay, master."

Princess Black Dragon obediently carried Charlemagne and Vereesa up into the air together. After the perspective was changed, the two and one dragon could finally see more details.

Vereesa, who also activated Eagle Eye, pointed to the east and said, "Over there! There are some intermittent city walls."

Charlemagne looked in the direction she pointed, and found some dark ruins of the city walls. The architectural style covered with sharp corners clearly conveyed a message that these city walls were built by orcs.

"The ruins of Hellfire Citadel...So we are in the west of Honor Hold?"

Charlemagne rubbed his chin to roughly judge the current position. If there is no accident, they should be near the Falcon sentry in his memory. After finding the right direction, the next action will be simple.

"Oni, head east, fly to the city wall and we should be able to find the location of Honor Hold. I wonder who is there now?"

Speaking of the five heroes who had stayed in Outland, Charlemagne had an expression of great interest. He wondered if Turalyon had been pulled over by the Great Battery Legion now. Without Aurelia's help, would he have passed by alone or ...with Halduron?

While riding on Onyxia's back, Vereesa looked at the sky in Outerland, which was very different from Azeroth, curiously, and asked Charlemagne beside her, "Why is the sky in Outerland so wonderful? So...beautiful?"

Charlemagne also raised his head to look at the sky when he heard Vereesa's words. The sky of Outland was shrouded in a streamer belt emitting strange light. From the angle of Charlemagne and the others, they could even directly see some large and small beams of light without any cover. A shimmering alien planet, this kind of scene is really hard to see in Azeroth.

"Because Ner'zhul forcibly opened the portal back then, causing the entire world of Draenor to be torn apart by violent space rifts, the original complete Draenor planet is now only left with some broken land floating directly in the universe, so Now we can see this weird and gorgeous sky."

Vereesa looked at the yellow-green streamer in the sky again, and while Charlemagne was also looking up at the sky, she quietly moved her little **** to approach him, and gently placed her head on Charlemagne's shoulder .

Vereesa's undisguised offensive made someone froze all of a sudden, 'Oh my god, I knew that this girl must have some kind of intention in following her so desperately, but I didn't expect her intention to be on me! '

Vereesa sensed Charlemagne's stiff posture, raised her head slightly and said with some dissatisfaction, "What's your reaction? Could it be that you despise me? Anyway, I have many people chasing me now, okay?"


Charlemagne had a mechanical smile on the corner of his mouth, "It's not that I dislike you, it's just that... I'm not used to it."

Vereesa put her head back on his shoulder again, and snorted displeasedly, "Obviously the eldest sister and the second sister didn't react like this when they were close to you, hypocritical, hypocrite!"

Just as Charlemagne's face gradually turned into embarrassment, the black dragon princess under the two let out a dull laugh, "Master, you are too slow, Miss Vereesa's thoughts are already obvious enough, what a pity You can delay it for so many years, obviously Aurelia and Mistress Cirvanas have acquiesced."

Charlemagne looked at Vereesa's pitiful little eyes, and could only relax his body and say, "Okay, okay, I don't bother with you anymore, I really don't know what you three sisters are thinking..."

Vereesa narrowed her eyes and smiled, and leaned on Charlemagne even more blatantly, "Hey~ Who told us that the three of us have similar views on mate selection."

The Hellfire Peninsula used to be called the Tanaan Jungle, but now this arid and desolate land has no sign of a jungle, except for the dry and cracked red soil and some twisted creatures corrupted by evil energy. Can't see any plants.

During the flight, Charlemagne and Vereesa observed more orc-style buildings through the eagle eye technique, and at the same time, after crossing the broken city wall, they finally saw a typical human-style building complex.

Charlemagne stood up from Onyxia's back with some excitement, pointed at the distant one and said loudly, "Look! That's Honor Hold! Ony, fly in that direction!"

"no problem!"

However, when Charlemagne, who was full of expectations, gradually approached the Fort of Honor, a dozen griffins suddenly flew out from the outpost of the expeditionary force, and through Charlemagne, he observed the murderous expressions of the dwarf knights on their backs...I'm afraid The visitor is not good.

"Ah, I see!"

Charlemagne slapped his forehead and said annoyedly, "Black Dragon! Because of Deathwing, these griffin knights have fought the Black Dragon before. When they see Oni, they will naturally enter the fighting state immediately."

Upon hearing this, Onyxia immediately stopped her forward movement, hovered in mid-air and asked, "Uh...then, master, can you make them stop? Although I'm not afraid of these little chickens, it's very troublesome to fight. Yes."

"...let's try, hope these dwarves have heard my name."

Charlemagne stood up from Onyxia's back, and Vereesa let him go sensibly.

With the blessing of loudspeaker magic, Charlemagne loudly introduced himself to the Griffin Knights who were getting closer, "I am Charlemagne Theron, Duke of Quel'Thalas, and this black dragon has no intention of attacking." , can you let your commander come out and talk about it?"

Perhaps Charlemagne's words played a role. Under the superb riding skills of the Wildhammer dwarves, the griffins turned from motion to silence almost in an instant, hovering in mid-air one by one, and only one leading griffin Eagle Knight leaned over cautiously.

The dwarf knight bypassed Onyxia's dragon head, and when he flew obliquely above her, he finally saw the two high elves waving their hands on the back of the black dragon princess.

"Bronzebeard! How on earth did you come to Outland from Azeroth?!"

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