Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 401: Your wife is leaking!

Chapter 401 Your wife is leaking air!

Although the ground troops were the first to charge, it was the more spacious air battlefield that took the lead.

Wearing a full set of high-end enchanted armor, Sara Delei pointed forward with a double-headed sword in his hand and ordered, "Giant Eagle Destroyer, assault! Crush them!"

Accompanied by the eagle-headed military flag fluttering on Wings of the Sun, the giant eagle knights, who had experienced many battles and became more elite, rushed towards the gargoyle in the distance with a ferocious attitude.


A giant eagle knight commanded his companions to grab a struggling gargoyle from top to bottom with its sharp claws, and he fired arcane missiles at the gargoyle.


The gargoyle, unable to withstand the attack, exploded immediately, and the stump under the claws of the giant eagle fell to the city below.


A red figure suddenly passed by the giant eagle knight, and with the flickering sword light, two gargoyles fell down with their wings cut off.

"Red Comet!"

The Giant Eagle Knights present all looked at the red-painted X-series captain aircraft with admiration and unyielding eyes. This person was Aznab who was assigned to the Sunset.

Originally, Aznab's body painting was gold ordered by the Sun King himself, but in the Battle of Mount Hyjal, due to the large number of demons killed by Aznab, the entire body was dyed bright red. , coupled with his action speed beyond ordinary people, the name of the red comet spread like this.

Simply, after the war, Aznab asked Kael'thas for instructions, and asked the members of the Lieyang's maintenance team to paint the machine body in bright red, and the red comet officially became the name of him and his machine body.

On the other hand, there is another captain, Lei. Due to his proficient switching of various weapons, he still has a spotless posture on the battlefield until the end. Therefore, out of the mentality of confrontation, the team under his command called his captain the white devil. .

Under the lead of the two leading mechas, the mecha squads of Lieyang also followed their respective captains to efficiently hunt gargoyles in the air, and it was only a matter of time before the airspace was cleared.

On the ground battlefield, Liadrin led the Dawn Vanguard army to enter the gate of the east wall, followed by the Sunfury and Firewing troops.

When they entered the Elder's Square at the gate of the city, the natural disasters were already in full swing under the command of Baron Rivendell. Seeing the target appear, Rivendell held up the rune sword and gave an attack order to the natural disaster undead in his mind.


The ghouls with damaged vocal cords in the front row hungrily attacked the morning vanguard army, and roared excitedly in a hoarse voice.

Liadrin stood in the middle of the army and commanded Ruoding, "The first team and the second team of paladins go to the front row to raise their shields to build a line of defense. According to the training, link the holy light together to form a holy shield wall!"

"Three teams and four teams are waiting on both sides, ready to attack at any time. The mage team casts a blizzard to delay natural disasters, and don't let these flesh-hungry monsters break through the defense line!"


At the same time, the Sunfury and Firewing armies also led their respective armies to form formations at the rear of the Dawn Vanguard army.

Sunfury is a relatively omnipotent legion, with various professions, while Fire Wing pays great attention to assault, and the number of magic swordsmen under its command far exceeds that of other major legions.

When the Dawn Vanguard Corps stabilized the frontline with the help of their colleagues, the magic swordsmen of the Fire Wing launched their most familiar assault on the weaker right wing of the natural disaster.

"Arcane barrage clears the way forward, charge with me!"

Chris, who usually looks gentle and gentle, was full of fanaticism at this time. As the leader of the army, he took the lead in casting spells and rushed out. The Fire Wing Demon Swordsman behind him also roared with high morale and followed.

The quick-tempered Glantz was not far behind, and he loudly ordered to all the two paladin teams of Sunfury, "Don't let the Firewing Legion fight alone. The paladins stepped forward to cover their assault. The rangers and mages immediately provided support. Save the lives of your comrades!"

When Charlemagne brought the three Windrunner sisters and Lilith into the Plaza of the Elders, the two sides were already fighting in full swing. The weak ghouls in the front row of the Scourge could not stop the multi-layered attacks of the high elves. The lesser high elf legion was pushed back.

Rivendell had such an expression on his face as expected, he anxiously shouted at a giant abomination behind him, "Ramsden! Let your abomination rush into the battlefield, if this continues, the front line will collapse!"

"Anastari, don't hide your banshee troops. If we can't stop the high elves' attack, we won't have a good time. Even if we escape, we will be severely punished by the Lich King. It's time to go all out. !"

"Nerubunkan, send spider monsters for long-range support, and Maleki ask your psychic masters to join the battlefield, and try to suppress them before the air battlefield collapses!"

Baron Rivendell is not an idiot. He can clearly understand the strength comparison between the two sides on the battlefield, and he has not been dazzled by the number of troops that seem to be several times larger than natural disasters.

Even if the quality of the Scourge has been screened and optimized, the inherent weakness of undead creatures cannot be easily compensated for.

It is true that the undead have no morale, so there is no need to be afraid that the troops will flee, but on the other hand, if there is no morale collapse, it means that there will be no high morale.

Stability may be the favorite of most commanders. They don’t seek meritorious deeds, but sometimes they just need such a burst of blood to boost the morale of all their comrades on the battlefield.

This natural disaster cannot be done, and it will never be possible. After all, their lower-level troops are just undead without wisdom. A heroic assault.

With the entry of advanced units such as the abomination and the banshee, the Scourge temporarily stabilized the battle situation, but under the command of Charlemagne, the ranger and the mage chicken thief stared at the banshee and killed it. The Baroness was jumping with rage... no, she had no feet.

Such a conspicuous target screaming and jumping in the rear was of course noticed by the keen rangers. Alleria narrowed her eyes slightly, raised Sasdora to aim at the banshee leader, and gradually drew her bowstring.


The arrow of wind shot by the artifact accurately hit Anastari while she was still yelling at Rivendell, and Baron Rivendell, who sensed the danger, only had time to shout out the word "hide".


Accompanied by a scream, the baroness was sent to the soul by Alleria, and the huge energy completely tore the translucent body of the banshee, and Anastari became the number one natural disaster in this battle. A dead commander.

And, she definitely won't be the last.

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