Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 400: Rivendell: MMP!

Chapter 400 Rivendell: MMP!

It has been a month since Charlemagne and the others returned to Quel'Thalas, and the Solari finally returned to Quel'Thalas under the command of Lianda.

However, there is not much time left for the space battleship to rest. After overhaul and maintenance, the Lieyang will join the attack on Stratholme again.

During this month, the relatively complete framework of the Quellinth Hut has been strengthened and repaired and put back into use. King Kael'thas has mobilized a large number of high elf troops from the country to the Quelinth Hut. Camp around.

Such a big movement certainly aroused the vigilance of Baron Rivendell in Stratholme, but he didn't have a good way to deal with the high elves' movements.

The Quellings hut has become a small fortress after being strengthened with cement. Rivendell sent troops to attack once and not only found nothing, but left behind a lot of dead bodies. He simply decided to stay in Stratholme City.

Although he didn't expect Quel'Thalas to march so fast, he believed that as long as King Alsace returned, the current crisis in Stratholme would be resolved.

Because Alsace took away a large number of natural disaster troops, the total number of natural disasters left in the eastern continent is only about 250,000.

Most of them are concentrated in the Tirisfal Forest. The natural disasters guarding the east and west plagues add up to only about 150,000. Because Rivendell put all the elite troops at the intersection of Colin, there are only more than 30,000 undead troops in Stratholme. , and most of them are relatively low-level arms such as ghouls.

The panicked death knight hurriedly sought help from Icecrown Citadel through the Lich King's control over the dead in his mind, but unfortunately he only received one order.

"Hold on for help."

Baron Rivendell anxiously walked back and forth in the psychic tower in the deepest part of the slaughterhouse, "Waiting for help? Where can help come? The elite troops at Colin Crossing are beyond their reach, relying on these low-level cannibals around the city of Stratholme Can a ghost stop it?"

The most important thing is that Stratholme is a city after all. The narrow street fighting is very advantageous for a few elite high elves.

But he couldn't refute the Lich King's decision at all, and it is true that the Lich King can't summon reinforcements now, and Alsace's large army is still sailing in the middle of the sea.

Kel'Thuzad, who guards the royal city of Lordaeron, is exhausted just maintaining the suppression of the Scarlet Monastery and the Western Plaguelands. In addition, he has to be restrained by the three Dreadlords. Obstacles come to the aid of Stratholme.

Sea route? Wake up, Dai Lin, who has just returned to the country, has sent out his fleet to patrol the coasts of Silverpine Forest and Lordaeron. By the way, he will fight against natural disasters near the shore. Isn't it time to deliver food by sea?

After Jaina's persuasion, Dai Lin temporarily suppressed the idea of ??using troops against the orcs. Now that the war has just ended, both sides need time to breathe. Besides, the undead natural disasters on the eastern continent are still raging in the northern part of the continent, and their backyards have not yet There is no time to cross the sea again after a smooth settlement.

In desperation, Baron Rivendell had no choice but to let all the gargoyles in the city rise into the air for defense, and sent a large number of ghouls and a small amount of abominations and spider monsters to firmly guard the spacious venue of the Elder Square and wait. fighting.

If he couldn't stop the high elves' attack here, he could only take some of his confidantes and turn thousands of miles into Lordaeron. With the intelligence of the undead, street fighting would definitely not be able to defend.

"Damn it! These high elves are too good at choosing the time, but it happened that Stratholme attacked when its forces were weakest. This time I am afraid it will be a bad luck..."

On the side of the high elves, the Sunstrider Wings and the repaired Sunshine have been stationed at the Temple of Daysome. As long as the ground troops in the Quellins Hut attack, they will immediately launch to the friendly forces.

The main forces of this ground attack were Liadrin's Dawn Vanguard Army, Sylvanas' Ranger Army, Charlemagne's Farstrider, and Lilith's Eclipse Army, the two major armies of Sunfury and Flame Hawk. Responsible for assisting from the side.

Lilith's Eclipse Legion is the most important mage legion of the high elves. As the legion leader, Lilith Sun Halo is a proper 8-ring peak magister. The 400 mage troops under her command have cooperated for many years, and the joint spellcasting is very smooth. Here He also played an important role in the Second Battle of Hyjal.

As long as the three armies of Dawn Vanguard, Sunfury, and Flaming Eagle can withstand the impact of natural disasters, the rangers and mages in the rear can calmly pour firepower on the undead army.

At the same time, the mech formations of Wings of the Sun and Sunrise will also provide powerful assistance to the ground troops after clearing the airspace. Judging by the number of gargoyles in the sky above Stratholme... this process should not need to cost too much time.

In the Elder's Square, Baron Rivendell looked at the space battleship appearing above his head with a dead gray face... No, his face was dead gray originally, in short, he had an expression of lovelessness.

Rivendell, who kept a blank expression, turned to his banshee wife, Anastari, and asked, "Didn't the master say that this ship is going to Kalimdor? Why did it come back so soon?"

Anastari sneered, "Are you stupid? This ship can fly, and of course it will return faster than the ships on the sea."

Rivendell yelled angrily, "Of course I know this ship can fly, and you know how to make sarcastic remarks, but you have an idea to shoot down that ship!"

This strategy battle against Stratholme was still commanded by Charlemagne, which made him wonder if his speculation a while ago was too much.

‘Forget it, don’t think about these for now. '

Charlemagne ordered the several legion commanders in front of him, "Liadrin, Grants, and Chris, you first lead your respective legions into the gate of the east wall. According to the information sent back by the Sun, Rivendell is already on the way. More than 10,000 troops were deployed on the square of the square."

"After you enter, you must first find a way to gain a firm foothold. It is best to rely on the narrow terrain to build a defense line. I will bring Lilith and Cirvanas' respective legions into the city to provide support."


Then he turned his head and said to a female elf beside him, "Alice, you go back and report to the commander of the Saladley Army, we will launch an attack immediately, let the Wings of the Sun and the Sunshine follow, and after destroying the gargoyles in the sky, we will attack you." Support from ground forces."


When Alice went out and rode her giant eagle into the sky, Charlemagne waved his hand, "Let's go! This battle will completely eliminate the threat in front of Quel'Thalas, and greatly hit the power of the Scourge in the Eastern Plaguelands! The Sunwell is with us!"

"For Quel'Thalas, for the Sunwell!"

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