Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 396: The visit of the Crusaders (600 monthly tickets plus more)

Chapter 396 The Crusaders Visit (600 monthly ticket plus more)

Regarding the problems in Lordaeron, considering that Alsace will lead the army back to the eastern continent in more than three months at most, Kael'thas ordered the troops who went out to return to the country temporarily, and sent them to Querlin, which was originally the Eastern Plagueland. An outpost was established on the site of the former hut.

This outpost is mainly used to guard against the Scourge undead in Stratholme in the west. Since the army led by Garithos cut off the road from Tirisfal Glades to the Eastern Plaguelands, the Scourge in Stratholme could not be reached. Replenishment of troops, Kael'thas intends to completely eradicate this natural disaster town first.

After all, Stratholme is too close to Quel'Thalas. When Charlemagne and others expedition to Kalimdor, gargoyles would still fly out from this city from time to time to harass the Temple of Dytholme.

Now staying in Stratholme is Alsace's general, the death knight Baron Rivendell. This traitor who betrayed mankind is the biggest pusher behind the spread of the plague to Lordaeron. Without the plague food he spread, An Dohal is not so easy to fall.

At the same time, Kael'thas ordered to inform Garethos and Dathrohan of the latest movements in Alsace, and try to make them prepare in advance.

However, it is hard to say how effective this warning will be. The Scarlet Monastery is deep in the heart of the natural disaster, and it is very difficult to convey the news, and Garithos...that guy probably won't take Quel'Thalas' warning seriously.

After the initial report on military issues, Osis began to report on domestic developments such as the people's livelihood and the economy. Hearing this, Charlemagne lost interest. Although he seemed to be listening attentively, his thoughts had long been Ran to one hundred and eight thousand miles away.

After the meeting, Li Reza stopped Charlemagne, and planned to take Lilas to Yuanxing Town to visit the three daughters today.

"Lilas, the brat...he's always looked listless since you left, and he wants to sneak out of the city to play all day long. It's probably because you took him wild."

Speaking of his youngest son, Li Reza showed a helpless wry smile. As the only male of the Windrunner family and the future head of the family, Li Reza wanted him to be more stable, but unfortunately the progress did not seem to be very smooth.

Charlemagne smiled and said, "Haha, this means that Lilas has inherited the blood of the restless family of the Windrunner family. Why don't we let him return to the southern forest? Anyway, he will inherit the family's territory sooner or later. Let him get acquainted with the southern region in advance. The management mode of the forest is better than being locked up in Silvermoon City, right?"

"Well, I will let this leather monkey pack his luggage after I go back. I don't know how happy he will be."

When Charlemagne returned to Yuanxing Town with his adoptive mother and the excited Lilas, Lisson, who was the chief steward of the territory, had been waiting for him in the office for a long time.

Rommath, Lor'themar, and Valeira have not yet returned from fighting against the natural disaster. The three sisters, Alleria and Onyxia, have returned to the Theron family's mansion to pack their luggage. At this time, Lisson is the only one in the entire office. Wait here.

Lisson bent down and saluted when he saw Charlemagne and Li Reza walking in, "Your Excellency, congratulations on your return from victory. The windrunner councilor has been gone for a long time. Welcome to the Duke of Theron."

Charlemagne walked up and patted Lison on the shoulder with a casual expression and said, "You have worked hard during this time, and you have finally passed this world crisis temporarily."

Li Reza also smiled and nodded to Lisson. As for the brat Lilas, as soon as he arrived in Yuanxing Town, he rushed to the Theron family's mansion with his luggage.

Afterwards, Leeson reported to Charlemagne about the situation of the general's territory. He basically heard most of the important things in the Tower of Sunfury. Only Dathrohan sent members of the Scarlet Crusade to visit Charlemagne. Feel a little surprised.

Charlemagne got behind the desk and straightened his face and asked, "Saidan? What did he send someone to say? Is it related to Princess Calia?"

Lison slightly turned his gaze to Li Reza, who seemed to be asking if he could speak in front of the Silver Moon Senator.

Charlemagne waved his hand indifferently and said, "Let's be honest, the tutor is not an outsider, and she basically knows everything we secretly concealed."

Li Reza took a sip of the Ningshen scented tea presented by the secretary, and sighed comfortably, "Don't worry, I won't tell the Sun King and the council, I just pretend I haven't heard about what happened today."

Thinking of the relationship between the two families, Leeson nodded in relief and said, "Yes, General Dathrohan apparently sent someone to inform Lord Uther and His Majesty Terenas of the tomb location, but in fact he secretly wanted to send Aaron Soth Faol took it."

Charlemagne paused, put down the cup in his hand and asked suspiciously, "Alonsus? Why did Saidan want to find his teacher there? He should know that Alonsus's identity is still shady, right?"

During the Battle of Mount Hyjal, Alonsus also secretly made a lot of contributions to the frontline soldiers. Many elves still remember this powerful priest with a hood.

His holy light with a strong sense of redemption saved many lives on the battlefield. At the same time, the attack methods used by the pastor also left a deep impression on the elves. For the first time, the power of shadow displayed in front of the world.

Leason shook his head lightly and said, "The envoy didn't say the details, but considering the current situation in the Kingdom of Lordaeron, I think...it should indeed be related to that Princess Calia."

Hearing this, Charlemagne put his hand on his chin and thought, "I can trust Saidan's character. He said that Princess Calia is in the Scarlet Monastery. I think it's true, so now he wants to get Alonsus back? yes…"

Li Reza interjected, "It should be what you think. With Faol's influence, he recognizes Princess Calia's orthodox status. It seems that he has no idea about the current situation in Lordaeron."

Charlemagne sighed, "Indeed, although Alonsus had a great influence in the past, it may not be so easy to suddenly admit that a dead person is resurrected. This move is a dangerous move of last resort."

Garithers' current attitude has clearly shown that he has a separatist heart, but there are people who are willing to support him. Presumably this is unacceptable to some generals who are sincere in the royal family.

If Alonsus came forward to acknowledge the legitimacy of Princess Calia, Garithos' so-called revival of Lordaeron's slogan would be untenable first of all. After all, the orthodox heirs of the royal family have proved that they are still alive. If you don't come to express your loyalty immediately Still want to rebel?

Charlemagne bowed his head and thought for a while, then said to Lisson, "You should inform Alonsus about this matter first, and let him decide how to choose. This is Lordaeron's internal affairs, and it is inconvenient for us outsiders to intervene."

"Yes, I will take my leave."

After Lisson left, Charlemagne smiled bitterly and said to Li Reza, "I'm sorry, Teacher, you have encountered such troubles when you came here. Sure enough, even if the Burning Legion is defeated, there are still many troubles to deal with inside Azeroth."

Li Reza smiled and shook her head and said, "There is no need to apologize. It is the most gratifying thing for me to see the growth of you and Aurelia. If you have any plans, feel free to do them. I believe in everything you do. All for Quel'Thalas."

Charlemagne smiled in relief. He walked to the window and looked at the bustling town market below and sighed, "Yes, everything is for Quel'Thalas..."

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