Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 395: tree fallen hozen scattered

Chapter 395 The Tree Falls and the Hozen Scatteres

As the war ended, Kael'thas led the members of the council to the meeting hall of the Tower of Sunfury. The Sun King first asked the army chiefs to count the losses.

Due to being taken care of by the night elves and assigned to the third line of defense, the high elves did not suffer much casualties, at least much better than other countries in the alliance.

With the ancient war tree in front, the high elves have almost obtained the most ideal output environment. Counting the last wave of charge against time, the total casualties of the 2,500 troops dispatched were no more than 500, most of them were only injured, and only 100 were actually killed. Get ahead.

Compared to the thousands of deaths in Stormwind Kingdom and Kul Tiras, the high elves should already be smiling.

But everything has advantages and disadvantages. The high elves who were assigned to the third line of defense made some people in the alliance express dissatisfaction, especially military officers at all levels. They believed that Quel'Thalas, which was supposed to provide support for the alliance, was put in a safe place. The third line of defense is the betrayal of the alliance covenant.

Although this theory is not mainstream, and kings such as Varian and Daelin have also suppressed this fallacy, a trace of disharmony is still buried within the alliance.

Of course, Quel'Thalas is still ignorant of this matter. From the king to the common people, everyone is grateful for the minimal damage in this war.

Kel'thas sighed after the generals retreated, "I owed the night elves a favor this time, and I still have to find a chance to repay them in the future."

Osis and the others nodded. Now that Quel'Thalas has officially formed an alliance with the night elves, I believe there will be many opportunities to have in-depth exchanges with them in the future.

Then Kael'thas began to inquire about the latest situation in the country and the eastern continent. Li Reza, who was in charge of military affairs, stood up first.

"First of all, let's talk about domestic affairs. Under the leadership of Baron Sangunar and others, we have initially opened the road between the southern forest and the Holy Light's Hope Chapel. After obtaining the supplies from Quel'Thalas, the local resident The remaining Silver Hand, under the leadership of Baron Maxwell Tyrosus, began to gradually clean up the natural disasters around the chapel."

"In addition, we have tried to go to the Church of Tyr's Hand in the south. Unfortunately, due to insufficient troops, this road cannot be opened, and the connection with the Western Plaguelands can only be transferred through the dwarves of Ironforge."

Charlemagne's face changed when he heard this, and he raised his head and asked his adoptive mother, "Speaking of which, what about the Silver Hand troops that went north from Nanhai Town? Last time I heard that they opened the road to Hearthglen. How is it now? "

Kel'thas also asked, "And how is the Western Plaguelands now? Where is Marshal Garithos?"

Li Reza reached out to pick up a report from the table, "About the situation in the Western Plaguelands, we just received the latest report today. Marshal Garithos has started to clean up Andorhal after receiving supplies from Southsea Town. , is progressing smoothly, and if there is no accident, this extremely important city will be recovered in at most two months."

Andorhal is located in the very center of the Western Plaguelands. As long as it is occupied, it will be unimpeded in all directions. It will be of great help to the subsequent recovery of Darrow County in the southern part of the Eastern Plaguelands.

Kael'thas and Charlemagne looked at each other, shook their heads slightly and smiled wryly, "I'm afraid it will be difficult. Alsace has already led the expedition of the natural disaster army to return, and I am afraid that they will be killed before Garithos takes it back to Andorhal." Press it back."

"For the time being, I suggest that Garithos stick to the current territory. After Alsace comes back, new variables will inevitably arise."

Charlemagne chuckled secretly,'Heh...I'm afraid Garithos won't listen to our suggestion, that guy is a complete humanist. '

In addition, regarding Charlemagne's question just now, Li Reza also answered, "The Silver Hand in South Sea Town once reconciled with Garithers, but due to disagreement, now Ashbringer Mograine led a large force to forcibly rush forward. Joined Dathrohan at the monastery northeast of Tirisfal Glades, but he left Isilien and Abbendis to help Garithos."

Speaking of which, Li Reza added, "By the way, since the Silver Hand was ordered to disband at the beginning, it was not legal. Dathrohan and Mograine renamed the Knights Scarlet Crusade after obtaining the royal family's permission. .”

"Royal family? Could it be..."

Charlemagne's expression changed, and Kael'thas also looked at Osis beside him with a questioning look.

The evergreen tree of the council said with a smile, "That's right, it is the last member of the royal family of Menethil, the sister of the fallen prince Alsace, Calia Menethil, and now she is just being received by the In the church complex renamed Scarlet Monastery."

Charlemagne lowered his head and thought for a moment. Back then, Alsace was forced to retreat by the first three knights and Benedictus. After that, he didn't have time to go deep into the palace to kill his sister. It must have been at that time. The paladins of the Silver Hand rescued the princess.

Different from Charlemagne’s perspective, Kael’thas was more concerned with politics. He continued to ask Osis, “Then this princess intends to become the Queen of Lordaeron and restore the Kingdom of Lordaeron?”

Osis shook his head, "This is still unknown for the time being. The Scarlet Monastery is deep in the heart of the natural disaster. We have no way to get in touch with Princess Calia directly. The current news is all from Dathrohan and Mograine. .”

Kael'thas sensed something was wrong at this time, he squinted his eyes and said, "Wait, since Princess Calia has released her name, why did Garithos not choose to attack Tirisfal Glades, but insisted on Take Andorhal?"

At this time, Von der Lore smiled slightly mockingly and said, "Hehe, although Garithers said that the true identity of the princess cannot be completely confirmed, but judging by the reason for our disagreement between Mograine and Garithers...I'm afraid This marshal is evil."

Kel'thas raised his brows slightly, "Oh? So he wants to use his military power to seize the opportunity to become king? Do you think anyone will support him?"

Osis replied, "Yes, among the two left by Mograine, Iselion firmly supported Garithers, while Abidis wanted to go to the Hand of Tyr and the southern part of the Eastern Plaguelands." The daughter will reconcile, and there are rumors that the attitude of Tylan Fording, the lord of Hearthglen, is also vacillating."

"The current situation in the original Lordaeron territory, even if the threat of the undead natural disaster is removed, it still seems confusing."

Charlemagne rubbed his chin at this moment and thought, "Garithers, a racist, must not be allowed to be in power, so... what kind of person is that eldest princess? From the Deathwing incident, we can only see that she It's a nympho... But a princess of a country who has been educated by the royal family shouldn't be so miserable, right? '

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