Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 360: where the orcs go

Chapter 360 The whereabouts of the orcs

Charlemagne once thought about transferring the Book of Medivh out of Dalaran, but Antonidas was very confident in the Dalaran barrier he had set up by himself. He believed that it was impossible for the Scourge to break through Dalaran.

With the Eye of Dalaran, an artifact that provides energy for the entire city's barrier, Antonidas does have the capital to be proud, but he didn't know that there was a leader in the Scourge who was familiar with Dalaran's defense arrangements.

Before, Charlemagne had cryptically warned him about Kel'Thuzad's problem, but whenever this genius disciple Antonidas was mentioned, he would show a gloomy and impatient attitude. After repeated persuasion to no avail, he had no choice but to give up.

Thinking of Antonidas' stubbornness, Charlemagne sighed and said to Alleria beside him, "Be prepared, the war will be very difficult in the next period of time, has Lilas arranged it?"

Alleria turned her head to look at the little brother who was tidying up and saluting emotionally, and smiled softly, "Although he was a bit reluctant, he still accepted his fate under the strict order of his mother, but he didn't know that he was used to being in the wild in Yuanxing Town. Can he adapt to the boring life there when he returns to Silvermoon City?"

In the next big battle that is destined to affect the entire world, most of the generals and high-end combat forces will go to the Kalimdor continent, including King Kael'thas and the two representatives of Von der Lore and Solanlian. The remaining four MPs will oversee the country alongside the Queen Mother Giffen.

Due to the large army that the alliance may dispatch, the night elves, or Tyrande, are very vigilant. She does not allow the high elves to directly open the large portal to send the army to Astrana, and Mulgore's magic net is not enough. To open the portal through which the supporting army passes.

In desperation, Kael'thas could only order to send the elves' army to Suramar City to join forces with the Nightborne and the Highmountain Tauren, and Charlemagne would lead a small-scale elite to Kalimdor to find Princess Jaina. The whereabouts, hoping to use this Queen of Kul Tiras to build a large portal that is large enough for large troops to pass through.

But before that, we have to wait for the exact news from Dalaran. According to the information sent back from the surveillance through the secret channel, the Scourge didn't stop at all after leaving Quells, and just marched all the way along the original march. The route returned to the Tirisfal Glades intact, and then continued to enter the Silverpine Forest neatly.

Sylvanas looked at the map hung on the wall provided by Emeril and said affirmatively, "It seems that the Lich King's goal is very clear. Go to Dalaran to capture the Book of Medivh and summon Archimonde." .”

Second Miss has already cleared up the mess in Sandara, and initially rebuilt the crystal song outpost. Ner'zhul was a lot more honest after being beaten to the door by the Dragon Clan, at least he didn't dare to do anything recently.

Of course, it may also be frightened by the terrifying magic power of the high elves...

Sirvanas sent Hawksbill, who had been transferred to the ranger army, to go to Sandara to guard, while he returned to Quel'Thalas with other high-end high-end combat powers to wait for the final information.

Currently, Charlemagne's relatives and friends, except for Garinde and Eleanor who are still traveling around Northrend and don't know what's going on, have basically gathered in Far Travel Town.

The two senior rangers who like to wander around have also been searched by the Sunstrider Wing members stationed at Sandara. As long as they find their location, they will be notified immediately to return to Sandara and directly sent to the Night Fortress of Suramar.


Jaina, who is now highly expected by Kael'thas and other high-level officials, has successfully landed on a deserted island in the east of Dustwallow Marsh according to the map drawn by Charlemagne from memory.

It was still named Theramore Island by Jaina according to the original history. The abundant energy of the magic net made Jaina quickly choose this place as the alliance's bridgehead on the Kalimdor continent, and she sent scouts to explore the surrounding area. Build a Mage Tower at the Ley Nexus on the island.

The scouts exploring the south found the black dragon, and the scouts immediately turned back and told Jaina the news.

Jaina was moved when she heard the news, "Black Dragon? Forget it, let's give up the south and continue exploring other directions."

After the scouts left, she looked at the simple map given by Charlemagne and guessed in her heart, ‘It should be Onyxia’s lair mentioned by Duke Theron, it’s better not to provoke them, and Thousand Needles will give up for now. '

The scouts heading to the west successfully found a passage leading to the outside world. Although the outside landscape was very desolate, they finally found a way out of the swamp.

Jianna asked the scouts to follow the information given by Charlemagne and follow the area called the Barrens all the way north. Sure enough, they found the majestic Mulgore Gate on the west side of a T-junction.

Jaina, who was connected to the tauren, learned of the movement of the orcs who had arrived here not long ago from Chief Kane without any surprise.

"Orcs? Are they coming to Kalimdor too?"

Kane nodded heavily and said, "Although I don't want to believe this, the invaders did bring a group of trolls to the gate of Mulgore, but they didn't attack us, and now they continue to go north gone."

Gianna thought for a while, took out the map from the magic bag and put it on the table in Kane's room.

"Going north... The barren land is not suitable for survival at all. According to Charlemagne's map instructions, the area around the barren land includes an unnamed red land in the east, the Mogaore grassland in the southwest, the Stonetalon Mountains in the northwest, and... Ashenvale due north."

Kane stretched out his left hand and scratched his chin. He pointed to the positions of Mulgore and Stonetalon Mountain with his right hand and said, "Mulgore is impossible, Stonetalon Mountain should not have their traces, we tauren There is a sentry at the entrance of Stonetalon Mountain, and once the orcs enter, there will be scouts to report."

"That is to say..."

The eyes of the two ignored the barren red land at the same time, and Jaina pointed the green jade to Ashenvale in the north.

Kane frowned. "The orcs went to Ashenvale? Ashenvale has been the territory of the night elves since tens of thousands of years ago. If they enter here, they will definitely conflict with the night elves."

"No, we just got the information that the orcs have indeed sent a partial division into Ashenvale, where they are cutting down trees."

A thick female voice suddenly came from outside the door, interrupting their guesses. Jaina turned her head and found that it was a dark female tauren who came in.

Kane asked in a deep voice, "Magasa, have you confirmed it? Then where is their large army?"

Magatha Grimtotem walked to the map laid out by Jaina on the table, reached out and clicked heavily on the map, "The Wyvern has been confirmed, their large force has arrived here, and they are using the fells from Ashenvale to wood to build a settlement here."

The place Magatha pointed to was the piece of red land that Jaina and Kane ignored before, and at this time Magatha's thick fingers were staying at the northernmost end of this piece of red land.

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