Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 359: turn into the wind

Chapter 359 Turning into the Wind

The main gun Genesis of the Solaris was designed by Modant himself, and named after an evil idea proposed by Charlemagne. Modant, the caliber justice party, emphasized on many occasions at the beginning of the design that the large-caliber magic gun should be used as the No. main gun.

Since the entire spaceship provides backup energy, Charlemagne, Kael'thas and others simply let him fly himself, provided that it will not have much impact on the normal operation of the Lieyang.

As a result, this crazy guy simply created a 460mm main gun and installed it on the front of the Lieyang. Due to the aesthetic design, the gun can be stored in the hull when it is not in use. Once the main gun Being released... that proves that someone must be in trouble.

Following Charlemagne's order, a thick and long sky-blue spiral beam of light suddenly spewed out from the barrel of Genesis. Under the control of the flattened hull of the Sun, this destructive bombardment directly aimed at the natural disaster The legion of ice dragons flying in mid-air swept away.


The ice dragon bones specially strengthened by Ner'zhul with psychic spells were smashed one by one like toys under Genesis's main cannon, and they couldn't even resist for a second.

When the dazzling light emitted by Genesis disappeared, only 5 of the 20 ice dragons had slipped through the net and were still flapping their wings in the sky. Alsace, Rivendell and others with big mouths and incredible faces were on the ground. Undoubtedly ushered in a rain of bones.

"This... what is this!?"

Arthas, who had become extremely confident after being infused with the power of the Lich King, uttered a terrified cry with a trembling voice, and the death knight generals such as Baron Rivendell beside him also expressed their fear in a very unified manner. He looked at Lieyang, which was still approaching in the sky.

Even Kel'Thuzad and even Ner'zhul had completely lost their voices. The scene before them made them instinctively refuse to accept the reality.

At this time, Charlemagne, who is the acting captain of the Lieyang, is giving orders loudly, "Report the situation of the main gun, the integrity of the hull, and can the energy supply in the ship keep up?"

"The main gun Genesis is cooling down, and it is estimated that it will take 600 seconds before the next launch. The hull is intact and there is no damage, and the energy is operating normally."


Charlemagne breathed a sigh of relief, and sat back in the captain's seat.

Although the Genesis main gun is powerful, in fact, the shelling just now has exhausted the energy supply of the entire ship in a short period of time.

If it weren't for Quel'Thalas, which has an unlimited energy supply from the Sunwell, Charlemagne really wouldn't dare to order the use of the main gun casually. Cannot make any attacks inside.

This is Modant's extreme design, and only Quel'Thalas dares to approve his unconstrained ideas. After all, there is the Sunwell, the biggest cheat of the high elves.

After calming down, Charlemagne continued to sit on the bridge and ordered through the amplification magic all over the hull, "Open the attack channel, eject the mech squad into the battlefield, and try to clear the entire airspace as soon as possible. Victory will belong to Quel'Thalas!"

"Yes! For Quel'Thalas!"

The rear deck of Lieyang was slowly opened under Charlemagne's order, and two catapults, one gold and one silver, were already standing on the two catapults, and two mechas were obviously the captain's machine.

"After the Aznab and Thunderplanes are ejected, the others follow. Don't let the last five ice dragons be snatched away by Sunstrider."


As the two captain-level mechas were ejected out of the hangar, the jetpacks on the back of the two mechas emitted dazzling arcane light almost simultaneously.

Then the follow-up mechas were ejected one by one, and the 12 mechas formed two teams and pounced on the five bone dragons who had not yet received the follow-up order and continued to stupidly breathe frost dragon breath towards the barrier.

Led by the two captain planes, these flexible and maneuverable air combat mechas launched an attack around the ice dragon according to the preset tactical formation.

The mechas in the front row are holding swords and shields to attract the attention of the ice dragon. A little distance away, there are mechas with long weapons attacking every bit of time. The back row is a few long-range support members holding high-power magic guns to make precise bursts of fire on the ice dragon. .

Charlemagne looked at the land combat mecha in the Temple of the Sun with some confusion, "So why do mass-produced machines have to choose green paint..."

This typical miscellaneous machine painting made Charlemagne unable to complain, but fortunately, the mecha pilots on the Solari are very individual, except for Aznab and Lei's gold and silver captains, they have various colors.

At this moment, Ner’zhul, who finally came back to his senses, hurriedly yelled in Arthas’s head, “Retreat! The high elves are not something we can defeat now, so we should transfer to Dalaran immediately. We must first complete the mission given by Kil’jaeden.” task!"

Ner'zhul himself has personally experienced what kind of punishment Kil'jaeden will have on servants who fail to complete the task. If he fails again this time, he may not even be able to keep his soul. Act again.

Alsace, Rivendell and others all regained their sanity under the roar of the Lich King, and a group of generals of the Scourge hurriedly began to arrange the rear troops and command the undead army to retreat.

If the entanglement with the high elves continues here, it will be hard to say whether the natural disaster can retain enough troops to break through Dalaran.

Charlemagne finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the natural disasters began to retreat. It seems that the power of Genesis just now has made them completely terrified. Unfortunately, Ner'zhul, an old orc who doesn't understand magic machinery, doesn't know that the main gun of the Sunny has temporarily stopped. not available.

"Retract the Genesis and pursue it with the 203mm secondary gun."

After issuing the order, Charlemagne stood up from the captain's chair and looked at a female elf next to him, "How, does Your Highness know how to operate?"

The woman nodded lightly with an elegant smile, "Thank you, Duke Theron, for the demonstration. Although there are still many parts to learn and practice, I probably know the captain's responsibilities."

This woman is Leanda Sunstrider, the real captain of the Sunset, and Charlemagne only actually demonstrated for Lianda the responsibilities she should fulfill as a spaceship captain in this maiden battle of the Sunset. It's always shallow, and there are many places that cannot be taken into account by theoretical study alone. It is most effective to experience it in practice.

As a branch of the royal family, Kael'thas's cousin, she is the most suitable captain of the first space battleship.

Under the command of Alleria and the others below, Liadrin, Glantz and other legion leaders also rushed out of the fortress under the cover of mecha and artillery fire. They led their subordinates who had been held back for half a month Start the assault on the broken rear of the Scourge.

Faced with hundreds of thousands of natural disasters before, the generals really didn’t dare to rush out with their own troops. Even if the soldiers in the high elves legion were more elite than humans, they still couldn’t deal with the terrifying amount of quantitative changes that caused qualitative changes. It's just hitting a stone with an egg.

After Alsace and others withdrew, Charlemagne did not let the high elves chase too far, ensuring that the Scourge army left Eversong Forest, and the elves re-camped next to the broken gate of Salas. It will take some time to pick up the pieces.

The undead wandering in Eversong Forest need to be cleaned up, and the gate of Salas also needs to be repaired to disperse the plague. Now the whole of Quel'Thalas is holding back energy, because a more difficult war is coming.

Charlemagne, who was standing on the rear deck of the Lieyang, looked at the X-series mechas that had started to return and sighed.

"The Battle of Mount Hyjal is approaching..."

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