As a thank-you, Meng Li also bought some fruits for sister Wang, who was very forthright and said that she was OK in the store, so she could take care of Meng Li.

Meng Li is also helpless. The child can't really be taken to work. He can only put it here for one afternoon. The child is more than two years old, and the nursery will accept it.

Meng Li is not going to leave the child at home.

There's no guarantee that the old woman won't take it out with her children at home.

In the heart of the client, in fact, he is guilty of letting the child live in such an environment. After the client leaves, the child has no maternal love.

This time, of course, we have to make up for it.

It's just a day. It's not too expensive to spend in this small town.

Meng Li plans to find out the situation after work.

After entrusting the child to sister Wang, Meng Li rushed to work again. The sun was burning, and it was really hot. Meng Li was sweating all over. He finally caught up and didn't be late.

The work is also simple and single. It's a small electronics factory, and several people form an assembly line. Meng Li's work is the last screw.

Although it's simple, it's hard to keep up with others, at least not to delay.

Meng Li is doing something in his hand, but he is thinking about how to complete the task.

This task is a bit of a headache. It's really grinding to stay in such a home.

You can't just walk away.

Even if he left, Li Pingkai went to the client's mother's house to make trouble, which the client did not want to see.

Even if it happens again, the client is still reluctant to involve his parents.

Meng Li also felt that if he left like this, Li Pingkai's dog would jump over the wall in a hurry, hurt people and do something irreversible.

Meng Li also asked the female workers in a factory if there were nurseries in the town. They said there were two, but they were not sure.

It's reasonable for Meng Li to think that there won't be too many families in such a small town.

After work, Meng Li rushed to sister Wang's store to pick up the child.

The child is still very good, not crying, there are two snack bags at the foot, it seems that the children eat.

Meng Li thanks elder sister Wang, insists on paying her for snacks, and then leads the child away.

Meng Li takes his children to the nursery, which is opened by a retired teacher in the town and has a good reputation.

Teachers see the child, some hesitation, two years old is really too young.

Meng Li just said that the child is obedient, and only during the day, do not care about food.

The child just stood beside Meng Li, timid, small eyes do not dare to look at, the teacher saw the child is not like mischievous, finally agreed.

Meng Li also breathed a sigh of relief, more than two-year-old children need to work hard.

The teacher also said that the meal could be cheaper.

The price is fair. Meng Li is quite satisfied.

Meng Li has no other choice. She and the Li family can't live in harmony. They are really afraid that they will take advantage of her work to vent their anger on their children.

However, after Meng Li made an agreement with her teacher, she found that the money in her hand could not be paid for even a month. In desperation, Meng Li only said that she could discuss whether to give it for half a month.

I'll make it up when I get paid in a few days.

The teacher is good to talk, see Meng Li is a simple factory worker, also don't know what happened, the child also no one to bring her, agreed to Meng Li's request.

Meng Li went out to eat some dumplings and took the child to repair them.

The child is very good. You can eat whatever you give her.

I don't cry and don't eat.

Although the client's salary is low, the price is also low at this time. If the client's salary is less, there is no problem in supporting her and her children.

But Ah!

When Meng left home, she held the child in her arms with her bicycle, and Li's mother was at the door with her head outstretched.

Seeing that Meng Li didn't take anything in his hand, his face collapsed:

"Dawa asked you to buy the meat."

Meng Li just said lightly: "no money."

"No money?" Li's mother seems to hear a big joke:

"you go to work every day and get paid. How can you not have money?"

Meng Li said coldly, "you have to ask your son why there is no money."

Li's mother was so hurt by Meng Li. Of course, she could hear what Meng Li was saying, and her face was full of displeasure:

"when you marry a chicken, you marry a dog. If a man has a little hobby, you can't stand it."

Meng Li: "I don't know if you've ever heard a word. Marry a Han, marry a Han, dress and eat."

"What's the matter? My baby is short of you? Stop drinking? You have no land to live in? "

"You live here every day, or you'll have to climb your mountain. You won't be tired to death.""Marry to our family, count you to ascend high, you still don't like is not."

Li's mother, with her hands akimbo, took two steps towards Meng Li.

Meng Lifu's forehead, how can he be so upright and powerful.

Where does the sense of superiority come from, just because their broken house is at the foot of the mountain, along the road?

"What are you doing? What are you quarreling about? I find that you are quarreling every day. The quarrel is so bad that it makes my fortune go away."

Li Pingkai stepped into the door, his face full of impatience and stink of sweat and smoke.

"That woman is not satisfied with you. She said that you spent all your money and had no money to sell meat. Now she doesn't buy meat and eat it at home."

Li's mother leaned against her son and watched Meng Li Sue again.

Li Pingkai growled impatiently:

"where's the meat you bought?"

Meng Li patted the shrinking child and touched his little face.

"No money, no buy."

Meng Li didn't look li Pingkai in the eye.

Li Pingkai glared: "where's the money? You can't have no money. I saw you had dozens of yuan yesterday. "

"I lent it to someone else." Meng Li said indifferently.

Li Pingkai was even more angry:

"what's the situation at home? You lent it to others. Who asked you to borrow it? Did you get my consent?"

"If I don't teach you a lesson, you will go to heaven, I find out."

Meng Li was also annoyed and said:

"money is earned by me. Why do I need your consent? When you play cards and spend money, do you have my consent?"

"Next time you play cards with my consent, I say you will play, I say you will not play. OK, then what will the money be used for? I'll tell you."

Meng Li looks at Li Pingkai's hand shaking slightly. This is the rhythm of Li Pingkai's hands, and his eyes are fierce:

"I'll tell you, Li Pingkai, don't go too far. If you have the ability, you can kill me today, or we can cut each other with knives, and each one will be counted as one."

Meng Li is not afraid of this family at all. The client is in good health, does a lot of work, has good physical strength, and has some fighting skills.

But she didn't want to do it until she had to.

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