Hearing the speech, Li Mu raised her chin and waited for Meng Li to apologize. Meng Li just stood there and patted the child on the back, indifferent.

Li's mother was ignored and looked at Li Pingkai.

Li Pingkai frowned and scolded, "I asked you to apologize to mom. Did you hear that?"

Meng Li's mouth was full of sarcasm:

"I'm right. There's nothing to eat at home. I don't know what to do."

"Just for a while. What do you want me to cook for you?"

Li Pingkai looked around and didn't find anything to eat, but he didn't feel anything wrong. He took a look at Li's mother and said, "Mom, don't be angry. I asked her to bring some meat back to eat at night. You didn't mean you wanted to eat meat."

Then he told Meng Li, "go to work first. You'll make do with it at noon and bring us some meat in the evening."

When Li's mother heard about eating meat, she looked at Meng Li scornfully. Seeing that Meng Li didn't speak, she decided that Meng Li was afraid:

"go to work, this meal will be enough for the three of us."

I'm not going to eat for Meng Li.

Meng Li pulled the corners of his mouth and didn't want to talk. It's a waste of expression to say one more word with these people.

I also want to eat meat.

Why can't it be so powerful.

Go to the main room, looking at the clock hanging on the wall has pointed to one o'clock, no time, holding the child will be ready to go out.

Li Pingkai yelled:

"where are you going to take the children?"

"I'll tell you that you can't run. I'll take care of you if you run."

Meng Li looked back at Li Pingkai coldly:

"I take him to work."

Meng Li is not at ease to stay at home.

The little girl is innocent. She stays in such an environment every day. When she is two years old, she just shouts mom and Dad, some simple phrases, such as, um, OK and so on.

Grandparents have never been willing to hold this child.

Not to mention teaching children to talk.

When the client went to work, mother Li left her child in the room.

When the client came back from work, cooked dinner and washed clothes, the child had already gone to bed.

When Li Pingkai heard that Meng Li was going to take him to work, he asked unexpectedly:

"can you take your children to work?"

If you can take it away, why leave it at home.

Meng Li just said coldly, "I'll take it to have a try first."

I didn't plan to take her to work. The child is obedient. As long as I give her a place to stay, she won't cry all the time without making noise in her ears.

"Yes, you can tell your boss if you can take your children to work and leave them at home."

"It's better to ask someone to help you women look after their children, so that you can work at ease."

Li Fu's eyes are full of calculation. He takes a cigarette and says to Meng Li.

Meng Li

This family has a big face. Why is it so powerful? Does the boss do charity?

Ask someone to take care of their children?

Li's mother was also a little excited. She said quickly, "yes, people who cry at home all day long are upset."

Without a little girl at home, you don't have to be so upset.

Meng Li coldly glanced at the three people and went straight out of the door.

I don't know.

Do you want to tell the family that it is wrong and wrong to do so?

It doesn't exist.

They never feel that they are wrong. It's up to others. They will never be wrong.

Meng Li understands why the client hates the Li family.

She was upset for half an hour, not to mention the long suffering of the client.

Meng Li put the child on the back of the bicycle, which was tied with a plastic child chair. The bicycle and child chair were given to the client by the elder sister of a factory.

Of course, the consignor also gave some money, which was equivalent to buying a bicycle that others didn't know was 2345.

After learning how to ride a bike, the client didn't have to be so tired. He walked to work, but he didn't expect that after he had a bike, he would be called back by the Li family to cook at noon.

The client doesn't want to go back, but there's no way. If she doesn't go back, they won't give the child food.

Anyway, there are many ways to toss the client.

Meng Li sighed and fixed the child with a piece of cloth.

To the child said to take the child out to eat, said that afternoon no longer at home.

After all, the two-year-old child understood some words and stopped crying. He sat down in a chair. Meng Li got on his bike and headed for the town.

Meng Li is a bit crooked when riding a bicycle. He learned how to ride a bicycle in the first modern task.

It's true that I haven't ridden it for a long time. It's been several years. After two missions, I was delayed for several years.And this bicycle is still creaking. I don't know what the problem is. Meng Li plans to go to the town to repair it after work.

To the town, Meng Li took the child to a noodle shop and ordered a bowl of beef noodles. Meng Li held the child in his arms and touched the child's diaper, but it was not wet.

Now that the child is two years old, Meng Li thinks she can be taught to shout when she needs to go to the toilet.

Otherwise, it's troublesome to pee your pants, and if you learn to call people or go to the toilet yourself, you don't need to wear open pants.

Meng Li cleaned her face in the toilet earlier. She looks like a client from the aspect of facial features, but some of her face is yellow, thin and malnourished.

Face has not come up, Meng Li and the child whispered words, is looking at some things to the child said what.

Chairs, benches, tables, chopsticks, bowls

The child follows Meng Li to learn language. Although he doesn't speak clearly, Meng Li is also very happy. After all, the child is willing to follow him.

It's smart.

When a bowl of hot beef noodles is served on the table, Meng Li's forehead is sweating because of the heat. The noodles are very thin and covered with scallions.

On the top, there are a few pieces of beef as thin as cicada wings, which are very fragrant. In addition, the body is really hungry, so Meng Li doesn't consciously secrete export water.

Meng Li asked the shopkeeper to give him a small bowl. He put the beef and some noodles in the small bowl and fed them to the children while blowing.

Fortunately, the beef is thin and soft, so the child can eat it. At this time, the child also forgets the fear he suffered at home. He laughs with a pure smile and clear eyes.

After eating noodles, Meng Li takes her child to a small store. The owner of the store is Wang, so the client usually calls her sister.

For Wang's clients, they have not only urged them to divorce once, but also for Wang's clients.

He is warm-hearted and sympathizes with the client.

It's one of the few people you can trust.

Meng Li takes the child to the store. Wang Dayan calls Meng Li warmly. Meng Li looks at the time of the store. It's 1:40.

I have twenty minutes to go to work.

Meng Li had a chat with sister Wang, and said that the child entrusted her to stay here for an afternoon, and she came to pick up after work.

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